New member Username: PdoggieWilliamsburg, VA USA Post Number: 3 Registered: Jul-04 | Go check out the new Toshiba DLP 52". It too has the new HD2+ chip with a 2500:1 contrast ratio. The Toshiba also uses HDMI input which I believe (not at all sure about this) is even better (but also compatable) to DVI with the appropriate adapter. You can purchase a DVI to HDMI adapter if your output device uses DVI. Sorry to confuse you more, but I was stunned by the quality of the new Toshiba. Let alone the fact that its cheaper than the new HLP 50" Samsung which has only 1500:1 contrast and uses the cheaper HD3 chip. I dont know anything about the Mitsubishi, but do yourself a facor and check out the toshiba. |
Scott Smetana Unregistered guest | Peter, Check out the Glarefest on the Mitsu. You had better but it in a VERY dark room. I talked with a samsung rep today - looks like the 74 series might get pushed back until Jan ![]() |
Scott Smetana Unregistered guest | Peter, Check out the Glarefest on the Mitsu. You had better but it in a VERY dark room. I talked with a samsung rep today - looks like the 74 series might get pushed back until Jan ![]() |
New member Username: ElectronPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | Patrick, Which Toshiba DLP 52" uses the HD2+ ? Please post the model number or a link. I'd like to check it out. |
New member Username: PdoggieWilliamsburg, VA USA Post Number: 4 Registered: Jul-04 | I saw the Toshiba 52HM84 tonight at Best Buy. There will be an even nicer model 52HMX84 released in august or september, but I dont see how it could be much better. |
New member Username: HyperdocPost Number: 5 Registered: Jul-04 | Toshiba does not have PC (VGA) Input. That may maatter to those who want to use with computer. |
New member Username: PdoggieWilliamsburg, VA USA Post Number: 5 Registered: Jul-04 | I am not aware of this. I believe most higher end video cards use DVI out now which can be switched to HDMI if you have the appropriate cable. I will look into the compatability with computers as I am most definately going to be connecting mine to my home theater computer. |
New member Username: HyperdocPost Number: 7 Registered: Jul-04 | True, many Graphics Cards have DVI and maybe now HDMI outputs. Only problem is that uses the DVI/HDMI slot on TV which cannot be used for TV sources such as SAT / DVD etc. |
New member Username: PdoggieWilliamsburg, VA USA Post Number: 7 Registered: Jul-04 | Somewhere I saw that the HMX version of the same TV will have 2 HDMI inputs. The other option (I think exists) is to have a hub/router type box that can house all of your source inputs and output to one or two sources. That will of course add significantly to the cost of the project, but it certainly might provide a solution. |
New member Username: PdoggieWilliamsburg, VA USA Post Number: 10 Registered: Jul-04 | Yes the new toshiba is a DLP. The Toshiba 52HM84 is the model number of the one I saw. There will be a 46 inch and 62 inch model. There will also be a "Home Theater" version released in the upcoming months, but I know nothing about what is better about them. |
nug29 Unregistered guest | So far the Toshiba DLP has not made it into any retail stores in NY, as far as I can tell. PC Richard advertised today the Mitsubishi 52" DLP for $3,999 and when you check the specs online it says it has an 8 segment color wheel, not 7. Still a little pricey. |
New member Username: Wildpanda86Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-04 | In regards to glare... Mitsubishi has 2 higher models of the DLP TV... the Medallion which we ordered from Good Guys. Imagine the Mitsu picture with an antiglare shield similar to the bigscreen CRT Medallion/ Diamond Mitsu. And they have the Diamond which has the same glare shield, Piano Black finish on the cabinet, and an internal hardrive. All the Mitsu DLP Tv's are cable card ready, have slots for various media cards, have a built in HDTV tuner, and built in TV Guide plus. Ours should be coming in sometime next week ![]() |
New member Username: HyperdocPost Number: 8 Registered: Jul-04 | Was just at Tweeter and saw the Mitsubishi WD52525. It looked nice and I really liked all the inputs and communication inputs (firewire, memory cards...). The PIP / POP is really neat also compared to what I have seen in Samsung. Got to say the Glare did tend the wash out the colors as compared to the Samsung. I'm still waiting on the Samsung 5674 but I do feel the Mitsubishi is a really good backup plan. |
Edlow Unregistered guest | Mitsubishi is coming out with a new wd 52725 that has a non glare screen. It also has all the latest inputs as well as 4 memory card reader slots. Fun for viewing digital photo's etc. The model will probably be in stores the middle of Sept. and will be in the low $4000 range. |
Average Joe Unregistered guest | I have the 56" HLN567W hdtv with the Samsung SIR-T351 tuner. The TV is bright enough to watch with all the blinds open and sun shining in. But since it doesn't have a built-in tuner, you must use either 2 remote controls or the hdtv tuner remote. And the hdtv tuner takes forever to switch channels. It also is very picky about channel reception. It won't receive a signal even though in analog the picture comes in perfect. I got the TV at Ultimate Electronics for $3300. I am trading it all in for a Mitsubishi WD62525 (62" DLP). Haven't found any reviews on this. But it's newer technology (HD2+), HDMI connector, and built-in hdtv tuner. Got this for $3800. We'll see how the glare goes. If it's really bad I'll trade up to the 62725 when it comes out, which has the anti-glare screen. Any thoughts? |
New member Username: Rudyq3Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-04 | Hi, I'm new to all this DLP and HDTV...correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't there a HD3 chip? and isn't that better than the HD2+ found on the Mitsubishi set? Thanks |
KB Unregistered guest | I am having trouble finding specs on the mitsubishi dlp's regarding what chip and color wheel are used. Any suggestions? |
KB Unregistered guest | The HD3 chip is better than the HD2 but a step down from the HD2+ and will be used in less expensive sets. My understanding is that the next generation which will beat the HD2+ will be the xHD3. Any thoughts out there on when sets might be available with the xHD3? |
New member Username: BajanbeefPost Number: 6 Registered: Jul-04 | The Mits uses Texas Instrument's HD2+ chip which is the latest. It is supposed to carry a 7 segment wheel. xHD3 sets are supposed to arrive Q1 2005. I hope you are willing to pay $6000.00 or better for say a 50 incher! |
KB Unregistered guest | I called Mits today and was told that their chip is a proprietary chip that is not the HD2+. All they will tell you is that it is a proprietary 8.5" chip, which I beleive might be larger than the HD2+ chip (reported on to be 8.0") Could there be yet another version that has been licensed exclusively to Mits? |
Scott Smetana Unregistered guest | It's my impression that the new Mits DLP's all had HD2+ chips. I'm waiting on the 52725 to see the new screen (anti-glare). Any word on when it will be out???? I'm tired of waiting on the Samsung 74 series. |
Unregistered guest | Saw the Mitsi 52525. Awesome! They emailed me that the 52725 will be out at the end of September. I am not going to wait. The HD2+ chip it has is supposed to be better than the HD3 chip in the Samsung. Comparing the Toshiba, Samsung 5063 and Mitsi..the Mitsi has the best picture depth and black levels. Could really tell vs. the Toshiba next to it. All are stunning though. You can't go wrong on any of the 3. The Mitsi is the most expensive of the 3. |
New member Username: BajanbeefPost Number: 7 Registered: Jul-04 | YOU MIGHT WANT TO GIVE CAPTAIN KIRK A VISIT BEFORE YOU PULL THE TRIGGER SIR. |
MacGyver1970 Unregistered guest | I would be really surprised if Mits had a proprietary chip. I could be wrong, but as far as I know TI makes all of the DLP chips. I have heard that the different manufacturers have decided to not call them by Sammy's convention of HD2, HD3, HD2+, etc. |
New member Username: Barnes554South carolina Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-04 | The new mits wd-52525 has a removable screen. If anyone argues this it is in the manual. It blows away the HD3 chip in the samsung and I very very rarely see the rainbow effect with thebetter color wheel |
papaduxx Unregistered guest | I'm new here and trying to determine whether to get the Mits wd-62525 or the Toshiba 62HM94. I just want to ask what everybody thinks of the two set and if they have the set, what they think of the PQ. thanks, tony |
Anonymous | Definitely considering DLP, but has anyone looked at the SONY LCD -- the KF50WE610? We compared it to the Sammy HLP 5663 and the Sony looked sharper. |
Average Joe Unregistered guest | I had the Samsung 56" HLN567W and switched to the Mitsubishi WD-62525. Samsung blows it away with regard to sound quality, brightness, and anti-glare. The Mitsubishi is very difficult to watch due to the horrible glare. It's like a black mirror. And the sound on the Mitsubishi is so terrible it's like listening to a tin-box. I thought I was upgrading from the Samsung ... maybe not. Will consider trading up to the WD-62725 when it is available (if the store lets me.) I wonder what other differences there are in the 525 vs 725 besides anti-glare screen. |
Tye Unregistered guest | I have just purchused the WD-52525 from sears for $3599.00.(Sears had a 3hour 10% off sale today) Hope the glare isn't too much for me to handle. I based my purchuse on availability, price, the fact the Mitsi had an intergrated tuner , HD2+ and all of your comments over the past few months. The TV will be here Tuesday. If its crappy I'm coming after all of you. |
New member Username: BajanbeefPost Number: 9 Registered: Jul-04 | If you are coming after us, you better start walking. Did you not check the glarefest on the Mits in the store? Go to CC and check out Captain Kirk. He will beam you up!!! |
Unregistered guest | A local store has the Samsung HLP5063 with the HD3 chip for $2750. Given the price, is it worth buying or waiting |
New member Username: Barnes554South carolina Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-04 | Please..everyone look at this and see that the Mits has a removable screen...NO GLARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
KB Unregistered guest | Does anyone have anything to say about JVC's DiLA technolgy and how it compares to DLP? |
Scott Smetana Unregistered guest | Simmer down Brian - we heard you. I've heard the 52525 looks bad without the screen. I think it might also cause you to remove the covering on the speakers. Why not wait for the 725 series?? I want a screen of some type for protection. |
KB Unregistered guest | Can somebody tell me if there is an benefit to the screen that Mits has on the 52525? It seems there must be something otherwise why would they do it? |
Tye Unregistered guest | OK, the Mitsu just arrived at my house a couple of hours ago. The cable company has just left. First thing, I ended up using the cable box instead of the cable card. Brighthouse cable could not figure out how to program the PCM/MIA card. But maybe they will have it figured out in a couple of months. Second thing, There is a glare, It only bothers me when I look for it. So I removed the Diamond Shied per the instruction in the manual. It looks great. Dont know why the Mitsubishi put it on in the first place. |
Tye Unregistered guest | And No, it doesn't remove the speaker cover |
Jackster Unregistered guest | Does anybody know if you can replace the reflective shield on the Mitsu WD52525 with the less reflective one coming on the WD52725? |
Scott Smetana Unregistered guest | Better yet, does anyone know of the difference of the 725 series over the 525 other than the shield?? |
Average Joe Unregistered guest | The salesguy at Ultimate Electronics told me the difference that he knows about are the anti-glare screen and an upgrade to firmware with regard to the programming guide. |
Tye Unregistered guest | I call Mitsu today, I was informed that the anti glare sheild will be availabe 15 Oct for $221.80 from the part department at Mitsu. |
New member Username: Wildpanda86Post Number: 3 Registered: Jul-04 | Why is everyone talking about the 525 and 725 mitsubishi's?... they have a model in between called the 625. The 625 (Medallion series) costs a little more than the 525, has an antiglare shield, and built in TVGuide. On the other hand I want to see how the Mitsubishi comapres to the Toshiba cinema series when that comes out, supposed to have many of the same features. |
KB Unregistered guest | Not sure where you got your info, but the 725 is the Medallion. There is no 625 according to the mitsu web site. There is however an 825 which will have a hard dirve amoung other upgardes. Its all right ther on their website. |
Danny Vance Unregistered guest | What are you guys basing your "glare" comments on, on the Mitsu 62" DLP. Is it that obvious? Do you have it in a sunroom? Are you looking at it in a brightly lit electronics store? I need to know because I am thinking about buying one. |
New member Username: Rudyq3Post Number: 9 Registered: Aug-04 | Danny, Just go to a store and look at the Mit'll see the reflection of objects in the store on the screen. It's like looking a a reflecting mirror. |
Tye Unregistered guest | I just bought the Mitsu, and I love it. But I do have a glare, due to a large window directly behind my seating position. I just closed the blinds and there is no more glare.... |
New member Username: Rudyq3Post Number: 10 Registered: Aug-04 | Tye, did you have a chance to compare the Mit against the new Toshiba (HD2+) ?? |
Danny Vance Unregistered guest | If you can buy the anti-glare screen in October for just over 200 bucks, why pay $800 or more for the 725? Is there a major upgrade from the 525 that I am missing? |
Tye Unregistered guest | I was able to compare it with the Toshiba 52HM84 @ Bestbuy. As for as picture quality there was no noticeable difference(except for the glare). The Mitsu did have a built-in HD tuner. The 52HM94 also has a tuner, but I was not able to locally view one. |
Tye Unregistered guest | Danny Vance, I believe the 725 will also have a cable guide built in and freeze frame and of course the anti glare diamond shield. I also believe your price difference is a little inflated. |
New member Username: HyperdocPost Number: 10 Registered: Jul-04 | I just saw the Mit 525 compared to the Sammy 5085 side by side. I have been a Sammy fan and have been waiting on 5674. I know beauty is in eye of beholder, but to me the Mit has crisper picture. Both have great pictures and HD2+ is definitely better than HD3. The Sammy is just softer picture. The Mits will have the glare issue and if you have a dim room I think the Mits will be the better picture. I think Mitsusbishi is winning me over because I can't seem to wait on the slightly larger 5674 from Sammy. |
Scott Smetana Unregistered guest | I'm in the same boat Jim. I just wish the Mit came in a 56 inch version - would fit my cabinet better. I wish the 5663 had the HD2+. Oh well, I gotta sacrifice somewhere. Mitsubishi 52725 here I come. |
Bronze Member Username: Rudyq3Post Number: 12 Registered: Aug-04 | you can wait till the samsung version 74 come out with the 56 inch model. The 74 series is HD2+ |
KB Unregistered guest | I just went to Sears and got the Mits 62525. They had it on sale for$4265. I showed them an HH Gregg Ad for $500 off their reg price of $4500 so thay matched it. They also took off an additional 10% of the difference for $27 more. But wait, it doesn't stop there. I also had a coupon for 10% off if I used my Sears credit card so off came another $400. So all told, I saved nearly a grand off the list price! |
coffee Unregistered guest | Excuse my ignorance, but aside from the the glare screen and the channel guide essentially the 52525 is no different than the 52725 technically speaking. The chip is the same, the color wheel is 7 segments etc... right? |
GM Unregistered guest | The only differences are that the 5275 comes with the non-glare screen, TV Guide On-Screen and is balck rather than silver. Other than that I believe they are the same. But if you are going to get one the non-glare screen alone is worth the extra $200 (MSRP $4199 rather than $3999) On the digital video connection discussion you want to make sure your HDTV includes HDMI. No electronic standard lasts forever but... among the currently used ones (HDMI, DVI, and Firewire) HDMI is exepcted to have the longest life. If you are interested in the details here's a link.,1558,1573986,00.asp,1558,1573986,00.asp |
KB Unregistered guest | Does anyone have any reliable info regarding the availability of the 725 series? |
MW Unregistered guest | I'm looking for a bricks and mortar retailer like Best Buy or Circuit City who is selling the 725 series as well. I don't trust the web based retailers for returns or warranty items. |
Scott Smetana Unregistered guest | Ultimate Electonics/Soundtrak says their shipments of the 725 arrive the on Sept 4th. Who knows when the Samsung 74 series will arrive - October is the rumor, but by now there should have been a specific release/shipping date. |
engco431 Unregistered guest | I am an installer for a high-end a/v store - per the mits rep, the on screen guide has unofficially been cut from the 725 series to get it out of quality control - they also gave us a release date of sept 20, but once again that was unofficial. The original spec was an $800 difference in msrp, which is now a $200 difference, so the guide part seems to make sense. As a personal opinion, the 525 is setting in our store next to a pioneer elite pro 1110HD 50" plasma (arguably one of the best) and they are being sourced with the exact same HD signal off of an extron component distribution piece. It's not quite as good, and the glare problem is evident, however given the $6000 price difference the mits is putting up a very darn good fight. After quizzing every tech and salesman in our company, it has been decided it is one of the best pictures for the money in the 62725 is on it's way. |
engco431 Unregistered guest | for MW, I believe the 725 will fall into the rest of the medallion/platinum/diamond lines - that is not offered by mass merchants, but reserved for higher end dealers. Your best bet will be looking for a localized retailer specializing in custom installations - they usually have far more product knowledge and access to the higher models |
JPG Unregistered guest | what about the mitsi 52" wd 52525 dgtl ptv? how does that rank amongst big screens? i bought it at Home Theatre and can't find any flaws...perfect screen. |
AJ Unregistered guest | Does anyone know the Height/Width/Depth dimensions on the Mistubishi 52525 and 52725? |
engco431 Unregistered guest | some basic dimensions are available from mitsubishi's website for the 52525 - 37.2" x 49.6" x 17.4", 132.4 lbs....i would assume the 725 will be very similar since it's using the same light engine, the geometry should be about the same. another thing in the mits' favor, if you don't have any type of specialized remote, the net command feature is very handy. It can control receiver input switching and most functions on dvds and satellite/cable boxes quite well. when properly set up, the remote controls the current device with no changing of "mode" on the remote. We've found it to be very "wife friendly" (no offense intended) - it's just easy to use with icons for each device, it's not hard to figure out. |
AJ Unregistered guest | I'm thinking about getting the Mitsubishi 52725. Which would give me the better picture, digital cable (where I understand the first 100 channels are analog) or satellite? If I go with satellite, is the Hughes HD Tivo unit a good choice for the satellite box? Finally, I have the Denon 3805 receiver. How will the NetCommand feature work with the system I'm thinking about? |
Unregistered guest | After reading all these posts I think it's time to throw down for the 52" 725 series. Best price I got was $3780. The glare on the 525 is just not acceptable in this price range. I hope it's available on the 4th. I've been going around and around between the Sam 50, the Sony 50 LCD (no vga hookup) and the Mits for the last two weeks. It's clear to me after reading all this that it's most likely the best bang for the (lot of) buck. Good information offered by all |
New member Username: CubsfanNaperville, IL Usa Post Number: 9 Registered: Aug-04 | My new 52" Mits 52525 was delivered a week ago and I am very happy with my choice. I was tired of waiting for the 5674 and bought Mits at Tweeter. My opinion is the Mits has the best PQ of all the sets out now, I have not seen the Toshiba, and I like all the extra features it comes with. I will admit that if it is very sunny I have some glare from the stupid front screen, but I can take it off if it starts to bug me. When the set was first delivered it had two small black triangles on the top of the set. Tweeter service came out and showed me the mirror bracket had moved during transit. They were willing to repair or replace the unit, I went with replace and the new, new set will be delivered next Saturday. Having watched several HD movies and Cub games all I can say is wow. If anyone would like more info on this set or has any questions please let me know I will answer them the best I can. I have heard that a replacement front screen, less glare, will be out in October. If anyone has anymore info on this please post it. Thank in advance, J.D. |
CraigS Unregistered guest | Bought the Samsung HLN 565 and had it for two months. I just couldn't get past the lack of black. Sammy will not allow you to expand in 480, which means you always get letterbox bars and they are grey, not black. Saw the 52525 on the floor and Myer-Emco here in DC allows a 90 trade up. LOVE this set. Nice blacks and the glare is only there for a bright room or if you're looking for it. Now, the drawback: you must "reboot" the chip occasionally to get the set to respond to the remote or the front panel. This is in the owner's manual; it's more of an annoyance than a hindrance. There is no LCD or DLP I've seen that produces blacks like this set. |
Marten Unregistered guest | originally posted this message in another thread as a reply, but I thought it would be appropriate in this thread too. I have narrowed my selection down to 2 sets - Samsung HL-P5085 and Mitsubishi WD-52725. I haven't pulled the trigger yet and I am still very interested in other people's input, but here is what I have gathered (please correct me if I am wrong about something). They both have the same HD2+ chip (there were rumors in one of these threads that the chip in the Mitsubishi was a proprietary chip, which is not true). They both have a 7 segment color wheel. I was told that the difference is that 7th "extra" segment in the Samsung is a green segment, whereas it is a gray segment in the Mitsubishi, hence resulting in better blacks and grays. Can someone confirm this? As far as inputs, the Mitsubishi DEFINATELY beats the Samsung. The Mitsubishi has all the inputs the Samsung has, EXCEPT a DVI input. However, according to the manual there is an optional HDMI-to-DVI adapter that plugs into the HDMI input allowing you to hook up a DVI cable. The only drawback as far as I can see would be that you couldn't have an HDMI device and a DVI device hooked up at the same time. But, in addition the Mitsubishi has: * CableCARD slot (which is HUGE in my opinion) * Digital Audio output (audio from signals un-scrambeled by the CableCARD) * 1 extra set of composite video, includeing S-video, on the front * FireWire connections (1 front, 2 rear) * 1 additional composite audio input * 4 memory card slots on the front which together accepts practically all types of media cards (CompactFlash, SmartMedia and so on) You can get a Spec sheet for the Samsung on, and the full manual for the Mitshubishi (52525) at, both of which outlines all the inputs. About the xHD3 chip sets, I have no idea... Net net, I want the Mitsubishi mainly due to the CableCARD slot. But, I am waiting to see the 52725 in the store, mainly to see if the anti-glare sheild takes care of the glare problem on the 52525. If it is anywhere near how bad it is on the 52525 I am going Samsung. The picture quality is very comparable between the two (based on wiewing the Mitsubishi 52525, since the 52725 is not out yet), and I don't really care about the audio since it doesn't make sense to have a $4000 TV and not at least a deacent surround sound system ![]() Hope that helps, Marten |
kb Unregistered guest | Marten, How do you know that the Mits chip is the HD2+ since Mits will not divluge this info? They will only say that it is a proprietary chip. Do you have some inside info that even Mits will not share publicly? They may have licensed a unique chip from TI for an exclusive period. |
Bronze Member Username: CubsfanNaperville, IL Usa Post Number: 16 Registered: Aug-04 | kb, I can confirm that the chip in the Mits is the HD2+, it is listed in the manual. Marten, I remember reading about the colors on the wheel but to make sure I'll need to double check tonight. Also, if I'm not mistaken there is a DVI and HDMI port in back. I'm not using them yet since I'm wanting to upgrade my DVD player, I'll check that too. If you buy the 52725 please let me know if the glare shield is better. I have not had any problem so far but if the new shield is better I might replace mine. |
Marten Unregistered guest | Well, if you find it likely that TI would produce a different version of their chip, only to give it to 1 TV manufacturer, without getting some kind of exposure out of it, while the set is still in the same price range as other sets using the "normal" HD2+ chip, you are certainly entitled to that opinion. Just consider the kind of R&D costs that goes into developing a chip like that. The reason it says "proprietary" in their specs, is that their 7th segment in the color wheel is gray rather than green. |
Marten Unregistered guest | Thanks Jamie! |
CraigS Unregistered guest | Jamie, can I ask how often you are having to "reboot?" I've contacted Mitsubishi twice with promises that they will investigate and get back. That isn't happening. I go for two or three days sometimes without having to hunt for my pin, but it does get annoying. Otherwise, it's just a no-brainer on DLP. Thanks Craig |
Bronze Member Username: CubsfanNaperville, IL Usa Post Number: 19 Registered: Aug-04 | I have read comments about Mits users having to reboot but I'm not sure why. The remote works fine and I control all my other equipment with it. What version of firmware is in your set? I'll check mine tomorrow and post it. The bottom line is I have had the unit since the 21st and have never have a problem. |
bern Unregistered guest | i have been reading your discussions regarding the H2+ in the Mitsubishi vs the H3 in the Samsung 5063. I called Mitsubishi and they told me that the 50525 has a 0.8 inch microdysplay. According to the specifications of the Samsung 5063, it contains the Texas Instruments' latest generation 0.55 inch microdisplay. If this is the case, Is the H3 in the Samsung "better" than the one in the Mitsubishi? |
nobody Unregistered guest | read the dlp info at ti website: Scene_1 hope this helps you, bern. |
Unregistered guest | CraigS the reason why your HLN 565 isnt that great and has low amount of black is because its the old model! The new ones are the HLP 63 and 85 series. Their blacks are amazing compared to the HLN 565. Also the HLN 565 uses a HD3 chip compared to the HD2+ in the HLP 63 and 85 series. |
Bronze Member Username: EmkmdPost Number: 78 Registered: Dec-03 | Phroz3n, You have your chips mixed up. -E |
Nobody Unregistered guest | Hey Prozac, excuse me Phroz3n, go back and watch your tube tv. Nobody |
MacGyver1970 Unregistered guest | Phroz3n, Actually, the HLN uses the HD2, the 63 series uses the HD3 and the 85 series uses the HD2+. This is the order of technological progression. |
Big George Unregistered guest | I just returned from Fry's. They had a Mitsubishi 62" DLP displayed alongside a Samsung 5063, A Sony Wega 610 LCD, and other sets. The definition and picture quality wasn't even close. The Mitsubishi hands down had the best picture. However, what is with that shield (aka mirror) they put on the front of the set? It was reflecting the entire store. I could stand and watch the TV's from across the aisle by looking at the set. It ruins the entire picture. I was going to buy it until I saw just how it reflected everything so efficently. Can you remove that thing? The salesguy in the store told me you could not. When are they going to get rid of it? |
Marten Unregistered guest | If you were looking at the 62525, you can definately remove the screen. As a matter of fact, that is how they have it on display at my local Good Guys, due to the glare. It somewhat takes away from the sleek look of the TV, but it doesn't look that bad. Supposedly the 62725 (comes out any day now, Good Guys said they would have the 52725 on the 2nd) has a better non-reflective protective shield. I am holding my breath... |
Bronze Member Username: CubsfanNaperville, IL Usa Post Number: 20 Registered: Aug-04 | CraigS, The software version in my 52525 is V26 004.01. As I said, I have not had to reboot the tv. I was incorrect on the DVI port. The 52525 has an HDMI port and with a special cable you can plug a DVI into that input. Since DVI does not carry audio the back of the set has a connection for the DVI audio. As for the colors of the color wheel I'm sure you are correct but I could not find it in the manual, I must have read it somewhere else. Big George, The shield comes off very easy with a plastic putty knife. I have the set in a darker room so I'm not too upset with the shield now, but if I it starts to bug me I'll pop it off. BTW, they are coming out with a replacement shield in October. |
Bronze Member Username: RlschneckPost Number: 42 Registered: Apr-04 | This is a great thread. I am definitely getting a DLP tv in the near future, and this thread is really helping me to make up my mind. If you had asked me a couple months ago which one I was going to get, I would have told you the Samsung, but this Mits looks really good. I'm glad everyone has brought the glare issue to our attention, though. Could some one please clear up Samsung's model numbers for me? I've seen HLN and HLP on this thread, as well as references to 63, 74, and 85 series. Then I go to Samsung's website and I see their model numbers listed as HLM then size 50, 56, 61 inches etc. then 7W, e.g. HLM507W. I don't get it, please explain? Also, when some one gets the 725 series Mits, I can't wait to hear their feedback. And what happened to the Toshiba fans? The commentary on those TVs kind of fell off, what gives? If the Toshiba is a bargain I would like to know more about it! Thank you, everyone! -Ryan |
Big George Unregistered guest | I should mention why I went to look at the Mitsubishi set. I just donated a sound system to our local high school. The person installing the system works at Best Buy and moonlights on the side. I took the liberty to ask him which HDTV set to buy. His initial comment was Sony because of the reliability. He then went on to say the new DLP sets were becoming more popular, but "don't buy the Samsung ones." He said that they are having all kinds of problems with them. He said that "half of them come back." |
CraigS Unregistered guest | Thanks Jamie. Just got a call back from Mits. The 52525 that requires rebooting (last page of manual) has a software update. If you call Mits with your serial number they will send a software update to eliminate the problem. All's well. Not the least bit sorry about trading up for this from the Samsung. Again, all this talk about the glare - I don't notice it in natural daylight room light and I keep the lights down watching movies and HDTV anyway. When the set is off, I like the look a lot. |
engco431 Unregistered guest | AJ... First of all, the 3805 is a great choice. Net command on the mits will switch inputs and control volume on the receiver - the basic things you need to do on a regular basis. It is a little tough to control audio only sources (tuner, cd, etc.)- when you turn the tv off with remote, it will shut down the system including the receiver. Really just designed for home theater use - if the TV's not involved, Net Command doesn't work. If you're looking for more advanced control features, I'd look into a more advanced remote (personally i think the Marantz RC-5400 is a good choice...all the capabilities of a pronto with many extra hard buttons) or even a more advanced option such as a small AMX system. I would personally go satellite over cable, but the directv HD Tivo box wasn't incredibly impressive to me, but i'm not a tivo fan. The dish net DVR HD box is okay - not all the feautes of tivo, but the dish dvr is easy to use and pretty solid. I would think about a normal HD sat box, and a seperate tivo or tivo/dvd-r combo - that would run you about the same overall cost for the two seperate components as the combined sat dvr. Just a side note on hooking up your 3805...use it for video switching on all sources to the component video out, and just use a single component on the tv...the 3805 upconverts all video to component signals. |
Bronze Member Username: BajanbeefPost Number: 12 Registered: Jul-04 | When you use the 3805 for video switching, do you always have to keep it powered up? The wife is not too keen about Dolby Digital surround sound all the time, thus my player is hooked up to my tv and receiver to keep everybody happy. I am a proud owner of this receiver and also own the 2200 universal player. |
FreeWheel Unregistered guest | To remove the Diamond Shield: 1. While wearing soft cotton gloves, loosen the sides of the Diamond Shield by pressing a small plastic card (the size of a standard credit card or a clean, plastic, puttyknife)into the middle of the side slot. The Diamond Shield side will snap out of the top middle and bottom clips. Loosen both sides before proceeding to step 2.2. After the sides are free, gently push down on the top of the Diamond Shield. It will slide out of the top channel. 3. Carefully pull the screen up to remove it from the bottom channel. Store the Diamond Shield in a clean, dust free area, where it will not be scratched. |
DLP rocks!!! Unregistered guest | Can someone tells me what is the manufacturing video setting (contrast, brightness, etc...) for the WDXX525 models? My contrast setting was set to maximum and the others were set to the middle (31). It seems very high for contrast. Did anyone have to make any adjustment? Thanks. |
New member Username: BenintxPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-04 | I'm having a world of problems with the 62525 that I received about a week ago. Very routine lockups during channel changes, bright bright green shadows (very noticable at the edges of a persons skin, especially when blue abutts the skin tones), power up sometimes get audio without video, digital signal has serious pixel issues sometimes, etc.. I thought CableCard would be great, however consider a) it's one way only (e.g. no pay-per-view, no iControl, ChannelGuide, no games, NOTHING interactive), b) channel surfing is a bit of a pain because there isn't a fast way to page through channels and scrolling is Sooooo slowwwww, and c) the Cable pricing packages are based on having a HD receiver, so it's very sketchy what my first bill will look like from TWC. CableCard does nothing for you if you have DirectTV, Dish, Voom, etc.. I'm happy with the picture when it's all working, but I haven't had that experience often enough. I posted on another thread about the issues, and a swap out is on the way. I just hope it's not "more of the same". Unfortunately, from what I'm reading here and elsewhere, it looks like a lemon design and/or implementation. As far as Denon, I have the 4802R and the remote supports the 2700. These two aren't alike at all, so you have to program some buttons on the Mits remote, but it's a very limited selection to program (I still use the Denon remote for some things). |
CALI Unregistered guest | Does any one knows when the 725 series will be available? |
KWV Unregistered guest | They should be arriving in stores throughout the next couple of weeks. My 52725 is on order with Ultimate Electronics and is scheduled to arrive at their warehouse in Colorado on 9-13. Should get here to St. Louis within a week or so of that. |
New member Username: BenintxPost Number: 3 Registered: Sep-04 | The new exchange TV is here and setup. Unfortunately, the green problem is at least as bad as ever. It is very noticable. My software version is V26 004.01 (on both the "old" set and the new one). It appears the green issue is all too common with the NTSC signals, but not HD. I don't know, but I'm going to press forward with attempting to resolve these issues. If things don't get better, the Mitsubishi is history. Is there any information on firmware/software updates, etc. to correct any of this? |
New member Username: OkbulldogPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-04 | How good does the Mits 62525 look with with basic cable through it? |
engco431 Unregistered guest | for bajanbeef... yes, you would have to leave the the denon powered up to take advantage of the video switching. There might be some ways to pass a stereo signal to the tv with the volume all the way down on the denon (still use the video upconvert, but not the surround system) but it would depend quite a bit on your particular set up, and honestly might run into more trouble than it's worth. (especially to make things easy on the wife - everytime i add or switch a component, i'm in for a week or two of "how the #$%* do you work this thing!) for ben thompson... what sources are giving you the green shadow issue? A DLP shouldn't have any convergence issues since its a single source light engine. I've seen color issues on component video sources when the cables were poor or unmatched (causing different levels of resistance in the colors) If this is a problem with the CableCard, then i have no idea. I'm not really up on the CableCard features as much as I should be (our local cable provider isn't there yet) but knowing it's a new technology, i'd hang in there or just drop back to a good 'ole hd cable box until the bugs are worked out on the cable card. you could remote locate it in a closet or something, extend out an emitter and you'd never know the difference. for david payne... anytime you blast analog cable up on larger than average screen, it's not going to look great. Mits tuners are pretty strong, and it usually ends up looking pretty good. Bear in mind this is more of an issue with source and not monitor. You can put a $30K triple chip system on a bad source, and it will still look like junk. If you decide to amp up your cable, don't make the mistake of buying a wal-mart or radio shack signal amp. those amps are for vhf/uhf, and although they help a little, you won't be happy with them on a cable signal. I would recommend and elan RFA1000 (made by square D, but i don't know their model number) this is a 35db amp that is designed specifically for the channel seperation and bandwidth of analog cable - it doesn't work for off air and costs a little more (around $80 retail) but you will definitely see an improvement. |
New member Username: OkbulldogPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-04 | DLP size Question? Looking at either the 52525 or 62 inch Mit. DLP. Either will have to sit on top of our 36 inch high entertainment center. It's a long living room so viewing from the back is not a problem, but viewing say 8-10 feet back has me wondering what will look the best. 52 or 62 Mits or maybe even the Sammy 50, 56...61 |