I have a 60 inch Phillips Magnavox set that is about 6 or 7 years old. Last week we started seeing the image blur. When I went into the menus and tried to adjust the convergence it would not work (Red and Blue were way out of line and nothing would move). It doesn't do it all of the time (Sometimes it works) In fact for the last few days it has not done it at all. I have noticed a a fuzzy multi-colored line at the top of the screen though. Does anyone know what the problem could be? We were thinking about waiting until the problem was constant before we called a repairman. If the cost is to high to fix we may buy another set (but I really don't want to do that.)
I have the same TV and the same problem. I don't know what to do either. If I find something out, I will let you know. If you run across anything, please let me know.