Does anyone have a listing of all of the parameters accessible in the service menu for this TV and their definitions? Thanks.
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You need to purchase an owners manual from Sony for that information. There are literally hundreds of adjustments and even knowing what each one does hasn't stopped many people from screwing up their sets. Just a friendly suggestion.
The Service Manual for the KDF-50WE655 has very limited information on the parameters. I suppose it is worth the $25.00 but it doesn't contain enough information for a calibration. It only lists the ones that can be changed along with the factory settings for them. Rhe 'factory' settings may not be the settings the set shipped with. It doesn't say what they adjust or how to adjust them. It also doesn't list any of the temporary settings that are useful for repair or adjustment. The service manual has a page on setting geometry but it is so full of typos as to be useless.
I've been told the full document listing all the service mode settings is 400 pages long. Even that one doesn't say what the settings DO. ugh.
The best information I've been able to find is in the GWIII tweaks thread over at This is for the previous generation of Sony RP LCD. This isn't close enough that I'm willing to go and just start changing settings.