Tech question for HD people - Mitsubishi 5252 won't adjust formats to match my upconversion DVD player
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I need help. I Can't make my Mitsubishi 52525 HDTV give me a aspect ratio format that matches my DVD player (Toshiba SD-5970 HDMI). The player upconverts to 720p, 1080i and 1024p. I know that the last is unavailable in DVD format but when I try to use the other settings on my player they stretch the picture. My TV has formats available that could maybe adjust for this but only allows 2 formats for the upconverted resolutions. My questions are: 1. should my DVD player be formatting the picture differently or is this normal? 2. if it's normal, is there firmware or some other way that I can make the TV give me the other options at those resolutions. Any info about these resolutions and how they should be rendered on screen would be appreciated.