You walk into Best Buy and tell them you are thinking about buying a DLP rear projection TV. They then mention that you'll also want to get: TV stand, all the cables, protection plan, power noise filter, etc.
I'm trying to figure out what the intial cash outlay I'm going to have for this purchase. In your opinion, of these accessories, what is the most to least important of the above list (plus any others I missed.) Is there anything I can go without? I'm already planning for the new furniture and game system to plug into it.
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I would buy an uninterruptable power supply suchas a Belkin. It would have at least a 550mA capacity. It should help with line conditioning, surge protection, etc. I would also consider a protection plan. Cables are the most oversold item there is.
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FACT - per Business Week article dec 22, 2004- BEST BUY makes 18 times the profit margin (50 to 60% per item) on average for the extended warranty than the underlying product. Last yr, 1/2 of all BEST BUY'S operating net income came from these warranties
Bottom line its a total ripoff
BEST BUY employees however will use every dirty trick in the book to make sure you buy that warranty, including for example saying the TV is now possibly out of stock (a delay tactic usually), hiding or misstating facts about the manufacturers free in-home service warranty, or before letting it leave the store they will claim they require their "techs" to look over the (soon to fall apart) item, or calling over layers of sales people to make the pitch
Favorite line is as follows: "Did you know after 30 days if this item breaks, you own it"? I heard this line so many times, I suspect its in the training manual.
Not only are such extended warranties a ripoff, they don't cover 1/2 of what you think they cover