Akai PT5598HD


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Username: Bucfan

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
Can anyone out there please give me any information they can about the Akai PT5598HD television? It seems to be a great buy from Sam's club at $900.00 Does anyone out there have this exact television? I apologize if there is allready a post on here for this set. I am really interested in purchasing this but have to check everything first. I could not find much info on the website and that kinda scares me. I found a lot of stuff on here for the 5499 but nothing for the 5598. Again, any help with this will be appreciated and thank you all.

New member
Username: Bucfan

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-04
Come on guys, there has got to be omebody out there who can give me some info on this tv. Please help if you can.

Johnny Smith
Unregistered guest
What city are you in. I looked at Sam's in Houston and it is $1292. Are you getting a special pricing?

New member
Username: Bucfan

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-04
I looked at Sam's in Marion Illinois. They have the tv for $899. I was going to buy it until I looked at it again and realized it was not a widescreen. I have decided that if I am going to buy a new tv then I want a widescreen. Now I am back to square one and looking again.

Darrell Gus
Unregistered guest
Hey Brad...I'm going to buy the same TV from the Fresno, Ca. store. I looked at some reviews @ epinions.com concerning the PT5498 and the review was a positive one. I don't think you'll go wrong buying this TV. By the way, check out the prices on other sites. It ranges from $999 and up, even for the refurbished model. It's a great buy, so don't miss out when it hits the Sams Club store! We're just waiting for this exact TV to get unloaded from the truck @ Sams Club!

Darrell Guss
Unregistered guest
Hey Johnny. The $899.97 price @ the Sams Club in Fresno is a "One Time" special. After that, the cost will more than likely rise $150 or more. There will be only a limited amount coming into the store, so you better camp out at the front doors for that price.

Yamuna Vittal
Unregistered guest
Hi guys,

Did you like your PT5598HD? You are getting awesome prices. Comp-USA ran out of their Panasonic projection tvs in their Thanksgiving promotion and are offering the Akai for $1000 and I thought that was a good deal. I haven't seen the unit yet - they are ordering it and will be here in a week. Any input on how it looks, works etc, would be very welcome. The two reviews I saw on Amazon make me gulp :<


Unregistered guest
I was offered the same price at CompUsa yesterday. After reading the two reviews I could find I am glad I didn't purchase the unit. The salesman made it sound too good to be true. It also sounds like customer support is non existant after reading one of the reviews. Just wait, the prices will be getting very competitive real soon...........

Rick In San Diego

Hi there.
I bought the PT5598HD AKAI tv from Sam's Club only yesterday, the TV is excellent, Picture and sound wise. Do the math, for $1100 you got a 55" projection TV with a HD built-in along with the awesome return policy for Sam's Club as long you keep the original recipt what else you will lose.

Unregistered guest
I was at a Sam's Club just last night in Virginia and noticed that this Akai 55" went from $1297 to $1097. I told my wife maybe we should grab one now since we were waiting for after the Holidays. Not sure how long it will be available in the store. The picture is awesome, even up close. I did find one bad review on this unit, about not being able to get a clear picture but that could be just that one unit or a user problem. I hope to get one of these TVs real soon.

I ordered the PT5598HD from compusa but it's HD ready not built in HD tuner.

I ordered this TV as well from Compusa. I haven't recieve it yet. Have you recieved your, and what do you think soo far. Thanks

I saw this model at a Sam's in Texas. But I forgot to check the inputs / outputs. Does anyone happen to know the specifics on this model? Thanks.

I saw this at Sam's but I can't tell if it is 720p or 1080i. Any info would be appreciated. It is also on Samsclub.com

its 1080i

It has a built-in NTSC tuner; you'll need a separate HDTV tuner to receive 1080i high-definition broadcasts.

however its a bargain in any case because you will only need either comcast cable hi def box, direct tv, voom or dish hi def boxes, or just buy an Over the air Samsung hi def tuner on ebay (less than 200) and hook up a cheap uhf antenna - and you should get crystal clear pictures in 1080i hi def via the component cables

I also have a 1080i that my sister gave me for christmas,also from Sam's Club. The picture is not clear especialy when I play a DVD. Please help.

I received my AKAI PT5598HD from CompUSA yesterday and hooked up my DVD and HD DVR from Time Warner. After adjusting the convergence the picture is very sharp and the colors are amazing. For $999 (regular $1499) you can't go wrong. It's also got a shelf at the bottom of the TV big enough for a cable box and DVD player.

We just purchased the Akai PT5598HDIX from our local Sams this past monday. Price was $1099 and so far, are very pleased with purchase. Every day, I tweak the picture controls a bit more. Am now waiting for Charter to get some HDTV receivers. I guess they are on holiday overload and back ordered. We are not getting a real good picture on our local cable channels, but when you get up in the digital channel range. We get excellent picture quality.

I have a dumb question, I hear people talking about the units shelves for your components.....even in the manual. Where are they??? I must be having another senior moment!
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