If you all could offer opinions on this, it would be helpful...I wanted to buy a Samsung HLN617w, but I read that on most DLP tv's, there is a lag on the video upscaling that does not match your input; ie, if you swing at a fastball on a game, it is too late because of the picture lag, or games that take a metere of some sort (like the madden kicking meter)...has anyone experienced this, and if so, does anyone have a larger screen set (50-61) that is dlp, high def, and does not have this problem?
Johnny D
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I think those delays only occur on the Samsung TVs. I don't know for a fact though. I have played a game on a Samsung HLP4663W once and I barely noticed the lag, which is about .3 seconds. I would bet that if I didn't read about it on the internet first then I wouldn't even have noticed it.