prez Unregistered guest | could someone please tell me if the tr-503 is a good home theater system? i have seen it online retailing at $2,999 but cant find out anything else about it, i can buy it right now from a guy for $500, should i get it? |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 1178 Registered: Dec-03 | Oh nuts, here we go, It is a scam. It is worth $50. |
Unregistered guest | OK, I just bought a tr-503 system for $400 bucks. Is this a good deal? |
Bronze Member Username: HokievtPost Number: 64 Registered: Aug-04 | Nope. You got taken. Did you listen to them before paying $400? |
theatre research dead Unregistered guest | i was also had, they just approached me in a parking lot in calgary, f#*k i feel like sh*t, i got their license plate though, my sole mission is to track them down |
Anonymous | Today a guy pulled up next to me and asked me if I would like to purchase a tr-503 for 600$. I told him I couldn't afford it and they sold it to me for 250$ after they showed me a magazine with the same system listed for 3,000$. I thought it would be a great investment, I guess I will have to keep it for myself. |
Brannon Unregistered guest | WHY???? WHY???? WHY??? SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY WHEN YOU SEE A TOTAL STRANGER PULL UP TO YOU(IN A GAS STATION OR GROCERY STORE)AND ALL OF A SUDDEN TRY TO SELL YOU SPEAKERS(out of the back of their automobile)THAT THEY SAY IS WORTH 2000 FOR 100, 150,200 AND YOU BUY THEM THINKING YOU HAVE A GOOD DEAL??? Good Lord, PT Barnum was correct when he said "There was a sucker born every minute". On top of that you bi*** about it on a website that has similar people bit**** about it EVERY single week!!!! How about this I have some speakers called Idiot Acoustics that are worth $50,000.00. See,I have this real looking piece of paper that says so. I have too many so I will sell them to you for $100.00. Someone please buy them from me so you can create a new thread about them instead of freaking TR!!!! How about this for anyone who has not met a salesman (IN A CAR FOR GODS SAKE) and thinks that these speakers are really worth 2 grand but you can get them for just 100. "THEY ARE CRAP" Save yourself some money, go to Walmart and buy yourself a COBY surround sound speaker package. On the other hand, I do also have the top of the line COBY that I will sell for 200.00. See I bought too many. On this paper I can show you that they list for 1750.00!! IDIOTS.............. jeeeessshhh........... Wait until they start buying the streem stuff on ebay. Good lord my head may explode.......... |
ekonan Unregistered guest | You should see them on ebay - getting sold every hour. Knew it was too good to be true. Research the internet I say and low and behold you have proven me right. Thanks all and sorry for those that have been taken. |
mk1r Unregistered guest | I bought mine today for $150 off the streets. I had my doubts at first, but if you knew what they are replacing then you'd have to say I did alright. He wanted $300, but I insisted I only had $150. They sound better than what I had originally so I'm satisfied for now plus they look decent. I have his number if anybody wants to buy some...LOL. |
New member Username: Hendrickson33Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-05 | I think they were worth the money I paid for them but unfortunately i spent some of my tuition money on them and am really hurting for the money i spent for them. If anyone wants a set of tr-1120's for around $250, let me know. |
Chadfx4 Unregistered guest | I feel like a f##king retard!!!!!!!!!! I just bought a TR-620 home theater system ought of the back of a suburban at my local bank parking lot. I paid $200, thought I got agood deal! I guess not. Thanks for the advice! |
Dougpell Unregistered guest | They got me to for $ 250, in the parking lot of a Home Depot. The tr-503 " Digital series " My wife is going to shoot me. I didn't even need them. ( I guess I'll tell her I stole them for $100. ) What was I thinking . Live and Learn...again and again..... |
Erik Walters Unregistered guest | Well, I just paid $400 for the speakers, it's too bad I didn't see this thread before. I would have beat the living **** out of that guy if I had known. I just hope he doesn't get anybody else. Should I go to the local news? |
It Sounded Legit Unregistered guest | "Oops, I did it to!" |
oh man Unregistered guest | i am the one too? man |
erk Unregistered guest | me too 460$ for tr-2810 man i got f****d |
pc Unregistered guest | me too. I have their drivers license. Will report to cops |
montreal Unregistered guest | @ Montreal, it was a white Lincoln SUV,2 young guys , he showed drivers license from Alberta...and a magazine with the ads showing the set for 2 $1800...they wanted $400, got $200. I filed a report, and If I see anyone runing the same SCAM...they are going to pay for the other guys!!! |
New member Username: Baja83Falls Church, VA Fairfax Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-05 | I couldn't feel any dumber. Those people just took me for $400. They approached me in a parking lot too. I was going to Subway. |
Unregistered guest | well i bought tr-7010 from a freind for $600, but after i read all this i took them back to him and got my money back! See i would have never bought them in some parking lot like my curious friend did. He got f'd at a best buy parking lot in San Bernardino CA, he gave them $550.00 and tied to make fifty off of me. oh well for him. He had the stupid magazine and we checked the web site sure enough the unit retail price $2,699 what a bunch of bull. |
Scranton PA Unregistered guest | They were in Scranton PA today |
tradeup6 Unregistered guest | They were in Brodheadsville, PA today....the liscense number on their van was YLV-8162 if anyone knows how to trace it or report it to the police. |
Unregistered guest | My son got taken for $500.00. He's 19 and this is all he had I am going to the police today and that b*stard better hope I can't find him piece of sh*t! By the way they are in Oregon right now |
Davey the Daver Unregistered guest | I got suckered years ago with the same crap ... literally a white van and 2 guys with one hell of a sales pitch. Back then they called the speakers Audio Tech with (what I now know are ridiculous) outrageous specs. I can't believe these guys are still getting away with it. Believe it or not I still have those piece of crap, particle board, crossover-less wastes of space packed away in the basement. If you are looking for a high end set of speakers without having to take out a loan check out Streem ( ... I can definitely tell you these speakers kick mother lovin a**. I purchased the ht808 set and recently added an additional set of rears and I haven't heard anything anywhere near this price range that compares. To sum Streem up in one word: "WOW"! |
va Unregistered guest | Streem speakers: just another variant of the "white van" speakers. Don't buy from any manufacturer that does not publish the products' technical specs (yes, that applies to Bose also). |
Davey the Daver Unregistered guest | va, no offence but either you are uneducated or you are somehow affiliated with a less than respectable speaker company and spend your whole day online bashing other companies products ... as everyone knows that kind of underhanded practice goes on way too much on the Internet. And no specs!??! What are you talking about? Maybe you should do a little more studying so you'll know when you are looking at a products technical specs. Streem and Bose and many other top speaker manufactures publish plenty of specs on their products. Web surfers beware of the tons of crap being slung around by brainless bafoons who have nothing better to do. |
va Unregistered guest | Davey - pls show me where the products' specs are, on the Streem website. And I mean technical specs (frequency response, plots of db against Hz), and not "word reviews" that can easily be made up. I am an engineer by training and can be convinced by/with hard data. I am not affiliated with any speaker company. At home I use a Hsu system and an Infinity sub (both bought at a CompUSA firesale at Christmas). |
Anonymous | I'd have to agree with VA. Davey I think you need to read reviews of the many magazines put out for home theater. If you had a nice sounding system that has had a good track record and reviews your streems would be joining the others in your basement.Try M&K, definitive or energy.. |
dannypa Unregistered guest | I also bought the TR-503 from 2 guys in a white van. And i'm not sure now what i paid, but i'm sure I got really ripped. But my question is, how can i listen to 5.1 optical with this system? Its has the 5.1 RCA ports, but how can i get the optical connection from the Xbox to this system? Can anyone help? If so sure would appriciate it. --danny |
thebomber Unregistered guest | I got my tr 7010 for $150 and the sub blew within an hour, maybe I got a better deal than some of you but I still got crap. |
Unregistered guest | hi i bought TR-7010 . does not have manual and no wire. does any one know what kind of wire i need and how much it cost. I know they ripp me off but i do not have any other way beside trying that. |
New member Username: Rudy11Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | I too got taken by 2 guys in a white van at my bank in New Jersey! 2 EDS speakers and tr503 for $600 after they showed me the magazine! Tried them out and they sounded horrible! Luckily, I got a receipt, called them up at American Sound Systems Inc. in Philadelphia, PA. and got my money back. The receipt had a 3 day return policy on it. I feel sorry for you guys that weren't so lucky. Last time that I do something as stupid as that!!! |
Anonymous | I got a tr-606 digital series professional home theater for $220.00 from two guys in a white van on a home depot parking lot in st. louis mo.. I hooked it up and it sounds great, the list on the box was 3,599.00 so even if its worth $225.00 i guess I did ok. |
CloseCall-Stow Unregistered guest | They almost got me yesterday. Home Depot parking lot in Streetsboro Ohio. The whole pitch was shaky to me. Nothing they said made any sense. I felt like I would be arrested as soon as I handed them money. I called their suppposed distributor (still have his number in my cell phone) and his story was as weak as theirs. Called my wife to check them out and she found their unprofessional website and this list of strings. Thanks for being here. I didn't bite, and I really need a system. I was ready to take a chance. I'm glad I didn't. |
i got screwed Unregistered guest | White van ,2guys, was months ago, Rhode island, They must be rich bye now!! $1,000$ in a Plaza Parking lot |
Unregistered guest | I just got scammed by 2 guys in a white van from Audio Dynamics Inc. Feel like a moron now, but I got a pink receipt with it because they didnt have the warranty papers with it. Is there any way that I can get a refund? So far nothing has blown and they still sound somewhat decent for the old prologic amp that Im using. I only paid $330 for them so I didnt get it as bad as I could have, but this is a lesson learned. |
delta9_thc Unregistered guest | These guys r good. I bit too, $500 for 2 pair of tr-1120.Sold a pair for $700 to a friend of my landlords, feel kinda bad now but i've moved.So i have some crappy speakers i got paid to buy. I was sold when one guy offerd to buy a pair back from me that night because he didn't want to go back to the office with them.Good luck all, buyer beware. |
dumbsh*t Unregistered guest | Two guys / white van are Back in Dickson City / Scranton yesterday |
Anonymous | Two Guys, one by the name of TJ - Early to Mid 20s, white, kind of short maybe 5-5, Bald with a Goatee. Whit shirt with a trible design. The other guy was maybe 5-8, looked like a 'stoner, dressed casual normal 20ish. Kicker - My Brother was sold because of the VAN it was sold in, which said 'DREAM AUDIO' on it. Plus there was the ol' Catalog, and price on the box. This is Cleveland, OH, August 12 on Mayfield road at 6:30. |
Unregistered guest | A friend of mine got snagged in Ohio a few days ago, we have a cell phone # of the 'Warranty Department' - 216-643-1254. It's some 'Distributor' who is just a guy in his 20s who will kina F''k with you on the phone. The TR Theatre Research website I believe is based on CA, and also had a cell phone # for customer service. According to someone from PA the van plates were YLV-8162. If any one has additional information, please E-mail . Maybe together we can find these guys, since I doubt the cops will do anything. |
Anonymous | I guess I got taken too. What was I thinking? A guy in a truck pulled up on the parking lot outside of Bank Of America in Mundelain, IL, and offered me these great speakers (TR-503) for any offer I could give him. He showed me an article that stated the list price was $2,995. The box had the same MSRP # on it. I ended up paying $169, so hopefully the speakers actually work somewhat decent, as I really do not need them. Thankfully, my wife just laughed at my stupid mistake... Anybody want to buy some "great" speakers? |
New member Username: ScrewingbackPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | Okay, I got ripped off. B*st*rds took advantage of me while my wife was in need of help. Pitched product to me over the phone as Bose 3 piece wireless system. Wife knows sh*t about audio. They loaded up her truck with this junk TR606 system, certainly not a BOSE. I was pissed when I found out. Stupidly enough, the punk called my cellphone. When I called him back he laughed at me and said "sounded like I was involoved in a bad drug deal" while pretending to be someone else. Guess what, ASSH*LE? Your caller ID matched a name I was able to investigate to be Brant Halloway from Oklahoma and you did say afterall your name was Brant. If anyone wants to call and harrass this assh*le and his two buddies (yellow Gold Coast Stereo shirts and white Chevy Suburban) his phone number is 1-405-308-0750. Someone jerk his chain at 3:00am please... |
New member Username: ScrewingbackPost Number: 2 Registered: Aug-05 | Oh yeah, this was in Mesa, Arizona when it happened to us on Wednesday, August 17th. Screw you, Brant Halloway... Hope your mom gets cervical cancer from all the STD's she gets while being a prostitute and may your buddy stab you in the back for pocketing some of that money and not sharing it with them. |
Unregistered guest | Yeah, I believe that I just got scammed. My friend and I were just comming out of a resturant called China Buffet (in South West Michigan) and we were standing by our cars talking when this guy in a white van drove up and asked if we were interested in buying some audio equipment. There was 2 guys in the vehicle: One older guy, bleached hair, about 5'8", and a younger looking guy, with dark (black?) hair, kind of chubby, and maybe 5'6-7" (he stayed in the van). The van was marked American *somthing* (I don't quite remember) and had an illinois licence plate number 59 702 C. They did say they were stationed in chicago... I have read a lot of these previous posts and found many similarities. He was trying to sell me 2 different systems. One was this 2 speaker system (Elite Digital Sounds EDS-2850) and the other was a 5 speaker surround sound (Theater Research TR-503). Now here are the similarities... he showed me some paper work saying that he ended up with 2 extra systems from one order and was trying to get some extra cash from them. Well at first he said he didn't want to get in trouble with comming back with extra equipment... but I worked what he was really after (money) after talking with him. He said he was in a hurrry because he had another order in kalamazoo to drop off. He showed us his delievery slip, which didn't look too professional (it was pink and had an 8 in the left box and something scribbled in the middle box). After that he showed us this catalog (I never heard of) and showed us the price of the equipment which was about $2,200.00 for the EDS and $3,000.00 for the TR (That was the prices on the box too). So after talking with the guy, me and my friend agreed to split it $500 each for the systems. (A total of $1000 for both) The guy agreed to follow us to the bank so we could get the money (he ended up following me to my bank, then we met up later met up with my friend) So I had the guy follow me to a Walgreens parking lot to wait for my friend to show up. So while we were sitting there the driver (the bleached hair guy, well it was more yellowish) got out and started to talk to me, one question after the other then his passenger joined in. Questions like, how much does it cost to live around here, where do I work... I answered them calmly because i'm a friendly guy. Then before they could send any more questions at me I asked them about the systems. (By the way, I was second guessing this whole transaction the entire time) Anyways, asking him about the systems- I asked if they are busted, or if anything was wrong with them, then this is where I asked him if he was really just trying to make some extra money off extra equipment and he said nodded yes. The guy seemed nice, not really pushy but I still had a little voice saying that something isn't right. So my friend showed up and we made the transation. We loaded all the equipment in my car so I could test it out, my friend had errands to run so I just brought everything home. After the transaction was complete the guy asked for a little extra for some beers for him and his friend. My friend said that he really didn't have anymore money and I said that we just gave him $1000, he had more than enough money for beer. Then he asked if we hand anything else to smooth over the deal (I knew he was talking about weed) and I said "I know what you mean, but we don't have any of that". So he shook our hands, and me thinking this was a legit transation said, "You know, If I ever do see you again, I do owe you a beer". After exchanging friendly good-byes we all took off. I went home, told my parents of the transaction (I'm a college student, btw) and told them I got $5,000.00 worth of equipment for $1000.00 ($500 each) and even if I don't use the equipment that it was a good investment... ![]() Anyways, I tested the EDS and they worked fine. I just might keep them... but they probably are worth only $200 and I payed $500... but I have yet to test the TR 5 speaker system because I decided to check online and see the prices of the stuff online. Then i'm sure most of you know how the story goes. So, lesson learned... I cannot really do anything using the police because if the stuff is stolden, then i can get fined, and if its just cheap stuff there is nothing the police can do about it. I hope this story reaches out to people with similar incidences so they know they are not alone. The best thing we can do is email your stories (or mine) to everyone you know so they know to look out for that and to warn their friends. Feel free to email me to just say hey, I had a similar experience and it sucks. That way I don't feel like this post was a waste. ^_^ (if it wasn't posted already) Another thing my dad told me to look out for are people who ask for change. Like 'could I have change for this $100', then, 'could I have change for this $20'... etc and they go so fast that they end up taking money from you... Well, lesson: If it is too good to be true, it probably is. I know I will remember this day for a loooooong time. Thanks for reading! ![]() PS- Sorry about any spelling errors |
TBell Unregistered guest | Well sh*t, I guess my worst thoughts are true. What a scam. I always thought that I was smarter than that. Well I guess I learned something. Look out for a white mini van in Jackson, MI. Smooth assed talker, and I thought I was a salesman. |
Unregistered guest | My husband just bought the TR-503 system behind Classic Stereo in Portage, MI from a guy in a gold Chevy Trailblazer. He said he was making a delivery to Classic Stereo and had some "extras". He tried to get $400 for them, but my husband paid $200. He wanted me to look it up on ebay and they're selling on there for $200, plus $70 shipping. Then, I found this site. I guess he got took. |
Unregistered guest | Yep, scam in America. I got took and I hope someone can help me with some simple operating help. I have the TR606 system?...quote system. It does work somewhat, but not great and I need some operating tips. Hell the damn remote is difficult to figure out. Of course, no one from TR can be contacted or be found. I live in St. Louis and two guys approached me and another guy in a Walgreens parking lot. They had two systems to deliver to Washington University, but they said they were the wrong systems and they had come all the way from Chicago. Their boss had told them to get rid of the systems because they couldn't sell them now. (I should have known). But, being fair, and me and the other feeling sorry for the guys and the story we both got sucked in. Now, I need some general operating assistance and noone to be found. If anyone can simply assist me with operating help I would appreciate it. The system works although of course it's not a high level system. My email is Oh yeah, they had a warranty card, insurance the whole business, but it looks like a scam. I hope the cops catch these guys and lock em up. Thanks for the reply and help. My email is |
Unregistered guest | Attention: Ladies and gentlemen this scam is illegal. They are "baiting & switching" an old, common practice in the USA. Their warranties are obviously bogus which is illegal in the USA. They misrepresent and portray fraudulent information, again, this is illegal. Because this involves interstate commerce, the local law enforcement will not handle it. You MUST go the your local FBI office, give them this website, give them the TR website, explain your loss and problem. Hopefully, they will investigate and bring these criminals to justice. Also, I believe these people will try to hit college campus' since the equipment looks like something mommy & daddy might have for cheap...warn anyone you know. One last thing, these things are all over Ebay...I think the FBI can track that fairly easily. Get on this and do something so others don't get injured. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 3664 Registered: Dec-03 | Wow, these threads are taking on a whole new level. |
Nickyfrmvegas Unregistered guest | lol FBI lol ok ok u got us lol WE pay taxes to the federal gov noob lol |
Unregistered guest | They got me too! To make matters worse I'm in the dog house. $370.00 down the drain. Im so pist I'm going to punch myself for being such a freak'n retard. |
Unregistered guest | Are they better than Cervin-Vega |
Unregistered guest | hey everyone, i got screwed over too about a month ago. thing is since i have them might as well use them. I have the tr 503 system. Can someone tell me what wires i need and if i can either just hook it up to my tv or to my xbox. Those two guys even screwed me out of the directions. i'd appreciate it, thanks. |
DonInOhio Unregistered guest | I fell for the scam as well. Hamilton, OH at a Home Depot. He wanted $600 for the 2 speakers - "Theater Research - EDS-2850 Digital Series Speakers". I talked him down to $220 for both. Are these speakers not even worth this much? I'm not expecting too much - I play mostly Metal and Hard Rock. |
New member Username: SidiquiCanal Fulton, Oh United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | I am realy glad I had the sense to get on this thread. I bid on one of the systems on E-Bay. Fortunately for me, I was outbid |
Anonymous | THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!! I made the guys wait out front while I did a little quick checking and found this thread. They had a magazine (this months) with their paid ad and a review on the equipment supposedly by the magazine. Looked VERY legit. MSRP 3200, trying to get 1000. See ya! Sent them packing! |
Idiottookthatone Unregistered guest | B@$t@rds got me too Lincoln, NE. If anyone finds them, post it and I would like to have a chat with those B!t*#$. Man am I a freakin retard. |
luckydudeinKC Unregistered guest | They are in Kansas City - white utility van, white guy showing you his drivers license, brochures, etc. Great sales man - too bad he moved from $800 to $350 at the drop of a hat. It spooked me when he did that, and I got out. His story was that he had received 3 systems and only supposed to get 2, so if he ended up at the destination with 3, he'd have to leave all 3 there, and didn't have time to go home and drop 1 off, so needed to find someone to buy. |
Anonymous | What is the TR corp website and number? |
happy-gone-sad. Unregistered guest | I will swallow my pride and hook them up...what the heck..after reading all these posts..even the "change the subject" one..I want to FESS up to being the biggest fool here...i paid $700.. bones. Towers (2810) and the surround trio..?? I don't even want to look at the box to find the number. But what can I do??? I thought I had a perfect "lucky day"... the whole thing seemed believable. But now that it is sinking in.. I guess I got what I deserved. the guys were good actors and I was a willing accomplice. How many times do I need to hear it?... "if it sounds too good to be true, it is". Then again, look how many advertised products in the legitmate "marketplace" are nothing more than slick b.s. Watched any info-mercials lately? I will live with my overpriced "BOUNTY" a concrete reminder. PEACE all...and safe shopping. |
Unregistered guest | I was looking at them on ebay and it seemed that they were pretty cheap and looked pretty decent. the website ( ) is porely designed and put together so it was obvious that it was somewhat of a scam with the msrp being so high, and ooh all those shiny logos on the bottom of the homepage ummm with no links attached?? and wtf is FBAA?? anyone ever heard of FBAA?? I know the BBB, and I feel like I should report the FBAA to the BBB. Also a porely designed website which is a dead give away. Well, ebay reviews aren't so bad from users but I was wondering if y'all have had any good experiences with the speakers, even though I've lost all interest in purchasing any.... |
pancakes are evil! Unregistered guest | Yeah, I was looking at these on ebay and did some quick research. Which led to this thread. My question- how solid are the cabinets? I was going to do a DIY system, but good cabinets were like 400 or 500 dollars. So maybe I could by a cheap set of these and scrap the innards= cheap boxes! |
Screwed Buckeye Unregistered guest | Unbelievable! I just gave these 2 dudes in a white van $500 for the 5.1 surround system. I come home to research the product thinking I got a good deal and this is what I find! This is Columbus, OH. The van says Audio Dynamics out of Cinicinnati. Same pitch, showed the magazine and MSRP, and I fell hook, line, and sinker. I am going to try and get my money back from them. |
New member Username: Jb46292Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | word today in austin, TX two dudes in a white expedition managed to sell me two 2810's for $300. Believe it or not, i am pleased with the sound. yes, i acutally hooked them up. new receiver and everything. i had them setup and working (nicely) before i discovered the truth behind the white van. although they sound good, the only thing i'm worried about is wether or not they will last the year. seem sturdy and look sweet too. |
New member Username: Jb46292Post Number: 2 Registered: Oct-05 | at the risk of losing all credibility: I AM NOT A SALESMAN! |
grinning-through-the-rain Unregistered guest | the sound of the 2810's are "boomy" and a concert in a good hockey arena...if you crank up a RAMONES tune, they rock...but an intricate recording, like YES "talk"..and the sound is missing a lot of detail. Another box (amp) has different settings and they sound best on "stereo Hall" (as opposed to strictly "stereo L/R") KeepRockin. (in the free world) |
blip on the radar Unregistered guest | hey dudes and this thread D.E.A.D.?? |
New member Username: StevefrompaPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | ok here is the scoop, i just purchased a set of the 1610/1611 5 speakers $460 off ebay, i will make my determination as to how they sound when they arrive, if i got taken at least i have a way to return them, the guy i bought them from had well over 600 feedbacks and none of them were not satisfied with the product. When i looked at TR's website i assumed that the pricing was inflated, and i thought it was strange that speakers that were so expensive had such minimal info about them. However as usual i did no research before i bought and found this thread after i purchased. i will post what i think when they arrive. If they suck at least i can return them and get e bay involved in the dispute. |
Bronze Member Username: DiverhankHuntington Beach, CA Post Number: 65 Registered: Sep-05 | Man I'm really tired of reading about personal insults. Can we just stick to home theatre discussion? Many Thanks. |
Anonymous | Did the same thing 2 days ago, got approached by two hags in their late 30's telling me they have a deal for a set of speakers. Ended up getting a set of tr 2810 for $250 CDN. Haven't hooked them up yet. |
Anonymous | TR 2810 - I just hooked these speakers up yesterday...yup they are $200 dollar speakers...if that even. Although I was happy that they at least work. Out of 10 I would give them a 4. So, to me they are not completely Terrible. But I would have been better off buying a home theater package from Walmart or somewhere for $199.99... |
Anonymous | what about if they offer 10,000 plasma only in 2000 at their prize?Oh god, its unbelievably stupidity....who is going into it? I had this offer thanks to god i read these comments earlier otherwise i could also be in a cry face list!!!! |
Reinhart Unregistered guest | Here is the final point. White van speakers are junk, period. There are countless reviews and complaints confirming this fact from "satisfied" customers online. There are some webpages that also have links to examples and technical examinations of white van speakers. Despite what anyone says, I've had chances to seriously review these speakers and they are substandard, period. Other speaker technicians that I've consulted say the exact same thing about these speakers consistently. These things are worthless junk, and that's that. They do not have good frequency response and range. They do not have good efficiency. Some examples are known to have very bad impedence curves, which risks amplifiers. The parts quality are the lowest known to man. The level of engineering that's used is merely to get the speaker to make sound as opposed to doing that job properly. The primary fact is that these speakers are represented to the customer as high performance and very expensive audio equipment. This is supposed to push the buyer towards buying the speaker for the price that the seller suggests, which is less than the MSRP but still more than what the speaker is actually worth. Another valid point is that vastly better speakers from known brands sold by reputable stores can usually be purchased for **LESS** than what is typically paid to buy white van speakers, which makes the white van deal even more of a ripoff. Attempts to justify the sale of white van products or sidestep the issue are merely attempts to alter the focus of the debate and are irrelevant. The conclusion: White van speakers are junk that's hugely misrepresented to be more than what they actually are and should be completely avoided. The solution: Save your money and buy better speakers from a decent store, sometimes for less than what white van speakers sell for. - Reinhart | Unregistered guest | I guess you get the LAST Word ReinMan....but I still think it comes down to how they sound...and that bit about damage to the amplifier...BAH. MajorManufacturers don't own the world..and I think the "dreaded" white van people are merely using good ol' american ingenuity. |
Reinhart Unregistered guest | "I guess you get the LAST Word ReinMan....but I still think it comes down to how they sound..." True, too. And, here's another revelation. Those white van speakers sound terrible, ESPECIALLY when compared to speakers that truly do what they do properly. "and that bit about damage to the amplifier...BAH." It can happen. If the impedence plot is such that it demands more current from the output transistors beyond what they're supposed to at any given time, then those transistors can get stressed. Do it enough times, then the output section can actually fail. "MajorManufacturers don't own the world..and I think the 'dreaded' white van people are merely using good ol' american ingenuity." Now that's an oxymoron. Good old American ingenuity ... with Chinese-made products that are engineered in the worst way possible. Great way to show American ingenuity. As for major manufacturers, some speakers manufacturers that actually make good speakers are not as "major" as you may think. But, the difference between white van speakers and real speakers is this: white van speakers are sold to make money while real speakers are sold to make truly good sound. The people who make good speakers are usually VERY serious about their craft and take pride at what they do while white van speaker makers are only serious about how cheaply they can make their product. To add to this, the white van players are only interested in how much money they can get out of their hits. - Reinhart |
Anonymous | in st louis today. got stuck with tr606 for $600. Illinois license plates 8324286. |
New member Username: BiglemNashville, TN Us Post Number: 2 Registered: Nov-05 | Unlike many of you my experience was great. I talked the guy down from $400 to $150 for a 6 speaker TR7000 home theater set. It rocks, I have it connected to my 62" DLP T.V. and my basement sounds like I am at the IMAX theater. If i run into those guys again I am going to get the towers next. | Unregistered guest | have you heard of BURN-IN...these speakers sound better every day....I don't I donated to the "next guy who needs a buck" fun....we've all been there...and to dog something made in CHINA..hell- MOM's APPLE PIE is made in China NOW..what are ya gonna do...change the world? |
Bronze Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 28 Registered: Nov-05 | It's not just where the item was made, but also how. There have been some really good items that have come from China because of good engineering practices that were used in the items. As long as there is a measure of quality control and skill among the workers, it will always turn out good if the engineering and materials aspect are always right. Now, let's get a couple things straight. Good engineering costs more money, and that's what usually goes into speakers from brands with a good reputation. Decent speakers also use good materials, which also cost more money. These factors combine to make a speaker that costs more to manufacture than white van crap, even if some of these kinds of speakers are made in China. So, to make a profit off of the sale, there will be a higher retail price. Now, white van speakers have very high MSRPs, but their higher prices are unjustified since their products typically use very cheap parts and are engineered to where they merely work as opposed to working to produce decent sound. It turns out the high MSRP in the catalogues is to help play on the "bargain" aspect of the product when the seller tries to push the speaker to the buyer at a "lower" price. You can burn-in a white van speaker as long as you want, but it will not improve the speaker enough to make it appreciably better than what it is. As for the gentleman who claims his basement sounds like an IMAX theater, isn't that exaggerating? Plus, it may sound okay with movies, but what about music, especially 2 channel stuff? Soundstaging, depth, frequency range, efficiency, dynamics, all the important aspects in good speakers? - Reinhart |
WooferGoofer Unregistered guest | Kip- you have made up your mind.This is more than obvious. I wonder if you were alive in another lifetime and advised CUSTER... relax..enjoy your "QUALITY", and stop trying to make everyone who "went along for the ride" feel like a fool. C'mon BOYS..let's rock!!!!!! |
Bronze Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 51 Registered: Nov-05 | "Kip- you have made up your mind.This is more than obvious. I wonder if you were alive in another lifetime and advised CUSTER... relax..enjoy your "QUALITY", and stop trying to make everyone who "went along for the ride" feel like a fool. " What I'm saying are for those who haven't been "along for the ride." "C'mon BOYS..let's rock!!!!!!" Something which is hard to do without decent quality gear. - Reinhart |
Anonymous | "White van scam" strikes Baltimore. Only this one was light blue stacked full of Theatre Research TR606 speaker systems. But a familiar twist on the story about having too many systems in the van, and they can't take them back, and they called the boss about having too many and he said to either take them themselves or sell them on their own. And I was taken in by my own greed to the tune of $400. I even threw in an extra $100 as a thank you. This to two fast talking young men who really had the scam down pat. I didn't even really need the speakers. What's that expression about things that sound too good to be true? I am poorer but wiser. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. Boy, do I feel foolish. |
November99 Unregistered guest | I can see that Kip is making a fool of himself here too. Don't you have anything better to do? |
Kitzo Unregistered guest | how can someone buy speakers even at $250 off the streets without way of return. I just got a great deal on a JVC 5.1 system with receiver and speakers included for $100 from American Electronics. The best part is that the system rocks! and even if i don't like it I can return it. I guess i just don't have too much money just laying around. ^_^ |
Anonymous05 Unregistered guest | I just bought a tr-606 from a guy on Ebay. Payed 250 and 100 for delivery. I hooked them up. Sound pretty good to me. Heard alot better but not for that price. I think if you hooked the system up to a differnt reciever with a a little more control and a few more watts I think they would sound even better. You know that they are a pretty decent speaker because they are heavy. Shitty speakers are really light no magnet. So if you guys want that all you do is complain about them try hooking them up to a reciver |
Bronze Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 89 Registered: Nov-05 | NOVEMBER99 said: "I can see that Kip is making a fool of himself here too. Don't you have anything better to do?" I do. But replying here, however, doesn't take that much time to do. It's a cinch for me. I don't know about you, however. Is posting a reply and opinion on a forum THAT difficult for you? - Reinhart |
Bronze Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 90 Registered: Nov-05 | "I think if you hooked the system up to a differnt reciever with a a little more control and a few more watts I think they would sound even better." Maybe, maybe not. "You know that they are a pretty decent speaker because they are heavy." Not always. "Shitty speakers are really light no magnet." Don't you mean "lighter magnet?" But, without actually taking the thing apart and looking inside, how can you know that the weight is due to the drivers or due to something else? Besides, an even better indication of a good speaker is whether or not it has a good balance of elements that make it up. "So if you guys want that all you do is complain about them try hooking them up to a reciver" Don't you mean "hooking them up to a different receiver?" - Reinhart |
Guest - who did a little research before buying... Unregistered guest | I wonder if they sound as good as my SAVA700's? Maybe I should get some. $269 on Ebay right now. Only 40 left! |
DaffyNition Unregistered guest | and now..."mister blow-your-own-trumpet" we have to endure your closet EnglishTeacher too? Go AWAY!!!!! |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 105 Registered: Nov-05 | "and now...'mister blow-your-own-trumpet' we have to endure your closet EnglishTeacher too? Go AWAY!!!!!" Why don't you "Go AWAY!!!!!" Takes more than that to make me "go away." You're not contributing to the forum, only being insulting (and not being very effective in that regard, either). - Reinhart |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 106 Registered: Nov-05 | "I wonder if they sound as good as my SAVA700's? Maybe I should get some. $269 on Ebay right now. Only 40 left!" Do yourself a favor: don't. - Reinhart |
NaffyDiction Unregistered guest | Tito..get me a tissue.... |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 117 Registered: Nov-05 | NaffyDiction said: "Tito..get me a tissue...." Typical. You've written a post that is so obscure and meaningless that it contributes absolutely nothing to the discussion. Again, why don't you "Go AWAY!!!!!" - Reinhart |
little binky Unregistered guest | "Typical. You've written a post".. so you don't know classic Eddie Murphy comedy any better than you know speakers. I'll bet you can fellate yourself. and Listen..hipper-than-thou, you're just the current version of a snake-oil salesman. I'm not sure who died and appointed you the spokesdork for this thread..but I'll bet it's so give us another 18 paragraph explanation of why we shouldn't enjoy what we have.... |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 131 Registered: Nov-05 | "so you don't know classic Eddie Murphy comedy any better than you know speakers. I'll bet you can fellate yourself. and Listen..hipper-than-thou, you're just the current version of a snake-oil salesman." Do you even know what the term "snake oil" means? "Snake oil" is a term used to describe products that are claimed to do something when they actually don't deliver. They are also usually backed by outrageously dubious promises that simply aren't possible. If anything, white van speakers are the epitome of snake oil as they fit the description to a tee. They are sold under absolutely false claims with an inflated MSRP to get people to think that they are scoring a deal on a set of professional speakers when they are actually getting ripped off by buying a set of speakers that real professionals would never even use for a PA system, much less a studio setting. There are better speakers out there than what's sold out of the back of white vans. To make it worse, some of the speakers that are actually decent (and will outperform white van speakers, to boot) also actually cost less than what most people spend on white van garbage. "I'm not sure who died and appointed you the spokesdork for this thread..but I'll bet it's" Nice try, but it seems that you can't deal with the fact that your buy was a rip-off. You seem to be veiling your own mistake by: 1. Justifying your purchase anyways. 2. Shouting insults to those that disagree and point out why. "so give us another 18 paragraph explanation of why we shouldn't enjoy what we have...." I'm not saying that you shouldn't enjoy what you have. I'm just making the point, and clarifying my contention in the process, of why your purchase wasn't so wise in the end. Simply put, you could've used that money to buy better speakers from the likes of JBL or Polk at a reputable store for not much more money. To that effect, I feel sorry that you didn't make a good buy in the end when one looks at the bigger picture. - Reinhart |
PIMPALA-SS Unregistered guest | sorry to all you people who are unhappy with your purchase, but guess what, YOU are the one who deserves exactly what you got. YOU thought you were getting a STOLEN PAIR OF SPEAKERS for far less than the advertised price. what they did is LEGAL, they sold a product. they have the option to set their own prices. federal, adn state laws do not tell anyone how much a retail product can, or cannot be sold for. you are only saying you got ripped off, because you THOUGHT you were buying a $3,000 pair of speakers (or however much) for $200, and it turns out, what you got was a $200 pair of speakers. that my friends, is NOT illegal, misrepresented or not. car salesmen lie to customers every day, and give misinformation about cars, prices, and payments. its called PROFIT. YOU ARE THE ONES WHO SHOULD BE ASHAMED.. FOR TRYING TO PURCHASE STOLEN PROPERTY!! RECIEVING STOLEN GOODS IS A CRIME!! POSESSING STOLEN GOODS IS A CRIME!! do you feel better now that you found out that your "good deal" speakers arent stolen, and you own them legally? no, you are pissed because you got what you paid for. you paid for junk, and thats what you got. tough cookies. got any more issues? heres a tissue. crybabies |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 171 Registered: Nov-05 | "YOU ARE THE ONES WHO SHOULD BE ASHAMED.. FOR TRYING TO PURCHASE STOLEN PROPERTY!! RECIEVING STOLEN GOODS IS A CRIME!! POSESSING STOLEN GOODS IS A CRIME!!" Two wrongs don't make a right. Swindling those who are ignorant or even greedy is still swindling. It's still wrong, no matter how you spin it. And, don't try the legal excuse. Just because something's legal, it doesn't mean it's right. Segregation was once legal, but was it right? Slavery was once legal, but was it right? You're justifying your lack of ethics by blaming your victim's lack of ethics. Stop excusing yourself with the strawman argument. You're just as bad as those who fell for your pitch in an attempt to try and swindle you. Just as your victims should fess up for falling for your scams, you ought to fess up for taking advantage of others. - Reinhart |
New member Username: Dark_egoPost Number: 2 Registered: Nov-05 | I must say, i find it halarious that you fools buy stuff out of peoples vans...seriously, did you grow up in a bubble or something? If someone offers you a 3,000 dollar system for 200 bucks, its either 1, stolen, or two, bullshit. Simple as that. |
Box of rocks Unregistered guest | Im with Kyle, you people are dumb as a box of rocks. I was approached by these dickheads years ago when I was 25 years old and I was intelligent enough to realize that A. If its too good to be true, it is B. How the hell can someone offer something for thousands off in an Exxon parking lot C. Never trust two moolies with out of town plates. I kept them hanging and then had them follow me to the bank which they agreed upon. I didnt tell them I was on my way 4 hours away to visit a buddy upstate at school, after just over the first hour they stopped following me. Morons. I sell bridges on the side so lemme know if any of you are interested, oh and they are stolen too. Email me at |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 187 Registered: Nov-05 | "I must say, i find it halarious that you fools buy stuff out of peoples vans...seriously, did you grow up in a bubble or something? If someone offers you a 3,000 dollar system for 200 bucks, its either 1, stolen, or two, bullshit. Simple as that." Unfortunately, a lot of people tend to forget that when they are driven emotionally about the deal. But, as you stated, the simple fact is that a system that's supposed to be $3,000 being offered for $200 would either be hot or full of it. The vigliance is to remind people that if a deal is too good to be true, then it probably is. Another old saying: Never trust a salesman. - Reinhart |
Alexi Milano Unregistered guest | I picked up the EDS-2850 for $300 in a parking lot (red van). I was so concerned about being mugged or that the speaker boxes were empty that I totally didn't think about the actual price of the speakers being bad. I thought I was good for talking them down from $800. When I got home I hooked them up and at first they sounded awful, but then I adjusted my EQ (they needed some low end compensation) and they sounded a little better. The tweeter is like metal on glass, the woofer is a full range and sounds awful. It needs to be crossed over a lot lower. The midrange cones are pretty with the nice waveguide spikes. The speakers look ok, and they sound *ok*. The look better from a distance. Upon close inspection you can see that the little things (screw and bolt types, wiring plugs, etc.) were neglected upon assembly. I repackaged them after listing and am selling them on Ebay for hopefully around $300. They aren't awful, but I really didn't need the speakers. I was a sucker. Thank god my wife was understanding. |
New Day - Same Guy Unregistered guest | ok..I STILL say...TheatreResearch sales are wrongly being categorized as Rip-Off..unconventional, yes..but the ART Van having a sale all the time is no different than the "WHITE" Van having a sale with their well-rehearsed sales pitch. Mail-In rebates at the BIG BOX? $4.99 DVD's at the Wally? SAME THING. if you guys want to put all your "TRUST" into the corporate world of "QUALITY" go right ahead. My SPEAKERS sound GREAT. Bottom Line. now repeat after me...CHEVY VEGA...FORD PINTO...YUGO...the world is full of CRAP products being SOLD... and just because somebody doesn't have a showroom, doesn't mean their products are any different than the supposed "legitimate" stuff. Recently a GUITAR CENTER opened here. The first day they had INCREDIBLE guitar one get 10 free...ELEVEN for the price of ONE. THEY SUCK. what a surprise. PEOPLE BOUGHT THEM BY THE HANDFULL Now, I'm not saying that people like you, or you, or YOU, shouldn't research everything you ever purchase down to the last scientific detail..and make sure that the money you are spending isn't going to a slave-shop owner sunning on his yacht..but for the rest of us..Hey, you take the good with the bad and live and learn. But beware of the "snake-oil" salespeople who will tell you again and again that the TRUTH they speak is the ONLY TRUTH. HAPPY CHRISTMAS. |
Wulfe Unregistered guest | Why does everybody keep buying these peices of junk? How stupid can you be? I had these guys approach me while driving and I didn't think twice about telling them to get lost! If you have never heard of a company and they are offering you something at an unbelievable price, it's either stolen or junk!!! Come on people use some common sense! |
November99 Unregistered guest | Let me contribute something to this forum and Kip- It is hard to research the equipment if they are being sold on the spot out of a van. If they are at your house or you have phone access to the net, great but how many times are we approached by speakermen in our lifetime? It's great that you say do your research and buy from a well known brand but guess what, there are so many brands out there so how are we supposed to know ON THE SPOT? How could you NOT get this after so many people have stated it over and over? Are you that thickheaded to not understand? Get over it. |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 213 Registered: Nov-05 | "Let me contribute something to this forum and Kip- It is hard to research the equipment if they are being sold on the spot out of a van. If they are at your house or you have phone access to the net, great but how many times are we approached by speakermen in our lifetime?" Which is EXACTLY the reason why you should NEVER buy on impulse from a white van merchant. You must research and audition to make good choices and the only way you can do that is to go to a reputable store. "It's great that you say do your research and buy from a well known brand but guess what, there are so many brands out there so how are we supposed to know ON THE SPOT?" That's part of the purpose of researching. Researching gives you the knowledge you need to make those decisions in the first place. Laziness is no excuse for not doing what you must to gain the knowledge necessary to make a wise decision. If that's difficult for you to comprehend, then that's YOUR problem. "Are you that thickheaded to not understand? Get over it." In other words, you're trying to make an excuse for people who simply didn't have the sense to recognize a white van speaker deal for what it really was. I understand clearly. The point I'm making is that there is always one option in regards to a white van deal: do not accept it, period. You are never allowed the liberty to research and audition since it's all reliant on impulse, which is what you essentially said yourself. Perhaps you ought to re-evaluate your values and make the necessary corrections. - Reinhart |
November99 Unregistered guest | Yer an idiot. |
Mike_$162 Unregistered guest | Santa Cruz, California. 11/30/05 Same thing...2 guys, white van, in front of bank(very brilliant by the way)...same story (extra surplus-quick sale for some extra cash otherwise boss will pocket the goods). You gotta admit, it's a compelling story, especially since we all think that they're really stolen but we'd rather believe them cause then we don't feel guilty but rather that we scored an awesome deal. I bought the TR-6.01 800w Home Theatre Speaker System for $162. Inflated value ($1999.00) I bought them about 10 hours ago and found this thread when I got home. The speakers look quality but unfortunately I don't have a good receiver to hook them up just yet and see for myself if they were worth it. Will post again after I test the merchandise!! |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 222 Registered: Nov-05 | "Yer an idiot." Is that the best you can do? Really, if that's all you have to say in reply, then it means that my post put you in your place and all you can do is piss and moan. Do try to have a nice Holiday. Perhaps you really need it. - Reinhart |
12m=1yr..still. Unregistered guest | same old story November99..the unmovable hunk of kip..thinks he's the 2nd coming. a masochist fool.a bone-headed clump of "i'm right..i'm right..i'm right." he lives alone. he's never made a mistake in his life. and he pinches his "intellect" like a kleptomaniac takes knick-knacks.'s a neat twist, folks...and they are NOT junk. VAN GO!!!!!! |
Some like it HOT Unregistered guest | Either you people are as dumb as Forest Gump or as demoralized as Courtney Love. Hmmmm several hundred dollars of savings because why? Either they are junk and you are a dope or they are stolen and you are a theif. Which would you rather be stupid or stealing? For those THAT dumb, well then you got what you deserved and you probably continue on through life being taken advanatage of and rightfully so because you are a fat tounged retard. For those THAT unmoralized, I wait for the day you come home to a ransacked house and your things are sold for dirt cheap our of the back of someones van and someone else either stupid or lawless can make out on your loss. |
Courtney Gump Unregistered guest | yes..i guess you are right. Theft and Stupidity..the 2 most awful traits in this whole world. Next thing you know we'll be sending people to WalMart so they can buy sneekers sewn together by small enslaved hands.(AT ALWAYS LOW PRICES) or realize we can buy milk real cheap because of FARM SUBSIDIES....but that's too complex, let's stick to those EVIL van people. it's NOT theft, the product is just presented in a "candid camera" moment...and when was the last time you got excited about a deal?(ever?) The buyer is completely reassured that the deal is a "lucky break" with all the back-up needed to make it real. Bosses name, phone number,etc. This product is NOT stolen. The outlet mall "illusion" is exactly the same thing. YOU are the fat-tongued retard if you believe corporate America is looking out for you. WELCOME TO REALITY. |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 247 Registered: Nov-05 | "...and they are NOT junk. VAN GO!!!!!!" But they ARE junk. VAN STOP!!!!!! The post from "12m=1yr..still" sounds more like a post from a white van seller. It's easy to say that the white van speakers are just as good as stuff from decent brands sold at retail or used ... that is until you actually check these things out through tests and evaluations. They do not stack up compared to something from the likes of Polk or etc. And, they obviously are not worth the $1000-plus that the pushers say that they are. If the salespeople have to get people to buy them by advertising them as something more than what they really are, then that makes anyone who's sensible wonder if people should even bother with them at all. Add to that the manner which they are typically sold and you essentially have something that good sense should dictate is something that is best avoided. As for the contention posted by Courtney Gump, yes, there are things that happen because of corporate America. Look at Bose, for one. But, that doesn't change or make better the product from white van vendors. Furthermore, it tries to shift the focus of the discussion and is out of proportion to the context of the subject. Just don't buy stuff from white van guys. The products have dubious quality and the business practice is highly questionable. Fraud that is legitimate is still fraud. Don't fall for the bargain trap! I say this for anyone who reads this and hasn't fallen for it yet. - Reinhart |
Unregistered guest | Well, I join the crowd of happy Tr Customers. roflmao. When I put my bid in "if it sounds too good to be true" was constantly ringing in my head. As much as I wanted to lose the bid or back out I stuck up to my end and made the payment. It arrived today as advertised:the TR 505 system and well packed and promptly. I have as yet to hook it up as there is some fear involved here! lol I really can not complain as I got what I bid and paid for! As a very early message noted if I hold a piece of paper up and tell you what it is and you want to buy it who is being scammed? The real anger is my own greed of wanting something for nothing and trying to screw somebody out of something and finding out perhaps I was out done by my own self centered desires and impatience. Whatever! I will hook it all up this weekend and hear how it is. Have enjoyed reading all the threads and only hope I have learned again from them. |
Close Encounter Unregistered guest | I responded to a classified ad in Cincinnati Enquirer for a 1000 watts home theater 5.1 with asking price of $350 OBO. I called and had a lengthy discussion with the seller. He did not use any pressure selling tactic. I asked for the brand name and he told me EDS and model number TR6030. While talking to him, I looked up the web and could not find the website of EDS systems. He guided me to Theater Research system's website. I was shocked to see the MSRP of $2999. I asked for directions and decided to go over and take a look. However, I had a feeling that there was something not right. Before leaving the house, I took another look at the Theater Research's website and realized that there were too many flaws there. There was no company address in "Contact Us" link. There were no technical details of the products. Not even comparative study and difference amongst the product. I downloaded the manual and it was not only poorly designed, it had only one diagram showing how to connect left speaker to left speaker jack, and right speaker to right speaker jack and so on. Totally nonsense. It became obvious to me that it was some sort of scam. Therefore, I did further search through Google and found this link. I am happy to find all about it before buying it. The seller called me again to find out when I will be coming. I told him that I have changed my mind. I am sharing this experience hoping to save someone else from biting the bait. I appreciate the clear thinking of Kip and strongly believe that as a consumer, I should not be misled into a bogus deal. There is no good logic in arguing that one can ask for whatever price they want. Just think about it for a second that why such scams are not done by established organizations? Thanks a lot guys for sharing experiences. |
blocked site Unregistered guest | Back in 93 or 94 while going to school, the van approached and I bit hard. 2 speakers, couple hundred bucks - and to smooth the sale over - about 10 cd's from my collection in the car. I blew the speakers within the week and ended up replacing the 12's. I've use the speakers to this day. Crazy part is my friend just purches the TR's on ebay for a "great deal" - they sounded great the other night. He hadn't officially hooked them up and was playing them at low volume. He was excited and passed along the sale information to me. Like I said - the sounded good and looked great. So I popped onto Ebay today to look at them - All Audio Ebay Store - $269 for $3500 system. I pushed the buy now option and immediately got directed to warning page - fortunately my company blocks auction sites. I get a slap on the wrist for hitting the site while in the office, but it saved me the couple of hundred bucks. So - all I hope for now is that my friend still enjoys his system once he gets it all hooked up in his new theater room. As for me - I had the time to read through this entire thread - man it's fun getting paid for this... |
NoBigDeal Unregistered guest | Just saw one of these on eBay and reported the sellers. Thanx Guys |
Florida Unregistered guest | They are in Florida |
almost-had Unregistered guest | Damn I'm galad I found this thread, I was looking for some speakers on ebay, looked to good to be true,and that web site looked like crap that is what made me suspicious, they would be better off without it. So I did a search , and found you guys..think I'm gonna try and find some NHT's,polk,klipsch,or some B&W's Thanks a load guys.. ;) |
New member Username: AlmosthadSTATESBORO, GA. USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-05 | Ok guys he sent me an email back, i told him I only had 240.00 to spare but did not make an official offer, here was his response,these guys are good. "These speakers sound phenomenal! Check out my feedback to see how other buyers loved their purchase. In fact, I currently have a TR-12 Subwoofer, TR-2810 Towers in front, and custom surrounds and center channel in my own home. These speakers can handle a whole lot of power, and I recommend at least 200 watts per channel. I am curios where you are located? I may be able to accept $240 and ship them out tomorrow if you were really interested. Thanks!" Again Thanks, I registered and think I will stick |
retired cop Unregistered guest | Thanks for the interesting discussion. It must be too cold to use the white van here, as there is an ad in the classifieds today(The Dispatch, Moline,IL) advertising a new in box, never used, $2700 retail / sell for $325, 6 piece Theatre Research system. It's human nature to want that to find that "once in a lifetime" deal from the "guy getting a divorce", "overstocked", going out of business sale, etc... A little product knowledge and common sense will go a long way-particularly in todays internet age where information is so quickly and easily obtained. Have the white van guy follow you to the local library, Best Buy, your bank, or anywhere else that has internet capability and quickly do a Google search(you'll find this forum). Know just a little about what you are shopping for: (if a decent single speaker by Kliptsch, Polk Audio,Infinity, etc.. has a sale price of $250 to $350, do you really think anyone would sell you a $2700 6 speaker system for that price? Please send me $100 and I'll tell you about the little old lady who's got her son's 69 Corvette for sale for $500 --still parked in the garage since the fateful day he left for Vietnam. Or maybe you'd rather have the $50 WWII surplus Harley Davidsons-still packed in grease and the original crates? ![]() |
dontcare Unregistered guest | hey RERired police officer, I know no 1 likes are sselling practices, but as long as the pitch is not fraud and we have are permits and pay taxes.............what are we doing wrong(leagally)??????????? according to my lawyer .we are doing nothing wrong,but I pay him so will u shed some light on the subject? |
New member Username: AlmosthadSTATESBORO, GA. USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Dec-05 | One day you will sell your crap to the wrong person,do'nt worry it will happen... |
PROBATION 5 yr Unregistered guest | It already did,They stole 10 sets of speakers.Then i called the cops(because we are leagal)and they were arrested for grand theft and attempted kidnaping and ple down to grand theft. FELONY and 6 mo in jail..and 5 years probation... lol and i got a restatuion check 1 time every month untill the (wanna be) gangsters pay me $1999.00 a set lol lol a total of $20,000 lol lol even if he doesent pay and goes back i can write it off on my taxes.because I lol was a victom in a vilont crime....GO CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!look if your not happy with what you paid.try hooking them up and enjoy! UNLESS you spent your rent $$$$..Then you need a job and we are hiring lol PS why did he have to pay full price..because it was part of his ple.not to go to prision......and he was stupidddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd...kinda like you ![]() |
New member Username: Tommer12Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-06 | Careful! I just saw these in SF on craigslist..... I did a little research and saw this stuff. $1999 theater system for $200. go figure right? D.S-6.1 Digital Home Audio System (BRAND NEW) - $200 (danville / san ramon) |
Unregistered guest | I just bought the tr-606 system, for a 1000 watt system there's not a lot of volume from the tower speakers and not a lot of low end out of the powered sub with built in tuner, on the tuner theres only 1 aux input and 1 cd input. This company didn't put a lot of thought into the tuner/powered sub feature, if you power it off you hear a slight thud and when powered on you get the same thud. When powered back on it losses memory for the last band or input setting as well as frequency adjustments which are pretty weak with only bass and treble option,and you can only power it on from the reciever and not the remote. I expected a little more out of the systems sound quality but for $360 shipped I can't really complain to much they sound decent and look really nice no need to buy expensive speaker stands and if these guys have been selling this stuff out of vans for years now and they have an actual home page, no matter how crappy it's set up I imagine TR will stand behind it's warranty. With a bit of refinment more realistic pricing and specs these speakers would be in the running with an average Sony setup. |
MGUNS Unregistered guest | Watch out!!! Just ran into them in Marietta Ga., I guess my 26+ in the Corps gave me some good sense on when to smell some B_ _ L Sh_ T |
Unregistered guest | I need a remote for the Digital Research 5.1 Home Theater System. How can I get one??? |
Lighthouse Unregistered guest | After reading this stupid thread, I have come to the following conclusions: 1.) You are all suckers due to your own greed as a result of someones elses supposed loss and 2.) that KIP WELLS is self important loser who feels he must put in his two cents regardless of whether it contributes to the thread or not. Go back and read your posts, Holy crap! |
Mistral Unregistered guest | I agree, Lighthouse. I hope his New Years Resolution was to stop posting on this website. I'm hope he has other things to do with his time. |
LogiTech Unregistered guest | From what I've seen, It looks like this is it. Sad really. |
UKNOWWHO Unregistered guest | "I have an old pioneer home system. My speakers crackle when I turn it up or down. Is there something I can put on them to make the crackling go away?" If your receiver is old enough to use an actual potentiometer for volume instead of electronically controlling the volume, it's most probable that the internal contacts of the pot are dirty. Before you do this, make sure your receiver is off. You can confirm the dirty pot theory by turning the knob to both extremes over and again several times and then try the receiver again, starting at the lowest volume and then going up gradually after a few seconds, and see if the crackling still occurs. If it doesn't, then it's definitely a dirty pot and the crackling will return. The fix is to either get the contacts inside the potentiometer cleaned or get the potentiometer replaced. - Reinhart |
chillin Unregistered guest | And so does fruity Kip Well....Happy New Year, Mofcukers. |
Unregistered guest | Yep, taken too, out in Akron Oh the other day, batards, sounds similar to a previous post, name was Brant, drove a Burgandy Crew cab F-350, wanted extra money for beers... I finally got around to hooking them up, what a pos, powered sub is underpowered, satalites sound like krap when pushed, I am so disgusted i think i'm really going to rig them with explosivise, I will post vid soon :D Also, heres a question, how do they advertise dobly digital when it doesnt even have a dobly decoder, just analog inputs for each channel. What a joke, that was my main purpose for ghoing along was to get the digital input from my pc. THEATER RESEARCH IS NOTHING BUT A SCAM, burn in hell theater research!!!!!!! |
Commonsense Unregistered guest | Get real, these guys are legit. All you guys think you got screwed and the cops or the BBB should get involved. No matter what 'Patrolman/Reinhart" says, they don't give a rats about a on-the-street deal where the buyer purchased the goods thinking he was ripping someone off 'because they loaded too many'. If you got ripped off you deserved to because you certainly didn't care whether you were ripping someone else off. Instead of warning people not to buy these speakers and 'do their research', tell them to stop being such greedy priicks. |
UDORF Unregistered guest | Hey! I just got a whole bunch of these TR 7010s for a REALLY GREAT PRICE!! Two guys accosted me in the parking lot at my apartment, right next to a local bank's ATM machine. I determined which truck they were working out of, then invited them inside for a beer. I shot each in the back of the head with my trusty rusty magnum, and rifled through their pockets for cash and the white van keys. I took their money, rented a storage locker, unloaded the speakers, then went back and put the bodies in the van. I drove it deep into the woods, then off the road and into a deep spot in the river. That one will be found as soon as the river shifts course, like maybe NEVER? Anyhow, anybody want to buy some speakers? I've heard they retail at $1200 a pair, but I can let you have them for less than half that. |
Unregistered guest | I was at goodwill one day and saw the speakers sitting in a glass cass, they looked beautifull, i grabbed them as quick as possible, i plugged them in and turned it on, i listend for the "power pop" in the speakers and they didn't sound blown. At first i didn't know what i had, i didn't even see the screen in the front i though they were simply controlled by an additional system. I found that i got a TR-6030 5.1 w/Bose speakers, and am/fm stereo for $38, it didnt come with remote, its stuck on cd at 2.1, but i tested each speaker and sub and they all sound great! I just purchased a logitec harmony 520 digital universal remote, but i cant get it to work with my unit, it has the drivers for the tr-6120,6010,503,505 and 603. it can be programed by the old remote, BUT I CANT FIND ONE!, not even 1800remotes can get it, and dont plan on getting any response from tr. If any one can help it would be awsome, today a guy came into my work and he had the tr6030 box in his trunk, but my boss freaked when i was asking the customer if he had the remote and if i could borrow it for a day to teach my new remote, the customer asked if i could replace the light in his trunk and you cant miss a big box in a honda trunk. He said it was his sons system and he would ask him, he's only a few miles away and he knows were i work, hopefuly he will come through. if anyone has the remote for sale let me know. |
janesmercantile Unregistered guest | Do you have a problem with me? Did I do something to offend you? OR do you have nothing better to do with your time? You might want to try following your own posted netiquette. Jane |
lesson well learned Unregistered guest | i'm from canada, and all your stories match mine to the T, i got mine for $340 cdn as a gift for my dad, went home and hooked them up, and they sound great! so i looked them up and found this, i'm kinda freaked out, when do they usually so signs of sucking, right now they seem really good, so $340 doesnt seem bad, but ya, did all of your guys speakers start off sounding good? Even if i did get screwed, i could have been screwed a lot more, but either way i just recieved i life long lesson (dont point out the fact it should have been common sense not too) i'm 18 and guys will always have a fasination with things like machines and speakers, and i was out looking for speakers for my dad anyways, but now i know, so i'll take the loss of my hard earned money with a new lesson learned. |
New member Username: Bertuzzi44Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-06 | All of you b*tch*s who think these speakers suck ur idiots. Me and my dad are in the improtation business and through my dads business my dad met the sales manager for TR. My dad would not work with someone in charge of a "scam", and im am gonna start to sell them now. Let me tell you I would NEVER sell ANYTHING that was not good quality for a good price! TR is a different company in the way it sells it products because instead of paying all of the fees to put them stores they have a couple of warehouses set up and sell it to people in those white vans to sell it to people on the street( note this; their site is an excellent site I have taken a course where you make a website and it is pretty complicated).Any products in stores are eight times more expensive than it took to make/build it. I am sick of all you people saying they suck. I got the tr 6030 for my bday and it kicks *ss! Oh and for all of you who are wondering wtf the FBAA is its and i quote "The Fair Business Association of America". go check it out on their site if you scroll down on their affiliates column (left hand column)you will see the TR Theater Research logo and look at the review posted by the FBAA. and personaly my tr 6030 kit is better than the widescreen tv's, four towers made by sony, equaling over a couple thousand of bucks! All Im saying is that these are good speakers if not excellent ,and to those of you who were smart enough to hook it up ENJOY! oh and if some of you have any questions my email adress is P.S. why would the guys selling you the speakers give you their names and not cover their licence plates? |
New member Username: Bertuzzi44Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-06 | my bad ruan_hockey_man44@hotmail |
New member Username: Bertuzzi44Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-06 | Also a couple of more tips. Make sure when buying these products from some of these guys that you check to make sure they have the following: - A MANUAL (its the only thing showing you the warranty and also the setup and wires needed(if you didnt get them) to run the system - Wires, obviously the speakers wont work without these - and thirdly see if they have a demo set in the car (I know that when Im selling them I always show the quality by getting guys over to my house and using a movie with big explosions in the background and front etc.) This is not a point. IF you do not have a manual you can go on the site, find the speakers set you got, click on its name, and a new window will pop up giving you all the specs, below the specs it says "download manual/ get adobe reader) -Fourthly ask for their names, a reciet, their signature and name printed on the sheet, and price you paid for the product, to show authentication for the purchase and most of all remember to put on the date! and because of this you will get what you wanted. If you still didnt get what you should have call or email their customer service CUSTOMER SERVICE Copyright© 2002-2005 TR Theater Research. All rights reserved. Tel: (949) 355-6008 Fax: (714) 892-1802 Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm (PST) But beware like in any business there will always be someone trying to rip you off. and my email is bove this post if anyone needs it^^ By the way forgot say this i live in Vancouver Canada |
New member Username: Boosted117Emmaus, Pa Usa Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-06 | Here we go again stop with the white van or suv crap.If you are stupid enough to buy anything that way then good for you! I own a set of theater research speakers 1621/1620 series,I bought them on ebay and guess what they sound pretty good . They have real speakers,real tweeters,real crossovers in them and are made from MDF. As soon as I got them took them apart to see how good they are and I wasnt disapointed they are as good if not better then anything bestbuy sells. The guy I bought my speakers from has sold hundreds of theater research products and all the people like them all you gotta do is check the feedback. So to anyone who is thinking about this brand of speakers look on ebay and READ THE FEEDBACK!!!and stop listing to all the crybabys on this website. FOr the record I dont work for theater research I'm just a happy customer. |
pussypopper Unregistered guest | just stick to sony or pioneer cant go wrong with those companys. |
Bronze Member Username: OkiecaverOklahoma City, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 50 Registered: Feb-04 | Ruan and Jason, thanks for the more level headed posts! One thing I've discovered in following this thread is that those who bought their systems from web dealers or an Ebay shop got a better quality product. They got manuals, invoices for purchase and shipping, and in some cases cables included. Those that bought off the street got none of those, plus some erroneous info on how to hook them up. Hence the frustration. I plan on getting the 2800/2801 surround system with the TR-12 sub. Ruan, you can expect an email from me this summer. Happy listening! Brock |
Bronze Member Username: Armyscout42DUGWAY , UTAH USA Post Number: 12 Registered: Sep-04 | IF YOU WANT REPUTABLE INEXPENSIVE GOOD QUALITY SYSTEMS FOR HT, TRY FLUANCE OR BIC....BIC IS KNOWN FOR THEIR VINTAGE TIPPANY HIGH END LOUDSPEAKERS IN THE 70'S that was similar to OHM in engineering. there are many others. Wharfedales and the SWEDISH audio pro are also great buys for affordable HT'S...If you are going to buy HT at BOSE prices, I suggest AXIOM, ORB, KLEGG for example |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6963 Registered: Dec-03 | Why do you keep shouting??? |
Bronze Member Username: BasicaudioChula vista, Ca US Post Number: 53 Registered: Mar-06 | I suppose is justified to purchase a cheaply made bose acoustimas and lifestyle systems ranging from $1000-4000 for cheap paper drivers on plastic enclosures. I think bose and theater research/dogg digital, davinci, digital research and whatever other names they use are both SYNONYMOUS. Fyi, i doubt it very much the FBI would investigate something unless it's over $20k and something they consider priority. I read somewhere that CANYON AUDIO in RENO NV. is where the main distributor imported from china and probably designed by some drunk engineer. These are like those perfumes/colognes sold in the parking lot. no difference. There so many good quality high end gear vintage/newly used sold at ebay and audiogon. I don't see any point on buying anything from a van unless it's WEED! kidding! loudspeaker weed? i'm sure the comedians here thinks a person who buys speakers from vans must be on weed. I too got approached in a mini mall, but i kept on walking and ignored them. You know how to shut them up? i told the "mf" i don't need any, i have electrostatics and planars...he said "huh?" we have members here that has super high end stuff and they would be giggling if they had moron from a van try to sell them speakers, especially the technically astute audio gurus here. |
New member Username: Uwllv88Post Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | omg - We just purchased a TR-6200 on E-bay - of course thinking E-bay is fool-proof. Well we were fooled alright - we recieved the system - thought WOW too good to be true! YES, it was too good to be true. You can't use the system unless you stand there and hold the button in the "on" position. And then what sound comes out of it is all static - I thought it might be the speakers but used other speakers and the sound had just as much static so it is the SYSTEM RECEIVER. I cannot believe this - what a hassle now with PayPal - having to get estimates etc and blah blah blah. Wish us luck with getting our money back together with the $75 shipping cost (yeah right)! I'm furious about this. We just found this site and read the comments from so many other unhappy TR victimes! |
Bronze Member Username: BasicaudioChula vista, Ca US Post Number: 97 Registered: Mar-06 | The scammers are all over the internet. It's better go with known brands if you don't know what you are doing. You can always compare prices when you shop online at shopzilla search and a few others. Sometimes you can get good deals at or ubid if you are just trying to get a basic inexpensive system. Ebay has many good auctions and sellers, it's a matter of choosing the product that suits you. Various seasoned members here are always happy to help you from all over the globe. I'll be happy to help since i was once a high end audio/video installer. nht's, energy, infinity were the main manufacturers the company i worked for concentrated on. Stay away from them van scam including those digital/theater research, da vinci, streem, dog digital and other related names scam. You're better off getting pyle(which makes professional equipment), AR, wharfedale, audio pro and various others i mentioned. Sometimes there's a speaker designer who sells home made loudspeakers at ebay or audiogon. You can either put one together yourself or purchase some on do it yourself companies like speakerlab, partsexpress, heathkit and a few others which some of these companies have been around a long time. These fake/cheap speakers like TR are just coated with drivers that appear to be quality and upon closer investigation, whey you do an autopsy, you will find that they are made of very cheap material and not much design concept has been attributed to them. You can get monsoon speakers made for computers that sound much better than these or altec lansing at very cheap prices. So buyer beware and consult before you bid, auction or purchase. Sad thing is, some people actually like these copycat fakes. |
New member Username: StrmybklnBrooklyn, NY USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | I don't mean to offend anyone, but who would buy something off the back of a truck? Doesn't the whole thing seem a little odd? I mean, *MAYBE* if someone pulled up next to me and offered to sell me McIntosh equipment at an insanely low price, I would consider it, but I know the brand, and I would know going in to it that they had "fallen off of a trucK". But a brand that you haven't heard of, from people you don't know, who just happen to be driving around with speakers in their car/truck? I saw these speakers on ebay, and I did a google search on them. I had a feeling that they were a scam, and had no real interest in buying them, but they piqued my curiosity. The moment I saw web sites advertising them at $2000+, I knew it was a scam, and then I came across this board. |
New member Username: Nobody123Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | Yup Just got had in Utah 380 bucks oh well I'll sell them on Ebay. The guy was very slick had all the answers magazines you name it... I got to admit its a pretty good scam. I sure wish they were stolen HAHA. To those of you that don't like that all I can say is bite my a s s |
New member Username: HealthnfitnessPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | What if anything, can anyone tell me about the Unisound UP620 Home Theater System? |
Bronze Member Username: CcdoggyPost Number: 29 Registered: Jul-06 | Why do people keep calling it a scam? its not illegal. What would you say if it was in a ultimate electronics store with a price of $1,500 but they slashed it down to $200. They have all the permits needed and its not like they are lying about the product. I got some tower speakers from them and really like them. given they are not worth the $2,500 but i got 2 shipped off ebay for $150. EVEN IF they are crap you can still replace the speakers with what you want as the case itself is really quite nice. |
New member Username: LovbytsPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | Nice site. I remember buying a couple of these speaker (towers) back in the 80s, I think I paid $100 for 2. They where OK. Guess what, I just bought the 606 system from someone but at least it wasnt the white van guys. I only paid $75 so I dont think I got burned as long as they work. They look nice for the money and even if they are to cheap for that price I can just put good speakers in them. Any one have anything positive to say about them who didnt pay $200+ |
New member Username: Cubs1060Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | haha thank god i saw this website...i almost got conned-in...check it...and no less he said he would end the bidding today and sell them to me for $200 (as he would meet me somewhere) |
Silver Member Username: GavdawgUpstate, New York Post Number: 768 Registered: Nov-06 | I'm sorry, but if you are going to spend $300 on a pair of speakers, I will take the market share leader in overpriced speakers before I take speakers bought off the back of a van. |
New member Username: L_dillanPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-07 | Hi folks.... hmm pretty interesting.speaker from the back of a van .. I still prefer the classical way. By so you can enjoy |
New member Username: ZacksdPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | Glad I saw this site too. I saw this ad on Craigslist -- the guy said he won them from some golf tournament. I responded to his ad and then he called me -- he said he was asking $250, but really needed the money for college. Then he wanted to know how much I would pay for them -- he gave me their website too so I could check it out for myself. But then I saw another ad in Craigslist for speaker made by another company, but also "won from a golf tournament". I wonder if he was scammed himself -- he gave me his address so I could check them out. I wonder if he's waiting in his white van... |
New member Username: Calico_stepdadPost Number: 1 Registered: May-09 | what the hell?? I didnt get it as bad as you guys, i bought the tr-503 system at a yard sale for $25, then i get home and see this crap, im like oh great. well i hooked them up and instantly the sub started with a loud buzzing sound and the left surround speaker didnt work, the speaker is fine, but the sound doesnt make it to it. I dont know what to do? any ideas?? |
Gold Member Username: ChitownPost Number: 1395 Registered: Apr-05 | Put another yard sale together and sell it for $22. The $3 is your punishment and reminder to never do this again. |
New member Username: WsupnowPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-09 | I almost got suckered yesterday (12/13/2009) by some 2 guys with the so-called Paramax P-701 system with an MSRP of $4,199!! Good thing I called my wife before being a dumba$$ and she told me to think twice before I bought the system for $260. Good thing I did not fall for it in the end coz that would have been nasty. They were driving around in McKinney, TX yesterday. They told me some couple had just offered them $800 but they had an out of state check so they did not take it. Then they got real desperate and were willing to take even $200 and that's when the whole deal just smelt real bad. The same system is being sold on Craiglslist for $300 I guess by someone who go suckered. When the deal is too good.. think twice. |
New member Username: Observer4Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-10 | Hmmm go buy a legitament product from a quality company and place? We would all agree Walmart is a good legit company? ,Then what about the products they sell from Vizio? Vizio's are trash ,they have a 85% - 90% return rate for breaking down. My point: all because you buy from a legit company doesnt mean its not crap. White Van scam could be the Vizio of the speaker world. |
New member Username: Observer4Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-10 | Also ,a friend of mine bought the speakers from the white van ,gave about the same story as most ,I told him about scam.....he was mad (naturally) but then asked me to listen to them. He had the EDS-2850 ?? I think is what they were called,but anyway ,they did sound pretty good. Not better than my Bose system that I have ,but decent. Maybe he was lucky and those were built better than others ,idk. Not any different than some of crap Walmart sells. LOL anyone remember those cheap dvd players that could play anything but broke down a few months later? |
Gold Member Username: JrbayLivonia [Detroit area], Michigan USA Post Number: 1250 Registered: Feb-08 | White Van's, audio from Walmart and Vizio. Add your Bose stuff to that list as well as Sony for supplying Vizio all of those failed screens. |
Silver Member Username: Vm8444Post Number: 126 Registered: Aug-05 | hey jim , I didn't realize bose sounds better then anything else out there. oh well lesson learned. |
New member Username: Observer4Post Number: 3 Registered: Mar-10 | "White Van's, audio from Walmart and Vizio. Add your Bose stuff to that list as well as Sony for supplying Vizio all of those failed screens." Have something against Bose? I have a set of 401 series 3's reflect and direct speakers bought in 1992 and they are absolutely perfect. Hell the newer ones they make dont come close to sounding as good. Maybe you had a bad experience with Bose.... idk ,frankly i dont care. But dont put them on the White Van list. and Vince ,Bose arnt the best out there and I dont think Jim Bay was saying such either ,more so that they are trash.... which they arent ,atleast my 401 series 3's arent. And Jim go ask anyone that has or had a set of the 401 series 3's ,and they will tell you what magnificent sound they produce. |
Gold Member Username: JrbayLivonia [Detroit area], Michigan USA Post Number: 1251 Registered: Feb-08 | As long as you are happy Observer. You were the one who compared them to these Theater Research systems. I immediately thought of a Lifestyle system and find that rather humorous. One might expect that even Bose, at 10x the price should sound better! Have you looked at the foam surrounding the drivers in your speakers lately? I would be curious to know if they are all still in tact. The 301 S II's (at least 5 years newer) that I use for my computer audio lost their foam more than a year ago. I do not know their history very well but everything else looks fine. I removed the foam, added a subwoofer (desperately needed) and they do ok. |
Silver Member Username: Vm8444Post Number: 129 Registered: Aug-05 | observer hi as jim says if they still turn your crank fine... but there's a reason bose bose always gets trashed all over respected forums on the net cost vs performance and any decent 2 to 300 dollars speaker compared to your famous 18 year old speakers will surely be amazing to one observer if given the chance.[open minded] how about aside by side with any of these to start boston acoustics cs226 $224 amazon paradigm atom mission m30i psb alpha b all of these less then $250 god there's hundreds observer but what it gets right down to it if you still love your bose, and your too tight on cash or not open minded to listen ... then peace my friend. |
New member Username: Observer4Post Number: 4 Registered: Mar-10 | Oh dont get me wrong ,i know there is better out there ,as i said there was. I wasnt denying that. Someone asked if the White Van speakers sounded good or decent or how they sounded...I simply answered ,instead of saying "yes my friend got taken..." where as many people didnt answer the initial question ,so i figured i'd put my 2 cents in...and didnt realize I would get slamed in the process ,about putting my 401's in with the white now ya have to remember lots of years have passed and i certainly hope there is tons better out there TODAY. But what about back when those first came out? ,Thats when I bought them ,and they are and were amazing. plain and simple. and yes the foam is fine ,they are in outstanding shape for the years I have had them. LOL yes, I dont have alot of cash ,with being married and 3 kids and you understand. And yes I did admit in my third post ,that there are better out there....its all I had to compare to my friends so called $2,000.00? speakers or whatever was printed on the i laughed and told him i only paid $285.00 for my Bose ,but anyways you all take care. |