Sony KP-57XBR issues...


New member
Username: Bmarian

Post Number: 8
Registered: Nov-04
I just began noting problems with this TV:

1) When the TV is on and no video is playing (black screen), I can see a horizontal black bar make its way down the screen. It never stops, and occurs in Video 1, 2, 3, 4. It does not happen in Video 5 (DTV), which is devoted to 480p/1080i.

2) When I'm playing a static image in 480p, such as the PVR menu, or my XBOX's pause screen, I see a visual effect resembling someone shaking the TV up and down. The whole image just shakes up and down, but it's not too extreme to be noticed when the picture is moving. Even the "video" label on the screen shakes.

Would a power cleaner fix this? I'm running a battery backup (UPS, I believe), but no power cleaner.
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