I am trying to hook up my Pioneer DVR to record off my HD PVR. My current hookup has the cable plugged into the tuner on my DVR and the quality is less than desireable...plus I can't record higher channels. Because I have the component outputs from the PVR plugged into the TV, the SVHS output on the PVR is not active when I plug the input to the DVR (at least I think not because I cannot get the DVR to pick up a signal). How can I hook up my DVR so it's recording a signal off my PVR?
You might be able to activate the S-Video out on the SA box by setting it to SD only mode. With the S-Video active, you can send that signal to the PVR.
btw, I think there are different SA HD PVR's out there with different software too. You might want to let folks know what unit you have.
The box is a SA 8000HD PVR. I have figured out that since I have it set to 16:9 HD, the component output is active. SVHS and composite are SD only, so therefor not active.
I will hook up a second SD SA Explorer 3400 if I wish to record digital channels. Otherwise, until SA (or my cable company) activates the archive to VCR feature which is located as an output on the box, I will rely on the built-in tuner on DVD recorder (which gives really great quality on FINE compression...with occassional video dropout, but no audio dropout).
I have the same unit. It would be great to use the software in my ReplayTV, but I haven't had much success connecting it either. The IR blaster activates the primary tuner, but the SA 8000 sends the second tuner signal to the ReplayTV. In short it only works if I manually change the channel on the PIP tuner and keep it on. :\
Curious to know if you have been able to archive to VCR? The SA 8000 manual hints it's an upgrade in progress, and if you see the "copy to VCR" selection in the menu, you can do it. I see it, but it doesn't seem to work. Guess I'll have to ask my provider if it's active. some folks in San Diego report their DVI connection active. I'm waiting for that one too.