Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 182 Registered: Feb-04 | Alex: Your cable box can tune only one channel at a time. It cannot tune in two channels simultaneously, so with your present hookup the PIP will be the same as the main picture. The only way you are going to get a different picture in the PIP is to introduce a second tuner. A second cable box would give you complete choice over both pictures. Failing that, then a high quality two-way coax signal splitter should be installed on the incoming cable line before the cable box. One side of the splitter would go into the cable box, and the other side would go into ANT A on the TV. Therefore, one of the pictures would be whatever's tuned in on the box, and the other would be whatever the TV's built-in tuner can tune in on its own. The picture from ANT A would be limited to only those channels that are not scambled. This would eliminate premium movie channels (among others) and whatever HD channels you get through the box. Actual picture management is covered on pages 34-36 in the OM. My advice is that you reevaluate the importance of the PIP feature, as anytime you split a cable signal with a non-amplified signal splitter you lose signal strength on its outputs. If your signal strength is very good, then you shouldn't have a problem. But if it isn't, you might have some picture issues with it. Then there's the question of what to do with the audio. If you are not using an external audio system for the sound, then the sound from the main picture will be heard through the TV's speakers. You'll be OK if you are using the TV's analog R/L output into the audio system, but if you are using the digital output from the cable box, you will have audio only on the picture generated by the box. Hope this helps. ![]() |
James B Unregistered guest | Hi Alex, I also have the 50v500, and I use the PIC in PIC only for seperate sources. What I mean is on this Hitachi you can have one source be a cable picture, and on the other source I have my PC< DVD< Satilite< or my sons Nintendo as my second screen. If you have standard cable, as well as your set top box, you can split the signal as John suggests, but it will effect the quality for both. Try it, for the price of a cable, it may be worthwhile. I personally prefer the multiple sources as I can watch my show, surf the web, check email without getting off the sofa ;-) James B |
New member Username: SchleppyPost Number: 4 Registered: Aug-04 | Thanks for the info John and James. That helps a lot. Is there a way to test the signal strentgh of my incoming cable line? Or should I just split the cables and compare the PQ afterward? Also, the line coming to the house runs through splitters that Adelphia (BOO!!!) installed on the outside of the house to our seperate rooms so isn't adding my two way splitter the same thing? I have an RCA splitter, it's all gold plated but I'm not sure how high quility it is? I got it while ago. I really didn't use the PIP too much on my other Hitachi but I watch a lot of sports and I have used it at times i.e. during NHL and NBA playoffs. I know my 1st priority is to have the DVI signal to get the best picture quality, PIP or not. So I'll have to see how the splitter changes things. Thanks for the help guys. |
Bronze Member Username: Harbinger77Nashville, TN Post Number: 22 Registered: Jul-04 | Hey Mas Leibman It's Fredzky again. Wondering if I could trouble you with a follow up on your 8-15-04 reply. You were helping me with drivers for using the DVI input to plug my pc into my 50v500. Well I followed your instructions and installed the driver you attached via link. Thanks a ton for all your help. I do have a few strange occurrances I thought I would run by you. BTW, if you feel it would be better to start a new link on this, feel free. I went out and spent $100 on a new 2 meter DVI cord and plugged it in. I switched the video input to line 1, and the tv said 480p. My pc image looked absolutely razor sharp. However,everything on my screen was WAY bigger than it should have been, and most of my desktop, icons, toolbar etc. were cut off. I went to the moniter settigs to see if I could change them, and it was stuck on 800x600. I figured your driver would fix that issue, since it would tell the moniter to use the correct resolotion. So I installed the driver. A few things happened. When I rebooted, the tv said 1080i instead of 480p. I got excited thinking that would look even better, but it didn't. The images on the screen looked substantially softer, even though they were all much smaller than when using the wrong driver. The desktop and windows screens looked like they were in the proper size, but when I went into my moniter settings, it still said 800x600. Also, any of the videos I had saved to my hard drive, were automatically cropped. Apparently they were affected by the driver change too. The last thing that I thought was strange, was when I loaded up a game I play called "FarCry". It's a very graphic intensive game, and when I loaded that game, the tv display changed by itself back over to 480p.(which it also did with the other driver) So gameplay looks incredible which is great. Everything else, however, reverts back to the 1080i, which I think looks worse than 480p. I think the term is "image artifacts". i firmly believe the lower picture quality issue is releated to the fact the tv is automatically switching to 1080i, instead of 480p...but I'm pretty sure there is no way to over ride that. I'm stumped my friend....any suggestions? Did you have any of these occurrances? I would be willing to use the wrong driver and stick with the 480p if it didn't cut into all the images on the screen so bad. thanks again for all your help |
New member Username: Erik_dWashington Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-04 | Anono, Let me check the box when I get home tonight and I'll let you know the make and model of the TV stand I bought. Comcast brought the HD box yesterday...Stunning! A couple things though; when I called to ask that they bring a box with HDMI output they said, "ok no problem" but when the install guy showed up he said, "We don't have a box that supports HDMI yet. We have DVI, but not HDMI". Oh well, component out will have to do for the time being. The installer also told me that Discovery channel didn't have an HD station yet, in fact the guide he left with me didn't list one either, but when I was scrolling thru the channels I came upon DHDTV, and guess what, it's HD Discovery channel (their logo is even on the lower right of the screen!) Thanks install guy, any other help you can offer up? Also, I'm running the optical "digital out" of the TV to my Onkyo receiver and while watching station 105 (which has the Olympics every night in high def) there are frequent intermittent interuptions in sound which start to drive me nuts! It's just a split second of no sound and then back to normal. I also frequently hear what sound like crackling noises or subtle "pops" which just may be the digital optical picking up everything, even minute sounds not heard thru RCA connections. Has anyone else experienced this? If I start to hear interuptions on other stations, I'm calling comcast to come back with another box. Thanks for the PIP info John S it actually helped me as well! Erik. |
New member Username: SchleppyPost Number: 5 Registered: Aug-04 | I have found this forum to be more informative than anything out there. Nothing better than to hear from people that own the product. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on which settings are the best to get the best PQ from standard broadcasts. I have played with the different aspects/settings for a few days now and am having trouble deciding. Has anyone come up with a set up that is clearly better than the others. I don't mind the side bars so much in 720 and 1080 but the wife isn't to keen on them. So I've mainly been on 480, which at times isn't great. I haven't tested the splitter yet to see any difference there. I'll post what I come up with. Also, while watching Gangs of New York last night on Starz HD I noticed every now and then a gray pixel would appear then go away. It occurred mostly in the top and bottom where the black is for the letterbox. Anyone else seen this? If it continues then service tech will be OTW. |
New member Username: Erik_dWashington Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-04 | Anon, The make of that TV stand is Tech Craft and the model that fits the 42V710 is model DLP48X (funny how it's model name begins with "DLP", coincedence?) The manual has a phone number for customer service 800-661-7030, maybe you could call them to see where you could buy one. Alex, never saw the pixel out as you mention although for you 4:3 watchers note; I noticed in my owners manual that Hitachi suggests no more than 15% of your viewing time to be that of 4:3 standard mode, "to prevent uneven aging of the phosphors. Phosphors in the lighted areas of the picture will age more rapidly than the grey areas." Erik. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 183 Registered: Feb-04 | Alex: Go ahead and try the splitter. You can't hurt anything and it might work fine. Don't forget to do a channel scan on ANT A (see p53 in the owners manual). Then of course pay particular attention the condition of the HD channels to see if the splitter is causing problems. A few months ago, I had some picture freeze/pixelation on HD channels. The cable co. replaced the HD box and, probably most importantly, installed a line amplifier (15 dB) before the split into the four cable boxes in my house. That took care of the picture problems. Erik: Last night I had some momentary audio dropouts on both the NBC Olympics feed and the PIT/PHI game on ESPNHD (ahhh...feetball in HD). I am using the coax digital output from the box into a digital audio receiver. I wouldn't be so quick to blame the cable company. It could be your cable, but I'm betting it's a problem with the satellite feed, since I have the same problem. Also, I am extremely confused by Hitachi's warning on excessive 4:3 viewing. I can find no such notice in my 50V500 manual. I thought one of the big advantages of LCD sets was no burn-in. Or is your 42V710 a CRT-RP? |
Bronze Member Username: UwishhAlberta Canada Post Number: 15 Registered: Aug-04 | John, Erik, The 7xx series of PRTV from Hitachi are LCD based screens, there is no worry about burn in. I think it is most likely a case of Hit using other RP tv manuals and not proof reading when removing / adding relevent info on the actual model. |
New member Username: Erik_dWashington Post Number: 4 Registered: Aug-04 | John, Simon's right in that the 42V710 is a LCD projection based TV. As far as the burn in goes, I found the owners manual on-line, take a look at page 23 of the manual: John, I think you're right about the feed problem, I don't seem to have the same issue with any other channels. Last night on HD2 they had an underwater scene of little sea creatures, like little shrimps and starfish etc, backed up with 5.1 audio of like classical music, it was extremely cool to see in HD and no audio interuptions! It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen on a TV! Erik. |
Unregistered guest | JOHN S: I could use more info on cable line splitting. Right now I have Comcast cable line coming into house with a 3-way splitter to TVs in three rooms, including my 50V500. I've been bugging Comcast for nearly a year to get HD in my locality; I live about 35 miles outside a major city where Comcast does offer HD (I have digital cable now)--but no HD in my community yet. Eventually I want my cable line split 4 ways--one for HDTV, 2 for digital cable, and one for cable broadband to computer. I take it this is doable with a line amplifier? Would there be any degradation at all for HDTV signal? Thanks. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 184 Registered: Feb-04 | Simon: Right after posting my CRT question above, I visited my favorite big box retailer to see what's new. They had a 42V715 on the floor, and it was obvious this was an LCDRP set. The difference between the 710 and 715 is something I don't know, except to say it may be that the 715 has an HD tuner and the 710 doesn't. Their mark-on-floor was a pricey $2700 for the 715, which would support my theory. I agree that this warning on 4:3 viewing must be an anomaly. Still, it gives one pause as if this is true--along with the TV's weak black level--the LCDRP system's future is bleak. This is especially true in view of the PQ on the JVC 3-chip LCoS on their floor. Mighty impressive, I must say. There's some buzz on the set on this forum, and justifiably so. But we're still talking liquid crystals in either system. The difference is that in the LCDRP, the liquid crystals are expected to block a powerful light aimed through them when black is called for, which they cannot do completely. In LCoS, the light is reflected off the crystals rather than through them, which makes for truer black production. But I've been around the block more than once in these matters, so there's bound to be some downsides on this system too.... |
Bronze Member Username: UwishhAlberta Canada Post Number: 16 Registered: Aug-04 | John, My understanding is the 715 is like the VX500, like the directors series or something like that. I think the tech is identical in the 710 as to the 715. Also, I to have heard some good stuff about this LCoS stuff and it looks promising to say the least. However, I have heard that on the Hit 8xx series LCDRP they have made even further strides to black levels so only time will tell. At least now, it appears like mores law may now be applicable to RPTv's as well as computers. Lately, it is getting more and more difficult to keep up with all the new Tech, models and versions that seem to be leaping from the labs to retailers...good news for all of us TV junkies! I can't wait for the next 5 to 10 years when I get another set to see what Tech is out there at that point. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 185 Registered: Feb-04 | Erik: For some reason, I can't download the owner's manual on your link. But I will take your word for their warning on 4:3 viewing. Wouldn't the marketers of DLP sets love to get some mileage out ot this? I have found the Hitachi owners manuals to be adequate in most respects, but woefully incomplete in others. Case in point the PIP hookup explanation. Here, they suggest you run the line outputs from a VCR (mono, for cryin' out loud) into Video 4, with no other explanation on hookup whatsoever. Very lame, which is why I couldn't blow Alex off to read the manual on his PIP problem. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 186 Registered: Feb-04 | Simon: Back in 1994, when I was selling video on the floor of a big retailer a customer smugly told me he wasn't buying until the new higher definition TV's hit the market. I gave him my card and told him to ask for "blue boy" 'cuz I'd be holding my breath. We do indeed live in interesting times. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 187 Registered: Feb-04 | DZ: The short answer to your questions is yes, all your dreams can come true. My currant situation is four digital cable boxes throughout the house. One of them is HD capable. In addition, there's a broadband line into one computer which has considerable speed. All this worked well until I had picture issues with some channels on the HD box. As I said above, the cable guy the exchanged the HD box and installed a line amplifier. After, my HD picture issues went away, and everything else remained as before. Keep bugging Comcast for HD service, and ask your neighbors to do the same even though they may not know what it is. Good luck ![]() |
New member Username: JedimasterLos Angeles Post Number: 6 Registered: Jun-04 | I had a similar problem: I have Comcast as cable broadband and cable TV, running a splitter from the main cable from the post , one going to my office computer, the other into the living room. All of a sudden I started getting the smudging effect on the TV ( 50V500 ), but at different times, on different channels, so I knew it was not a TV problem. Or I was changing channels and some of them would hang with a big " This channel will be available imediately ". One thing that was weird and I thought I screwed up the box: I turned on the TV and the cable box at 5 AM, and nothing was on the screen, but all sorts of letters and numbers were written on the cable box display. The power button would not work, so I unplugged it and plugged it back after 5 minutes. Same thing happened. Called Comcast and they said that they were doing " firmware upgrades" at that time, and if the problem persists, to call them back. After 2 hours everything worked, except I was getting the smudging effects. I called Comcast and set up an appointment. The guy called before he showed up and asked questions. Lucky me, I got a smart guy. He told me it may be a signal problem. Two seconds after he looked at the cable, he asked for the original order and asked me who delivered the box and install it. After a minute ( while he was already working on changing the cable going to the TV ) he made a call to the supervisor. The idiot that came and delivered the box didn't bother to check what cable was running into the house ( one of mine that I had available, very cheap stuff ), and he was supposed to change it. After the cable guy changed BOTH the splitter and the cable, the problem went away, and even the quality of the non-HD channels improved A LOT. AS John S sais: keep bugging them if something is not right, and hopefully, you get a tech that knows what he is doing. Ask them to change the cable even if they say it's not necessary. And if you wake up one morning too early for even the rooster to sing, and if you get errors on the cable box display like: d06, h u n t, E02, that means they do some upgrades. I wonder how they did that ... my box was powered OFF the night before ... something to think about, they really do know what you are watching and when you are watching. |
New member Username: SchleppyPost Number: 6 Registered: Aug-04 | Last night the pixel problem was much worse at times on Showtime HD. Looks like I'll be calling the cable guy for a visit. I also noticed that it seems to only happen (so far) when I am in 1080i and the program is in letterbox. Which was the case last night. So I guess that was actually being broadcast in 720p??? I haven't had it happen yet on an HD channel with the fullscreen. John, What cable company do you have? I have Adelphia and have has some problems with their service. Was there a charge for them to come out and install the line amp and was that something that you specifically asked for or did they automatically know that would cure the problem. I did however finally receive some good news from them. They are addding 5 new HD channels next week. ESPN HD!!!!....doesn't get any better than that. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 191 Registered: Feb-04 | Alex: I have WOW! Internet and Cable service (formerly Ameritech), a competitor to Warner in this area. The original installer was faced with a difficult installation on many levels at my house and he lacked shall we say, people skills. In retrospect, a line amp should have been installed then. I complained about the HD video dropout problem and a service call was scheduled. I got the feeling they sent their best guy, because he was in and out in half an hour. No more video dropouts and even the SD channels improved marginally. No cost for the service call. ESPNHD is great, but bear in mind that a lot of their video is pillar boxed standard def. Due to cost, not all the games and highlights are shot in HD. Until just recently, even the studio produced Sports Center was in 4:3 SD. That's the bad news. The good news is American Chopper is now in glorious High Definition! (On the HDNET channel I think.) |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 47 Registered: Mar-04 | For those that want to go SAT... Direct Tv just added BRAVO in HD to the package. So now I get 5 HD channels (plus SHOWTIME) over SAT and 3 OTA. STARS is suppose to go HD later this fall on SAT. For those with line amps...are using the powered ones or just the screw in ones that do not have an external power supply? My OTA has external power and my SAT one doesnt. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 195 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan: The line amp referred to in my above post required external AC power. I don't think you can achieve a 15 dB boost (as in my case) without it. The original installer split the cable to the four rooms just inside the basement crawl space--exactly where the line amp should go. Fortunately, there was an AC power outlet nearby. |
New member Username: JedimasterLos Angeles Post Number: 7 Registered: Jun-04 | Bryan, I get probably one message a day from the Direct TV guys trying to make me switch to them. I called. The package is awesome: 4 rooms receivers all Philips, plus after 5 months I get a free 5.1 receiver and speakers. All for $ 49 / month. The problems are however: the guys I talked to and asked them questions had no motivation whatsoever. The tech support is the worst ever. If you cancell the subscription, they make you take down the antena and mail it back to them, at your own cost. And even if you include the cards in the boxes, they will claim that it wasn't there ( their own people steal the cards ). I had two friends that told me that it happened to them. I would stay away from Direct TV, personally. With Comcast cable, combined with the broadband, I pay $ 110 a month, but I get way more then only 5 channels of HD. And they are prompt ( except for the phone service ), when you call them. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 48 Registered: Mar-04 | EA, I have Cox Cable here....absolutely the worst service I have had in 13 years...cable modemn was always "falling off" line (at my apartment and then my house)... cable went out at least once a week for no reason, no after hours help. Drove me they raised their prices again while reducing service. Oh well. I now have another TV has a "pink" hue to it on all channels and the DVD player. This is my replacement TV for the first one. The PQ was fine when I went to bed last night. Get up this morning, turn on the news and wham... pink everything. Checked all my setting and to now tint on everything... time to call SEARS and give them another piece of my mind. |
Bronze Member Username: UwishhAlberta Canada Post Number: 17 Registered: Aug-04 | Bryan, If you have a v5xx it is a SM fix. The software on this model is causing some issues, it takes about 5 minutes to do. There is a post earlier in this forum that explains in detail what to do (or at least check on). This is a known issue. |
Bronze Member Username: UwishhAlberta Canada Post Number: 18 Registered: Aug-04 | B, Found it I will paste here Unregistered guest Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 03:23 pm: Tech solved my problem in 10 min. using SERVICE MENU Sears tech came out yesterday to check my pink-hued picture which kicked in about 10 days ago on all inputs. Tech was an older guy, worked on TV's all his life, and was highly familiar with the new generation sets since Sears sells so many of them. He said by far the most common problems with 50V500's are software related vs. parts malfunctioning. He hasn't even had to replace a lamp yet on a 50V500, although most units haven't been in the field that long. Best guess on lamp life is ~5000hrs which equates to 3 years usage at 4-5 hrs viewing time per day. Having TV in a well-ventilated position can prolong life. Now about the service menu...something the manufacturer DOES NOT want the home user to mess with and probably for good reason. An unknowing consumer could screw things up royally by adjusting values, kind of like messing with the registry on a PC. But I watched the tech's workings like a hawk and took notes...he was good about it. The service menu is highly technical with several dozen parameters and code values. To fix my color problem the tech went to LCD DRIVE on the menu and adjusted the 3-character codes for SIG-C-R, SIG-C-G , and SIG-C-B. (menu navigated by using the remote's 4-directional round select button) Somehow my codes had become faulty, possibly from static shock or a power blip when the problem initiated 10 days ago(altho I use a surge protector with TV). The codes for these parameters were showing "000" whereas the correct code was "01D" (zero-one-delta). If the problem ever occurs again, I would now know how to fix it. My suggestion for smart 50V500 owners would be to at least know about the service menu and know how to access it. I wouldn't change anything unless you have precise technical guidance. One neat the top of the service menu is a meter which displays hours of usage of the set. Mine was at 1573 hours; all of this time totally problem-free until the color glitch occurred on Aug. 7. To display the service menu, have the TV off and be sure the cooling fan has cycled off. On the TV front panel, press and hold the INPUT button and the POWER on/off button at the same time. (My set was on ANT B when the tech worked on it, so I don't know if ANT A/B makes any difference) As soon as the picture comes on with the service menu overlaid, let go of the buttons. If you hold the INPUT button too long it will remove the service menu after a couple of seconds. That's also how you turn off the service menu by pushing the INPUT button again which serves as an exit. A final note for board poster "DJ": You panicked and ended up screwing yourself. There is no widespread power supply problems with 50V500's; I doubt that was even the problem with yours. So now you have an inferior Samsung DLP. Good luck. BTW, my tech said the DLP's are having a bigtime problem with a moving part called the "color wheel"...the RP LCD's have no such part in their projection process. Hitachi is a highly respected name in the consumer electronics world, while Samsung is known for one word: CHEAP |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 49 Registered: Mar-04 | Simon, Thanks for the post...I tried that right after I luck. I had my fingers crossed... this is my second tv...SEARS replaced the first one. I called the service number and they are calling me back. I also went into the store...they remembered me and asked "hey hows the tv"... I could not have asked for a better set up....gave them an ear full. They are calling the owner (franchise store) to see what he will do for me. I also asked about upgrading to the 60V500 since the 50v500 seems to be having some serious issues. Have to wait and see. First tv died during hockey playoffs and now this one during college football... I am really unlucky...Bought the first one in March 04. Still like the tv, just wish the bugs would pack their bags and leave. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 50 Registered: Mar-04 | well the tech is suppose to come out tomorrow..hopefully he will only fix it this time and not break something else in the process. Will keep you all posted when I find out what went wrong. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 198 Registered: Feb-04 | Best of luck bryan. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: UwishhAlberta Canada Post Number: 19 Registered: Aug-04 | Maybe you should try to wrangle a 700 series model out of them, its just an update to the 500 series. Has same LE but I hear some bug fixes. I have had my 50v500A since Feb (only about 8 months) and love it. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 51 Registered: Mar-04 | John S Thanks for the support...its bad when the customer service phone tech remembers you and your problems. 6 months, 3 problems and my second tv (2 1/2 months old)... I hope this is the last problem. Simon Hope your luck holds out. I love the TV, just tired of the problems. When she works, she is great but when/if she gets an attitude she gets a big one. |
New member Username: SchleppyPost Number: 7 Registered: Aug-04 | John S Do you think an in-line amplifier like the one Bryan is referring to would work? There is no AC power access outside before the split. Is it something that could be done by the TV after the split where I have AC power? Looking forward to the kickoff of the NFL season tonight and this weekend. I sympathize with everyone that has had problems. I have an AV receiver that is currently being "fixed". It's frustrating when things don't work. Especially after paying big $$$. |
Unregistered guest | First of all this is a great forum, have been following since I found it last July. I know this is not the right place for this post, but it is in reply to the ones dealing with CATV issues. Please move it if it is not appropriate. Digital transmission on CATV brings new constraints to the wiring and hookup of coax cable. First of all I will only use Quad Shield type coax RG6 (it has multiple layers of shield and braid resulting in a higher percentage of shielding). Quad refers to the number of shielding layers, less expensive coax has 2 layers a tape and metal braid. The RG6 refers to the overall size and cable signal loss characteristics (RG6 is a larger center conductor and has less loss). Yes RG6 may be an overkill at the back of the set and be bulky, but the less signal loss the better for me. (other type is RG59) (Belden type 1189a) Secondly, make sure any splitter used is capable of handling the total frequency of your local cable broadcaster (at least 864 MHz top is a safe choice). Putting connectors on coax is at best a learned talent. The barrel type connectors that are clamped with a hex shaped tool are a thing of the past. Most companies are using connectors that work similar to pipe fittings (let the cable company do this if you can). Some companies still use the hex crimp type connectors inside the home and use the sealed type outside. Crimping any connector with a pair of pliers or a rounded tool is asking for trouble. Inexpensive coax cable has to go. Several companies mandate that for any digital TV or cable modem installation the installer must replace components from the street hookup to the point of use (sometimes even requiring a new buried wire). Try insisting on a complete wire replacement if you are adding digital service or modem (keep in mind that wire installations done in the past 10 years may already be up to standard). Keep the jacket of the coax intact, any point for water to enter will cause severe problems. If nicked or cut (after installation) get it spliced and sealed as quickly as possible as water (moisture) will migrate along the shielding. Splice barrels (F81) the little silver threaded connector you find in the wall plates or to splice two cables together. Get a quality part. The longer body versions do not work as well for digital. I do not remember the exact dimensions but the correct ones are about 3/4" long (for the techies in the crowd... the longer body units have longer contact springs inside that do not keep as good tension on the center conductor as the short ones). An overlooked problem: Digital cable requires that the drop cable have no severe bends. The minimum bend radius must be greater than 6" (never use a right angle coax fitting). Look for any locations that the cable is bent at a tight radius to go around or over structural members. This requirement brings a new problem, how do you get a 6" radius inside a 3 1/2" wall space? Instead of using the standard wall plates that have the cable at a 90 to the wall surface, I buy the modular plates and plugs that mount the connectors at an angle. Another solution is to let the cable just extend out of the wall plate hole. Never try and put a coax connector plate in an electrical box that does not have an open back (standard electrical boxes are closed with wire openings). A note for CATV service calls... Insist the technician open every fitting between your TV and the pole and inspect the integrity of it. Years ago when I was a cable tech, I would fix service calls that nobody else could simply by checking the line all the way to the pole. If I found evidence of water or moisture in the fitting, the device (splitter or barrel) would be replaced and the cable cut back till I found no evidence of corrosion, sometimes requiring the whole span be replaced. Inspecting every fitting also means that each one will be tightened up again, lots of times the problem is the fitting has come loose. This means having to track the wire into attics basements and crawlspaces too. Well, more than I intended to say but I hope it helps some of you. I have a question for the forum: Has anyone had any trouble with the Hitachi 60V500 sets? I am about to order one now that the prices have bottomed out. |
bluejazz Unregistered guest | hi people all this messages in here helped a lot to made my dicision to buy 50V500 i think im gonna pick one up next week but my concern is my viewing distance is only 8 feet away is it too short to watching 50"? am i gonna have a problem with screen door effect? anybody have a same or even shorter distance as i do? if you have an answer i will be happy to hear it : ) and one last question? anybody having a big problem with tv set? |
Unregistered guest | bluejazz I read that the viewing distance should be 2.5 - 3 times the diagonal size of the TV so for a 50" set, 10' 5" - 12' 6" At 8' you are getting close and it will be more noticeable on standard programming. Maybe somebody can sit that close for you and comment. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 52 Registered: Mar-04 | John S and Simon, well the tech fixed the TV in 20 minutes...storms here in Eastern N Carolina caused the computer to go Ape Sh!t...had to reset all the codes in the service menu. I guess I need to invest in a Uniterrupted power supply...any suggestions on which one? As for viewing the 50 in at only 8 feet...I sit about 9 1/2 away and it looks great. Go to the store and stand 6 feet away...if it looks good to you then 8 feet should not be a problem. |
Unregistered guest | Hey Brian... I posted some info on UPS a few weeks ago and it got no response. I would not plug in any AV equipment without one. I prefer APC. They are all I use in my business as a network consultant. If you go to they have a refurbished Smart-UPS 700 for $89.99 + shpg. This unit should do the trick for all your AV. With all the concern in this thread about monster cables and the like, you would think this would be a purchase anyone would make immediately. In my opinion it's a complete no-brainer! There is damage done to equipment not only from surges and spikes but from brown outs or low power too. The UPS keeps the power clean and between 92v and 132v. Some units allow the user to set the limits themselves. I love my 50v500a and luckily have had no problems. Hope this helps! Scott |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 53 Registered: Mar-04 | Scott thanks for the info. I think it was a brown out that got me since the clocks did not reset but the lights did dim a couple of times. Has anyone used a FM filter on their OTA HD ant? Just wondering if it will help or hurt...I get a pixeled signal now and then. Thanks. (it is already amped, can I amp it again?) |
James B Unregistered guest | Hello Bluejazz, I am only 9' away from my 50v500a and it is not too bad with HDTV or DVD, however the crappy quality of cable looks pretty bad. I do not see much of the screen door, barely any at all. Enjoy your set. James B |
Bronze Member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 19 Registered: May-04 | Old cable engineer, I have the 60v500a. I have had it about 6 months and no problems. It is a great set so far. My only problem is dish network. They sold me a defective 811 hd receiver, and are unwilling to replace it. I get freeze frame on hd channels. They tell me it is a software problem they will be fixing. What a rip off!! Customer service is terrible. I have had more service issues with dish network than I care for. Quite frankly they SUCK!!! They have me over a barrel, I cannot get direct tv, and cable is not an option for me. I am going to file with the better business bureau. Anyone else having problems?? |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 202 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan: Great news about the TV repair....except that cancels the upgrade to the 60" plan. I don't know about UPS's, but I am using a good surge protector, the Tripplite Isobar 6DBS. A friend at hhgregg 'burned' it out for me for $50+tax. Got the cable going into it as well. The other day we had the bedroom TV on and there was a terrific bump through the cable line, which knocked out all three non HD boxes. Even the boxes not turned on were going ape. Very scary. With much fear, I went down to 'My Cave' to check on the 50, which wasn't on. That box was OK. And so is the Hitachi, although I hate to think what might have happened if it were on at the time. bluejazz: The July/August '04 issue of Sound & Vision suggests the rule of thumb on minimum viewing distance equals 2 X screen diagonal. So, at 10 feet the 60" wouldn't be too big. At 11' my 50 is OK, but I wish I bought the 60 now. But if you're going to be watching at 8', maybe the 50 would be better. Yes, there are some screen door moments, particularly on dark low contrast scenes. Not a huge issue for me, as it doesn't happen too often. Alex: Sorry not to answer sooner about the line amp. I wouldn't be messing with one of those unless there's picture problems, in which case this is the responsibility of the cable company. So I'd give them a chance to correct the problem before playing with a video amp on your own. |
New member Username: JedimasterLos Angeles Post Number: 8 Registered: Jun-04 | Mark, Ditect TV is as bad as the dish network when it comes to customer service, if not worse. If cable is not available for you, try this link: They are new, and I don't know anyone who uses them. I am sure there are forums about that though. |
bluejazz Unregistered guest | Thanks a million to John S,James B,bryan barber and AnOldCableEngineer for your post : ) since i have a small living room one of my friend say "why dont you get a plasma?" and i think it would be great idea too money that i spend for a 50V500 i can get a 42' Panasonic or Hitachi 42' plasma...(now im in big hole ![]() also i'm in canada so even 50V500 gonna cost me almost $4200 after tax ( i wish i live in state ) now have to decide which way i should go .. what would you do if you were me? Thanks from bluejazz |
Bronze Member Username: MasPost Number: 12 Registered: Aug-04 | Hey Fredzky sorry for the very delayed respons I was in the process of writing up a nice FAQ when I came across this posting on Avsforum: 0 I havent tried it yet but will today. It looks like he has solved the overscan issue which I was still fighting with. Lets cross the fingers ![]() Let me know if you need help getting this to work. Cheers, /Mas |
Bronze Member Username: UwishhAlberta Canada Post Number: 20 Registered: Aug-04 | Bluejazz, Be carefull what you wish fore...I have seen 50v500A's in Canada for as low as $3299 including stand and taxes... |
bluejazz Unregistered guest | Simon Would you give me more detail about that? if you wish to e-mail me please do so . my e-mail is or you can post here thanx ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: UwishhAlberta Canada Post Number: 21 Registered: Aug-04 | I was in Visions in Lethbridge last month, they had the 50v500A on for $3089 including the stand. The extended warranty was negotiable but usually they will throw that in for a marginal extra fee (around $100). The 5xx series are getting more difficult to find, Hit released the 7xx series which is basically the same model (same screen, LE, form factor, case etc) but with some bug fixes. Not sure on there price tho. And believe it or not, I usually find high end stuff cheaper up here than in the least from my experience. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 203 Registered: Feb-04 | bluejazz: If you end up looking at plasma TVs, make sure you pay attention to the pixel count, or native resolution of the display. There are some cheaper EDTV (Extended Definition) models which don't come close to the minimum native resolution required for 720p, and nowhere near the pixel count required for full resolution for 1080i. The native resolution on any fixed pixel (non-CRT) system is expressed by a horizontal by vertical figure, such as 1024 X 768. The minimum native resolution for full resolution of 720p is 1280 X 720, and for 1080i it is 1920 X 1080. Technically the industry standard for HD labeling, the display must have 1) an aspect ratio of 16:9 and 2) a minimum vertical resolution of 720 or higher. That standard does not, however, require a minimum horizontal pixel count. (Both the older Hitachi LCDRP V500s and the new models have a native resolution of 1280 X 720.) |
New member Username: JedimasterLos Angeles Post Number: 9 Registered: Jun-04 | bluejazz, I've had my eyes on plasma displays as well. Unless you get a high end model ( over $ 7,000 ), it is really not worth. Costco sells some Akai, Visio and other brands for as low as $ 2,200 for a 42" including the stand and speakers. The quality of the picture however is grayny, even though they are second generation plasma TV's. You may be better off with a flat 42" LCD TV from Viewsonic. Not cheap ( over $ 4,000 ) for a 40", but way better quality than plasma, and still not as good as the Hitachi. As to the stand of the Hitachi, has anyone tried to change the glass shelves with some sturdier or thicker ones ? All the stuff I have is very heavy, the receiver, LD player, dvd, vcr and cable box, and both the bottom and top shelves bend. As I have it now, I put a book under the bottom one and the floor and a piece of wood between both of them. Looks tacky, but at least it's straight. |
Bronze Member Username: MasPost Number: 13 Registered: Aug-04 | The other issue with Plasma to consider is burn-in. This might also indicate a greater potential problem - permanent brightness loss over time. (I know that some new sets use a subtle jitter to counter the effect so that may be an issue of the past?) Either way, I use my XBOX w/ my HD and won't get anything that might get burn-in! ![]() EA - man I can't agree with you more about the weakness of the Hitachi stand shelves! I'd dare not put anything heavy on it w/out additional support - which is lame. The glass bends easilly and would no doubt break holding anything more than an XBOX, STB and DVD player. (This is why Erik bought the 3rd party unit that actually has much better support for the shelves.) There's also not enough height support for my receiver. I might just have to remove the top shelf and build a support for the bottom... anyone have any bright ideas? |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 204 Registered: Feb-04 | EA and mas: From back in the archives on this thread, check out Vernon Martzin's solution to his sagging shelves. |
bluejazz Unregistered guest | Wow its so nice to have a people care about each other in this forum . thanks again to Simon, EA , John S and Simon for your reply ![]() i just got a phone call from my friend (who own the electronic shop in Toronto)he said he sold his last set of 50V500 ![]() anyway all the info i got made me forget about the plasma (thanks for your comment) now what im gonna do is wait for 50VS810 to arrive i heard it's best LCD TV as you can get well i didnt like the price tag but i guess you get what you pay for...right? anyway anybody seen this unit(50VS810)in real? if you did did u like it? |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 54 Registered: Mar-04 | Bluejazz, Where in Canada? Have you thought of crossing the border to get a deal?...not sure what the exchange rate is...left Detroit many moons ago. Just an idea...Good luck |
Bronze Member Username: UwishhAlberta Canada Post Number: 22 Registered: Aug-04 | Blue, I have seen the 810 models, look very nice. Improvment on the blacks over the 5xx series. Unfortunately, the price is always high on new models. You will still get a better deal buying it locally. London drugs in Med Hat and Futurshop both have one of these 8xx series. Looks very impressive. The form factor is even slimmer than the 5xx, it almost looks like a plasma, never seen a RP tv so thin (I thought the 5xx series was about as thin as it could get!). New LE and other bells and whistles, I think it also comes with built in HD Tuner also but I doubt this would totally illiminate the needs for a STB. |
bluejazz Unregistered guest | Siomon i went out and did it (50VS810) didnt even see the real unit ..but i bought it.. tho he said its gonna delivery to me on friday i dont know i got the good deal or not (seems like u always find better deal ![]() anyway i hope i like it better then what i saw on the web let u know soon as i get it |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 205 Registered: Feb-04 | bluejazz: I just saw the 50VS810 at my local big box retailer, and the black cabinet/stand looks nice. They were doing some rewiring in their display room, so the TV was not on. I'm sure the picture is very good, though. They didn't have a price tag on it yet, but the guy told me it will be $4000. Don't know if that includes stand. How willing they will be to "deal" on this price before the holidays remains to be seen. The one thing that bothers me is that this new set has a highly reflective glass in front of the screen that might be bothersome in some rooms. I would hope this screen is removable. Best of luck. ![]() |
New member Username: BluejazzToronto, Ont Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-04 | john s Thanks for your reply again ![]() and what i heard about that glass screen is it's gonna cover the all the screen effect you get with LCD screen and make it more look alike Tube Tv quarlity (believe it or not ![]() well we'll see on friday i get excited to get brand new tv and i worry... too though... right now im using 4yrs old SharpVison projector to watch movies and this tv im buying is gonna sit on my new living room anyway i got 50VS810 for $4399.00 + 15%Tax which is $5000.00(Canadian Dollars) without stand Retail price was $5999.99 +tx so i guess i got the pretty good deal ( i think) |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 55 Registered: Mar-04 | Does anyone get HD OTA? I get it but yesterday ABC was bouncing between HD and standard during the same show (My wife and kids)? I think it was them or the TV is acting stupid again. Thanks. |
New member Username: SchleppyPost Number: 8 Registered: Aug-04 | Well I had a visit from the cable guy yesterday about my pixelation problems w/ HD channels. He tested the signal and it was very weak after passing through two splitters outside. They are going to run a second line to the house to hopefully fix the problem. I asked him about the line amp and he said that only the type that plugs in would work for me. Since the split was outside that was not an option. I was supposed to start receiving 5 new HD channels on the 8th but to date have only gotten two of them. I now get HD Net and HD Net movies. I have been less than impressed with the programming so far. The other three are supposed to be available "soon". So no ESPN HD yet. I'm sure I'll get it right around the time football is no hockey!!! So for anyone that is having signal problems due to multiple TV's/Splitters then a second line may do the trick. |
New member Username: Erik_dWashington Post Number: 7 Registered: Aug-04 | Hi Alex, I'm glad to see it helped your signal, because I'm having similiar problems on my 42V710. Only on certain channels (local HD channels, not InHD, InHD2, discovery HD theatre or ESPN HD) do I get some pixelation in some areas of the screen as well as frequent audio interuptions. I've got at least two splits not too mention a 90degree coax elbow, which I'm sure doesn't help... If my problem continues, I'm calling comcast cable and inquiring about a second line or line amp... Erik. |
Unregistered guest | I just bought a 50v500a and I am not so happy with the picture. I have searched everywhere for my problem, but I can't seem to find any mention of it. When watching DVD or standard television and in scenes that aren't bright, the color gradients are not smooth. It's like a picture in 256 colors. The effect is so obvious that my girlfriend noticed it and she is no videophile. I have tried everything I can think to do to eliminate the problem. I do not have an HDTV signal hooked up to it yet. Is this a problem with my set or is this something that can be fixed? Any info would be greatly appreciated, as I am tired of reading forums and reviews with no mention of this. |
New member Username: JedimasterLos Angeles Post Number: 10 Registered: Jun-04 | Aaron: Here is a link from the archives: I wouldn't call it 256 colors though, it's more like VCR quality. The DVD that you have, does it have at least component out ? Use those instead of the regular RCA cables and see if there is any difference. Also, Radio Shack sells HDTV antenas from $ 29.99 to $ 199.99 Or just get cable or dish, and make sure you ask for the hdtv package. |
Aaron S Unregistered guest | The DVD player is a relatively new Sony. I am using the component cables. And it really does look like 256 colors (in the low light situations.) People's faces do not look real. Everything looks great except for the color gradients in those situations. The TV is recognizing the 480p. That link takes me to the "HDTV boot camp". Is that where you wanted to send me? |
Bronze Member Username: MasPost Number: 14 Registered: Aug-04 | I used my XBOX w/ Svideo output as a DVD player for a short while with this set and while I didn't notice the dithering issues you speak of, I can tell you that switching to a true progressive output DVD player _will_ make a tremendous difference. You might try tweaking the TV's black-enhance level, noise reduction level, and color mode. Either way, if you want to get the best picture out of your nice new TV, then you should invest in a progressive scan DVD player. (There are lots of them for < $100.) (I think EA sent you that link so that you could read about the perils of standard-def content when viewed on an HD set.) |
Bronze Member Username: MasPost Number: 15 Registered: Aug-04 | I might have miss-read here - sorry about that. So you do have a progressive scan DVD player? What is the DVD you are watching? Does the same problem occur with other DVDs? |
New member Username: Jonny668Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-04 | Yes, the DVD player is progressive scan (the TV confirms this by displaying 480p.) It happens on all DVDs (though some seem worse) and is terrible when watching standard television. Nobody would put up with the image quality (and certainly not for $2500) which makes me think there might be some problem, but I have no clue as to what could cause this. The "perils" of std def content are pronounced (especially since Directv compresses), but this color problem seems to be a separate issue (especially since it occurs with the 480p source.) |
Bronze Member Username: MasPost Number: 16 Registered: Aug-04 | Have you tried adjusting noise/black/colour levels? Otherwise it sounds like a defective unit (perhaps a malfunctioning LE?). If you are lucky, a service rep might be able to fix this through the service menu. (Or you could try fiddling yourself.) I'd get them on the line - you definitely aren't seeing anything normal. Cheers, /Mas |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 211 Registered: Feb-04 | aaron: I have noticed some of the what I call "posterization" effect on faces in low light DVD scenes--along with some "screendoor" effects during the same conditions. There seems to be some variance in DVDs; some are worse than others. Maybe all fixed-pixel TVs have similar problems. (Many DLP TV owners have complained about "clay" faces.) Since these defects are fleeting, I'm not bothered too much. I know there are some cutting edge TVs out there that do not have these sorts of problems--but it must be noted their price tags have an extra digit on them. |
Bronze Member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 20 Registered: May-04 | Aaron, without seeing your sets performance, it is hard to say. I have the 60v500, and I too am not pleased with the picture quality on most programming. My dvd player has a great picture, and HD programming is super!! Regular tv has something to be desired. Until you can see your tv perform like it is designed to perform (HD programming), I don't know that you will ever be completely pleased. You may have other problems, but a good dvd player, and HD service will help you tolerate the poor regular tv picture. Good luck...Mark |
New member Username: Jonny668Post Number: 2 Registered: Sep-04 | I just got everything to set up the HD (antenna and HDTV DVR), so we'll see how that goes. I have tried every adjustment imaginable, but nothing improves the picture. I guess I'll head to Video Only and see if they can play some DVD footage for me and I'll compare. Thanks for your help. |
KRAYZ Unregistered guest | All the HDTV's at FRYS have a fuzzy look on fast moving objects. Try watching a basketball or Wide reciever. Does your HDTV do this at home on HDTV signals? I noticed it on DLP, LCD and regular rear projection HDTV with the 3 guns. Thanx |
New member Username: Jonny668Post Number: 3 Registered: Sep-04 | OK, HD is up and running. I've got Directv HD and broadcast HD. Both look better than the DVD, but the 256 color-like look is still apparent (though much better.) My friend came over and agreed that the DVD looks like crap. To make matters worse, the HDMI output on my DVR seems to be broken. |
Bronze Member Username: JedimasterLos Angeles Post Number: 11 Registered: Jun-04 | It seems that the TV is bad, see if they will take it back. |
Anonymous | I have been reading all the comments with great interest. I want to purchase a LCD HDTV around Thansgiving, I currently have a 11 year old 35" RCA and want to get the 50" widescreen. I have dish network digital signal and DVD progessive scan, most of what I watch is the network programing, until Dish upgrades to local HD programing. I have narrowed my selection to the 50" Sony, the Hitachi 50V500 and the 50" Panasonic. The Sony was ruled out due to limited outputs, I need to operate my headphones and would like the option to use my surround system on occasion. The Panasonic is slighlty cheaper and has a PC input, but my tendency is toward the Hitachi. It also sound like I could hook a PC up if I so desire as well. I want the higher quality of a LCD HDTV, but have got to keep everything simple for my wife to operate, you know turn on, change channel and volume. Any help for the experts would gratly be appreciated. I'm thinking the tvs will be on sale around Thanksgiving with some good 0% interest deals. Should I try to get the extended waranty? I am building my own entertainment center, so I don't want the stand. |
Bronze Member Username: MasPost Number: 17 Registered: Aug-04 | Well here's my opinion ... :D Hitachi makes lots of LCDs. In fact, they make the LCD's for Sony's LCD RP TV amongst many others. I don't know anyone with a Panasonic ... they are a decent brand, but I think there's a reason they are a little cheaper. Beyond the LCD itself, it is also important to assess the quality of the set's image processor. I liked the Hitachi's abundance of memory settings, ease of tuning, and great image out-of-the-box. (I've also heard that Sony is having a bit of a bulb problems with their sets.) The Hitachi has a DVI-D connector on it and I have my Windows XP Media Center PC w/ an ATI 9600Pro video card hooked up to it right now running 1200x700 res. (This res is best to avoid much image loss due to overscan.) It looks just stunning!! ![]() You can get a good deal on a 50v500 now that the new models are out, or you can get a new model with improved brightness for a little more $$. (How much that is worth is up to you and your pocketbook.) Most stores (e.g. Video Only) have 0% interest deals all the time. I went ahead and got the extended (5 years total) warranty for around $250. I figure one bulb replacement will nearly pay for that, so its almost guarenteed to pay for itself. As for sound output options - that really depends on what your sources are. Sound output from the TV is only important if you are using tuners in the set. (The 50v500 has dual-standard def tuners built in that I've never used.) If you have DirecTV and a set top box, then you want to just pipe sound directly from the STB to your receiver. Hope this helps! /Mas |
Bronze Member Username: JedimasterLos Angeles Post Number: 12 Registered: Jun-04 | Anonymous, DO NOT get the Panasonic. I was at Circuit City for a whole hour fiddling with the settings, and whatever I tried, it did not even come close to the Sony. And the Sony, only the high end Wega comes close to the Hitachi, when it comes to quality. The Panasonic does have a VGA input, but the quality of the HD is so bad, I couldn't take it. The sales guy blamed it on the fact that they split the signal three way. I asked him to take out the other two signals, he did, to no effect. The Sony, look closer, looks so cheap, it puts the brand to shame. The Hitachi has an DVI-D input ( I use it to connect the cable box to it ), but it can be used as a computer input, from a DVI out of a video card. Although most forums will say it's not possible, it is. Mas Libman did it, and soon will I. See previous posts on this. Be carefull on the building of the entertainment center, the sides of the TV look like they drop 1/2 an inch, to fit into the stand. Extended warranty ? As an x-sales person I say no, but it's up to you. If the warranty for 5 years costs you more than 7% of the total cost of the TV, it's a NO. By Thankgiving, the price should drop as well, considering the fact that Samsung came out with a DLP based LCD. I saw it, looks good, but for $ 2000 extra, I wouldn't buy it. Good luck. |
Ramblin Reck Unregistered guest | I appreciate the fast input (I signed on as Anonymous by mistake). EA mentioned that the set has a 1/2 inch drop - I don't understand. The unit I am building is 72" long and 24" deep made out of oak with a flat top. It will have glass doors with shelves for my DVD, Dish etc and compartments on either side. Does anyone see a problem? |
Ramblin Reck Unregistered guest | I just did some research on my laptop computer that I planned to use with the Hitachi. It is a dell computer with windows 2000 and has a TV to computer cable. The output is S video, composite video connector and S/PDIF digital audio connector, plus I have the standard audio out. In addition, I have a wireless keyboard and mouse that I can use with this computer. I will be getting SBC Yahoo DSL next Monday and my thoughts are to placed the laptop inside my cabinet with the wireless pad on top and use the wireless keybaord and mouse for internet or games. It would probably work with my current RCA until I get the new one in November. This just makes the Hitachi my number one choice. There seems to be a lot of comments about problems, but it also sounds like the Hitachi is so amazing that it worth the plunge. One last question, would it be better to pay more for the new models just out, hoping they have fixed a lot of the small quality problems, or if the new models are the same go with a reduced price model before the Thanks giving rush? Thanks again for the help |
Ramblin Reck Unregistered guest | I just did some research on my laptop computer that I planned to use with the Hitachi. It is a dell computer with windows 2000 and has a TV to computer cable. The output is S video, composite video connector and S/PDIF digital audio connector, plus I have the standard audio out. In addition, I have a wireless keyboard and mouse that I can use with this computer. I will be getting SBC Yahoo DSL next Monday and my thoughts are to placed the laptop inside my cabinet with the wireless pad on top and use the wireless keybaord and mouse for internet or games. It would probably work with my current RCA until I get the new one in November. This just makes the Hitachi my number one choice. There seems to be a lot of comments about problems, but it also sounds like the Hitachi is so amazing that it worth the plunge. One last question, would it be better to pay more for the new models just out, hoping they have fixed a lot of the small quality problems, or if the new models are the same go with a reduced price model before the Thanks giving rush? Thanks again for the help |
New member Username: SchleppyPost Number: 9 Registered: Aug-04 | Erik, I would definately call your cable company to come out and test the signal. Mine was out yesterday to do some work and it seemed to help. He said they replaced some kind of connectors in our box by the street but haven't ran the second line yet. But there was a bit of an improvement with the problem yesterday. My problem tends to happen when they cut away from a program or scene and you get that moment of a black screen. I get grey pixels when that happens. Ramblin Reck.....I would recommend this TV to anyone. I agree with most of posts that the Standard Def picture isn't great but the HD and DVD picture is unbelievable. I have noticed on the SD channels that a lot depends on the quality of the broadcast. For example, some regular channels like WGN and the network channels (FOX especially) at times are very poor. But all of the SD HBO channels come through very clear, almost DVD quality it seems. I've read before that the Hitachi is very sensitive to the quality that is input to the TV. i.e. Garbage In, Garbage Out. I'm sure it's that way with any TV but it seems especially true with this TV. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 56 Registered: Mar-04 | For those wnating a 50v500...SEARS ahs them on sale $2999 plus if you use your SEARS CARD they take another 10% off... total cost $2700. The sale is from Sep 23-25. ![]() |
Ranblin Reck Unregistered guest | Problem with Sears their credit card is 18-19% I prefer to wait until CC drops price to $2700 and get the 24 months 0% interest as well |
Bronze Member Username: MasPost Number: 18 Registered: Aug-04 | I've said it once and I'll say it again. Video Only. They have it for cheaper and they have 1 and 2 year 0% interest deals. I got my set, stand, and 5 year warranty for $2700 TOTAL. Erik got his new model 42" set there for $200 less (I think) plus a more sturdy stand. Cheers, /Mas |
New member Username: SchleppyPost Number: 10 Registered: Aug-04 | For those in the Cincinnati/Dayton area, I would recommend REX. I purchased mine over Father's Day weekend. They had a sale and some type of deal w/ Father's Day. I got the TV for $2499, glass/metal stand for $180, and the 3yr warranty for $149. So out the door for roughly $2800 plus tax. Not as low as some deals now but this was also in June. They did offer 1 yr 0%. Another bonus was they said I would have to assemble the stand myself but when it was delivered it was already done. Very pleasant surprise since modular furniture and I don't get along well. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 57 Registered: Mar-04 | John S, Have you seen the new SAMSUNG DVD players? Supports 1080i/720P with DVI or HDMI output... wonder if they are any good. Anyone try one of these on their 50v500? If so what was PQ? |
James B Unregistered guest | Hi Bryan B, I had the Samsung with the DVI and I took it back, I got instead a Denon DVD 2200 and I love it. You can read my comments in this newsgroup above. James B |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 58 Registered: Mar-04 | thanks. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 227 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan and James B: The new Samsung top of the line DVD-HD941 looks like a nice unit, with SACD/DVD-Audio, HDMI out, and Faroudja DCDi technology. Currently $300 on amazon. There have been reliability/quality issues with Samsung players in the past, so I'm a little iffy on them. I have not seen any of the new units on the street. I really would like the Denon 2200, I think, but I have a problem parting with $500 for a player. |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 59 Registered: Mar-04 | John S, I feel the same way about the $500...since it lacks a DVI or HDMI output. The real question is when will DVD's come out in 1080i format. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 228 Registered: Feb-04 | bryan: The value in a DVD player upconverting to 1080 or 720 remains to be seen. There could be some incremental improvement in picture quality, but we're still dealing with a standard definition 480 format that has its resolution limits. It seems to me the question could be whether the scaler is better in the player, or in the TV it is feeding. High Def video discs is something we can look forward to, but it could take a while. See and,aid,116846,00.asp A key paragraph in the last link reads "Whatever format they come in, blue-laser DVDs aren't likely to appear in significant quantity before late 2005, at the earliest. And they probably won't be common, or inexpensively priced, in this decade. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 229 Registered: Feb-04 | By the way, the world's first home theater projection TV? |
Bronze Member Username: Bryan_bNew Bern , NC Post Number: 60 Registered: Mar-04 | John S, Where I can I buy one?? ROFL... ![]() |
Murray Unregistered guest | sometimes when i turn my tv on its in purple and green , then i turn the dvd player off and on a couple times and it will start working, ive tried turning the tv on and let it warm up before turning the dvd player on but that does not help in some dvd movies the picture looks fuzzy and i hoop there nothing wrong with my setup does anyone know why my setup is coming in green and purple and is it comin to have fuzzy picture ( more on light backgrounds ) I have the 60v500a with a denon 2200 dvd player and i would think with the kind of money i spent on this setup it should be crystall clear any info would help, thanks. |
Bronze Member Username: MasPost Number: 19 Registered: Aug-04 | I wouldnt waste any money on a DVD player that outputs to 720p or 1080i. The original format is 480p so all you are getting is a stretched image - something your TV can already do just fine. ![]() Murray .. no offense but try breaking up your post into legible sentences. This isn't the want ads - You aren't being charged by the character here. ![]() The image problems you describe sound like something only a service technician can fix (hopefully through the service menu.) There are posts in this forum on how you can get to the service menu - but i would avoid that unless you know EXACTLY what you aree doing. |
Bronze Member Username: MasPost Number: 20 Registered: Aug-04 | One more comment Murray. If turning the dvd player off/on a few times (sometimes) fixes it - i would definitely call the service folks out. That just doesnt sound right. |
Bronze Member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 21 Registered: May-04 | I have the 60v500a, and the other day I thought I had a stuck or bad pixel, then it moved, and moved again. I finally realized I had some kind of flying bug inside my set. I guess it has since died, probably from light exposure, and my picture has returned to normal:} I will not be upgrading my dvd player anytime soon, as I am completely satisfied with my pioneer, until they come out with a true HD player, and discs to match. Over and out! |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 230 Registered: Feb-04 | Mark: Please see my note to Simon about bug in the TV. The little flying bad pixel's gone now but I know it can happen again, and I don't have any idea how to prevent it. Spray insect killer around the room? A few weeks ago I saw the PIO 563 at BB for $117. I'm still kicking myself for not buying it. Of course they're gone now. |
Silver Member Username: John_sColumbus, Ohio US Post Number: 231 Registered: Feb-04 | Murray: The other day I got quite a scare when I turned on the cable box and saw a sickly purple and green picture. Played a DVD and the picture was fine, so I disconnected and reconnected the component lines at the box and the TV. (Hey I'm using good monster lines here.) That took care of it. I would check your lines from the 2200. So the question is does this problem happen when you're watching regular TV through your cable/sat/antenna (whatever you have)? |
Bronze Member Username: JedimasterLos Angeles Post Number: 13 Registered: Jun-04 | This is funny ![]() I too have a bug in the TV. I noticed two nights ago, a black spot on the lower left side. I blamed it on the kid, thinking it was some chocolate smudged over. Went to clean it, the sucker was still there, hah. I went on to watch the movie, and the spot dissapeared. Then again, 5 minutes later was back, this time higher up, in the middle of the screen. I couldn't see any legs or wings, just like a small ( but annoying enough ) black dot, a 1/4 of an inch in diameter. Now it's gone. Bugs do crawl in through the rear vents. Nothing we can do about it, since can't close the vents with any sort of tape. |
Bronze Member Username: Mr_lynchSeattle, WA Post Number: 28 Registered: Sep-04 | That is pretty funny to hear about. Maybe a piece of grill cloth or some screen door material would help out. Now I'm curious about bugs climbing in though the vent of my set. I'm pretty sure they would get toasted on that hot lamp though. |
Bronze Member Username: 78vette2Augusta, Ks. US Post Number: 22 Registered: May-04 | John S. the pioneer 563 is what I have, and I think it is awsome. I know it doesn't cost a million bucks, but I am more than happy with the picture quality, and especially the music playback. It kicks butt! I will wait until there is a true HD player and discs to match to buy another one. I would highly recommend the pioneer 563 to anyone looking for a modestly priced player with HUGE performance!! And yes it does appear that the BUG is DEAD!!...Mark |