TH-42PD25UP Picture Quality


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Username: Dave_b

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
I just hooked up my new TH-42PD25UP and noticed that my normal digital channels (Comcast) have sub-par picture quality. The picture is kind of grainy and is kind of light in color. I tried playing with the picture settings but havent had any luck. I am using the HDMI connection from the TV to Cable Box. The HD channels look amazing, its just the normal channels that do not look good. Any thoughts on what to do to improved normal channel picture quality?

Thanks in advance!


Unregistered guest
Advice? Get a satellite dish. Comcast sucks

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Username: Mnlovell

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-04
I just installed my new TH-42PD25UP with Direct TV. The picture is awesome.

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Username: Andre27

Post Number: 2
Registered: Feb-05
I have a Samsung EDTV unit with a satelite service (DirecTV) and it has a very sub-par picture as well. Is the problem with the quality of the TV itself or a DirecTV? or something else?

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Username: Natasalucard

Post Number: 3
Registered: Feb-05
I have the same model TV hooked up to Adelphia digital cable (Southern Cali) and the picture is fantastic. Please be sure you are using very good, high quality cables for all your connections. I had cheap cables when I hooked my new TV up and the picture sucked, I upgraded the cables and now I get the picture I paid $3000.00 for.
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