If fta systems can't deal with nagra2, what do you think of what they say about max2000 here? http://www.saveandreplay.com/dvb-Products.asp
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plokk i won't even go there, many sites have claimed the same thing... it's all B>S
Unregistered guest
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That's my question too. is there any chance the Pansat 2500a could be flashed in the future to support nagra2?
largo key
Unregistered guest
Posted on
there is rumor that the pansat5000 will very soon be capable of receiving DTV and Nagra 2 through support from www.pansat.tv exclusively
Unregistered guest
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FTA Receivers will not be receing Directv signals as Directv does not encrypt their stream with a true Mpeg2 encoding such as that used by Dish Network and Bell Expressvu. Using FTA for DTV simply isn't going to happen.
largo key
Unregistered guest
Posted on
copy/paste from a well known coder...
The present Nagra1 system and the card image on the ROM cards is what FTA IRDs use for duplicating the decryption process. This is done by copying the ROM image to the FTA unit's EEPROM, very much like writing to a card. BUT, because the IRDs EEPROM can only be accessed by the serial port connected directly to a computer, that means that the EEPROM code cannot be changed through the stream like what happens when DN sends down an ECM and screws up the card. This makes FTA units very stable and less prone to ECMs and TV just keeps going and going.
What's important about Nagra2 is that it's more secure of a card and harder to access. However the Nagra2 ROM image can still be used on an FTA IRD, providing that the IRD has adequate memory and hardware functionality to support the new Nagra2 system.
The good news is that Nagra2 has been hacked. This guarantees that FTA will be around a long time. I am not 100% certain what this means to all present FTA IRD owners. In the case of Pansats, the 2500 will need a minor chip replacement, which shouldn't be more than $100 to get the 2500 Nagra2 capable. The chip will be ready when Nagra2 is ready and Nagra1 is no longer in the stream. I believe that the older 2300 IRDs may not even need this mod to be capable of dealing with Nagra2.
The new model 5000 won't need any modification and based on what I believe is good information, Dave will be in for a surprise very soon too and there won't be diddly he can do about it except to change out all the cards once again. The new Model 5000 will be capable of decrypting either Dave or DN but not both as I understand it. The days of hashing are going to be a thing of the past. It may take a little time to tweak the bins written to the IRDs but it won't be long until Dave runs out of options. My theory is that the ASIC HAS BEEN CRACKED. I can't see any other way of doing it. But, if I really knew for sure, I'd be in jail now. Just stand by. The coders are the best in the world.
GUYs THE FTA USES A CHIP CALLED ATMEGA128 to decryt the signal, IF THE ATMEGA CAN'T BREAK IT, OR SOMEHOW A WAY TO EMULATE THE WAy the card works, it cant be done, the atmega chip can emulate a rom3,10,11 for nagra1 but no idea how a flash/eeprom can emulate a rom 101-102-103(yellow ones. but as we know "theres always something"
Unregistered guest
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well, the pansat manufacturer desided not to release with the proper tuner to do dtv....the new software for the 5000 is out today at dsscentral
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nagra2 has not been hacked!
Professor Chaos
Unregistered guest
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Nagra 3 is on the verge of being compromised though. I heard it from a reliable source at the University of Kinmount smart card lab.
They were the prominent figures in hacking into Elton John's wardrobe room, which as we all know was running on "Sky" technology, which later became known over here as "NagraVision".
We just need to wait for the next swapout.
FreeTV Applebee
Unregistered guest
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oh man I cant wait for all the gai channels to get hacked again on Nagra 3! This is good news people!
You all have "reliable sources" and theyre all bullsh1tters. I give my real name cause I dont spout lies off... I speak the truth. Besides if you're ANYONE in the dss industry you MUST know who I am...
Unregistered guest
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Unregistered guest
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U are Kneegrow
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Has anyone had any luck getting a DP Quad LNBF to work with a Pansat2500A? Seems to get 110 V+H but only 119 V. Any good ideas?
Yikes folks, I just ordered 10 pansat receivers, (for family memebers and two friends). Afterwards I stumble into your comments re: Nagra 2. I can loose my $, but, I won't loose my friends. Is there a possiblity the pansats may be useful again someday?? Thanks.
Bell is moving to the nagra2, will the Pansat 500Hc be abe to handle the new signal? We currently have a 2500A Is there any upgrades avalable for it?
The general
Unregistered guest
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NO nagra2 datastream hack is public,just like the P4/P5 cards datastream...so No hack,then NO TV
BTW...general,that was a "private" question...DSS 101...U've been demoted..
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can you guys tell me,what receiver is the best to buy in this days and to work with dtv dish .because i am not sure what is going on in this moment around canada,toronto. thank you very much
Unregistered guest
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Anonymous the best FTA receiver going at the present time are the Coolsat models 4000+ and 4000Pro depending on your budget and needs. Check out Flea Bay, some good prices.