Issue with Cox cable card


Unregistered guest
Have there been many problems with the Cox cable card like I've been reading with Comcast's? Is the technology too new that too many bugs exist? Just curious as I am looking to get one for my Mits 62725 this week.

Unregistered guest
Cox is working with SA and the manufactures, I had a Mitsi 627525 and had it replaced three times, and four days of trying to make it work, forget it save your money it does not work, Mitsi has a lot of problems

Unregistered guest
Cox sent their two techs and they said, "It's probably the CableCard, we have been going through them like candy." They replaced the card. Funny thing was after the techs had removed and reinserted the original card it did start working again and the digital picture blocking did also seem be virtually eliminated. Only problem was that now a few analog channels could now not be accessed by direct entry but only by the up down buttons (e.g. "6; enter" would not work but "7; enter; chan-down" would). This prevented the PIP from working with any of the affected channels! and my issues are not resolved, so I sent the TV back.

When they came back the forth time and replaced the CableCard they did get everything working OK and everything remained OK for about a week or so, but then the flakey behavior started again. More breaking / freezing / blue screens on digital channels, more "161-53" error messages, and several times the digital channels stopped until I removed / reinserted the CableCard. Now whatever I do, I can't get some analog channels to work by direct entry.

M .Whaley
Unregistered guest
My issues and symptoms include the entire digital channel tier dropping out, the TV locking up, no stereo sound and often with a "NO SIGNAL" display on my Mitsubishi HDTV purchased from FRY'S Electronics.

Starting this Monday night (2 days after cable card was installed) the symptoms described above are exactly what I have had again. On all channels above 98 (Cox Cable)I have no picture but do have sound. Cox was unable to correct via phone call so the Tech came to correct and remove card and install a box he said they have had nothing but problems with the Mitsi firmware. I would advise to all that the cable card technology is not fully worked out with the HDTV manufactures, and I am returning my TV to FRYS and saving the extra $ spend on something that does not work.

Roger Scwartz
Unregistered guest
The CableCARD is the problem, is the song and dance I am getting from Mitsubishi regarding problems using my CableCARD feature as advertised. The symptoms include the entire digital channel tier dropping out, the TV locking up, no stereo sound and often with a "NO SIGNAL" display on my Mitsubishi HDTV purchased from FRY'S Electronics. To remedy the situation I had to go to a standard cable box and not receive the high quality picture as advertised by both companies. COX Communications has bent over backwards trying to remedy the situation with no results. They freely admit, "We haven't gotten a single CableCARD to work right". I called "Scientific Atlanta" (the manufacturer of the CableCARD) and they indicated it might be a "firmware" issue with Mitsubishi. At this time however, everyone at COX is dumbfounded. I paid thousands of dollars for this feature.
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