Can I add a DVI Input to my Hitachi Plasma TV?


New member
Username: Chintzel

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-04
I just read about these new DVD player that "upconvert" to HD. They require a TV with a DVI or HDMI input. I have a year and a half old Hitachi Model CMP4202 HDTV that has a removable video card with all the inputs but unfortunately there is no DVI or HDMI. Is there a way to get a new card that has one that would be compatable with the TV? I can't find that out directly from Hitachi. Thanks.

Unregistered guest
Hi Tim:
I talk with Panasonic - dvi card is NOT available.
Do you have problem with fan noise? I have same Hitachi CMP4202U and after a few month fan noise become really loud.
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