What Bugs Me


Manners Applebee
Unregistered guest
I cannot for the life of me, figure out why people put their Christmas lights on so early? This is totally nuts!!!! Mind you I love Christmas, but come on, wait until at least December....

Manners Applebee
Unregistered guest
Crazy. I posted a question about Chinese people eating with their mouths open as "Manners Applebee". Why would someone copy my nick for this thread???

China Applebee
Unregistered guest
Manners Applebee u want to talk about China people in that way, next time u order China food check what u eat u might not like it.I put something special for u.

Manners Applebee
Unregistered guest
Now that's funny

China Applebee
Unregistered guest
Manners Applebee that is not funny I deliver all over the GTA

Outraged Asian
Unregistered guest
Then China Applebee..........statements like yours have insulted all of us of Asian descent.

Proposed actions such as yours reflect on your lack of proper upbringing and DO NOT reflect the fact that we are a clean, decent and honest people that hold respect for our fellow members of the human race.

I apologize on behalf of Asians everywhere. Unfortunately we also have trailer parks.

key largo
Unregistered guest
Well Outraged Asian,I definitely know who you are...your writing style,both words and attempt at humor is obvious..as I suspected in these forums,many "registered regulars" post as others for various reasons (and then condemn the unregistered posters),and sometimes to start or keep crap flowing..but this post is neither, just a valid point on your part..

BTW...I do agree with the stereotyping of various races is BS..

Outraged Asian Not as much as before though
Unregistered guest
LOL..........no I can understand how you might confuse me with another key largo.........however this is the first post to this type of newsgroup/forum.

I was doing a search on ....of all things "Applebee Restaurants" for a universtity economics course I am attending and came across this.

I could not resist to reply to China Applebee and returned to see if a response from him/her was posted.


merrow - yerrow
Unregistered guest
I rikey u, round-eye
no mo yankee my wankee, tha donger need food!!

This incident with the marine and insurgent over in Feluja is utterly rediculous.It really boils my asse when I see this kind of crap reported by the media.Why do we always have to be so politcally correct. This is war, kill or be killed, there is no room for this kind of BS. My uncle lost a leg in WWII, in the same scenario, trying to help a wounded German soldier. What does it take for people to understand, these men and women give their lives for us everyday, and this is how we treat them. God have mercy on all of us.
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