I just picked up a working Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8000 DVR. When I hook it up, it says that the box is not authorized for use, and to call the phone number. Is there a way to get around this? I have basic cable (Ch. 1-99) on Brighthouse Networks Tampabay. Thanks!
Cable Roger
Unregistered guest
Posted on
No. The box needs to be authorized since the features like the interactive program guide can be turned on.
Also, by FFC law, you need to notify cable operators of ANY equipment which can modulate/demodulate a cable signal.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
you graduated from thwe university ocf duhhhh, holy crap you got jipped, what monery ypou wasted on? 100 200 300 dfollars?hahahahahahaha buy your tv olegitimantly like everyponeelse.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I got it for free, so shut the F*** up. You need to stop making assumptions, because one day someones gonna punch you in the face and give you permenent brain damage, and then the only college that will accept you will be the university of duhhhh! And I don't call free being "jipped". Thank you Cable Rodger for actually providing constructive thought and energy into answering my question. As for you, I would watch what you say.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I have a Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8000HD DVR. I do I copy things from the DVR to my computer?