White Van | Back to anonymous... if u were smart when u bought the speakers u would have gotten a receipt with the adress to the warehouse on em like we give out here in mass, so its your own damn fault for giving him your money and getting "ripped off" You saw the deal, it sounded good 2 you, you bought em, so stop b!tch!n and go buy some more, i got bills to pay haha |
Unload | Funny story! For "white van" runners AND fellow duped speaker owners. Seattle, Washington. Thursday, November 13, 2003 Fresh off the purchase of a Theater Research TR-8000 surround system, I was lucky enough to reach my brother on the phone in time to tell me about his own "white van" experience a couple months before. He was poor as dirt at the time, which was his only saving grace. Long story short, the poor fella who had just taken me to the cleaners (or so I thought), got stuck at a traffic light just when I happened to pull in behind him. Luckily, it was a typical long red, the kind I'm beginning to like here in Sea-town. Alas, the stars must've been aligned for me, as I will gleefully explain. Righteous indignation welled up within, and in a few short seconds I became aware of a person matching my description, perhaps with even the same name, birthdate and social security number as myself, brandishing an aluminum bat. In roughly ten seconds the "ME lookalike" had inflicted at least enough damage to the windshield, driver's door, driver's window and front fender to make the "ME lookalike" very satisfied. So far as I could tell, a wry smile even crept across his face. As I was jolted into reality again by the screeching tires and acrid smoke of a white van (well, silver, like it matters) in ruin, it pleased me (and "ME lookalike", I'm sure) greatly to see that Mr. White Van was pulling at least one large shard of glass from his forehead. I don't know how much a cut like that normally bleeds, but he really should get it looked at. The best part of the whole deal, however, was that I hooked the speakers up to my receiver and big screen at home and found the satellites and center to be crisp and loud, while the subwoofer gave me a continuous full body massage. A delicious sounding home theater system, full-on cardio and martial arts workout, WWE style bl00dy beatdown and carnage, all for only $500! God bless the USA. |
Anonymous | To the guys in the White Van. According to the "story" I was told they speakers were extra and they needed to unload them or else they would be fired. I did not see the need to get a receipt. I will agree with you in that I should not have bought the speakers. As the saying goes if anything sounds to good to be true then it is. |
| wow just to think i was bidding on a pair off ebay for like 400$... this board helped me out. Thx guys. Btw I noticed that the speakers in the ad were gold and the ones on the website were silver. Just wonderin if there is an actual theater research company... |
Anonymous | I was a Canadian Tire in Mississauga,Ontario,Canada and as I was leaving this guy pulls me over in a Astro Van, He says he has some serious speakers for sale at a ridiculus price. Im all into Electronics and take a look at what he has. He tells me a story that he works for a courier and the company he picked up from accidently gave him one extra(tr 8010) This guy was determined to sell me these, showed me all the paper work and Robbs report and I was like wow those are expensive but never heared of them. I told him I had cash and he said what if I were to give these to you for like a hundread dollars would you take them? I was like ya but I have no money! The damn guy conned me into going to an ATM and pulling out some cash, ended up paying 300 dollars canadian. Now that I see this site I knew that somthing was fishy about that situation! Do these speakers actually work? thanks i feel so used! lol |
| HI Guys, I just bought a pair of TR-2500 for $300.00 from the same guys, but this time they were in a red chevy Blazer. They hit me up with the same story of shipment error and ....,he also addesd this remark that the merchandize invoice had said ( "2 PRS(pairs) instead of 2 PCS(pieces)" and are now left with an extra unit and cant take it back to the boss). They met me at the parking lot in FAU in Florida. It's only been 2 hrs since I bought them, and I guess will find out by tonight for what I should say or feel about it. |
| Hey, I'm looking for a pair of these. Whoever is selling them, let me know when you will be in my area... Hurleysweatshirt@hotmail.com :-) |
Anonymous | Yeah Same here I just bought a pair of tr-1110 speakers for 200 canadian. I dont feel scamed cuz they sound great they rock on alot of speakers |
Reggie | Today I got approached by two guys in a red Explorer with Texas tags. I live in Tulsa OK. They gave me the whole story about overstock and that they have to get rid of it before their boss sees it. I first bid them $150 and then they said they'll sell it for $200 they followed me to my apt to get the money. While they were waiting outside, I checked up on the net and ebay I found several with no feedbacks and I knew right away that these ppl are a scam. So I told them that I didnt have any money in bank. They were pissed off that they wasted their time with me!!! |
Bob_Funk | NO electronics manufacturer that is legit puts the retail price of the item on the box NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
dman | Who is buying their stuff on-line for full price? |
Anonymous | i feel ripped off after buying the tr5210, if anyone is satisfied with their buy and wants to buy my set off from me ill sell it for 250$, post your email on here and ill write back to you. Preferably in the s.calli area. i tried them out and they are all in good shape and none are defective. |
BBB | The messages from those who say good things about TR or most likly TR salesmen or those in the White Vans. The Sorry truth is TR is a ripp off and should be reported to the police in every instance. A million and one things about TR do not line up with honest business. This Report was developed from various sources, including the business, governmental agencies, and the experience of the company's customers. For further information contact the Better Business Bureau of the Southland 315 N. La Cadena, Colton, CA, 92324 (909) 825-7280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Theater Research 5451 Commercial Drive Huntington Beach CA 92649 Business Started: 01/01/00 File Open Date: 12/13/00 Last Report Date: 08/18/03 Principal Contact: Glenn Smith Phone: (714) 894-5888 Fax: (714) 978-0217 Email: doggdigital@aol.com Web Address: http://www.doggdigitalaudio.com Bureau ID: 13144954 Nature of Business This company's business is the manufacture and sales of audio speakers. Bureau File Experience We rate this company as having an unsatisfactory business performance record because of a pattern of serious complaints and their failure to respond to some complaints. Customers allege that they purchased what were represented as high quality speakers at a steep discount from company representatives in parking lots. The sellers are described as very friendly and extremely agressive. After testing the speakers, complainants state that the quality of these products is extremely poor and all customers sought refunds. The company responded to most complaints by denying requests for refunds, stating that the customers would have to seek refunds from the people they purchased the products from, not Dogg Digital. They also state that the speakers come with a warranty and that they are willing to honor the warranty. They did not address allegations of inferior quality of the products or why they permit their products to be sold in this fashion. The Better Business Bureau does not endorse, recommend or disapprove of any company, product or service. Additional Phone Numbers (714) 771 - 4033 (714) 978 - 0211 (714) 813 - 4530 Additional Trade names Dogg Digital, Inc. Theater Research Additional Addresses 3419 Via Lido, #249 Newport Beach, CA 92663 2120 East Howell Avenue Suite 601 Anaheim, CA 92806 |
Innocent Bystander | The now-infamous white van showed up again, and I have to salute them. They do have a very good presentation...This pair was in a white industrial-type van (very much like I drive myself, as a matter of fact) loaded with speakers, amplifiers, and all manner of stuff. "These four are overstock," he explained. "They just loaded up the van and handed us the slip, and we left from Chicago a while ago. You know about seniority?" We affirmed that we did. "Well, I got none. I just started here a few months ago. I'd love to be able to get these home, but if I get to the job and I still have them, the installer's going to take them home. We're due there in a little under an hour, and I'd like to make some cash before then." Something in the human psyche just _hates_ the fact that someone else could get stuff free if we don't buy it for cheap. It's a beautiful use of human nature, and my hat's off to them. As an earlier poster said: We went into it with our eyes open, we were taking a risk. It's fairly obvious that you're taking a risk buying something that two guys pretty much flat out tell you is stolen from a loading dock. C'est la vie...maybe they'll work, maybe they won't. Either way, I'm a little older than I was this afternoon, and a bit wiser too. |
| Well, I am one of the many, but they have made their way to the midwest now. They are circulating in Overland Park, Kansas. I got hit up in the Price Chopper parking lot. They have upgraded from the white van though. These kids were in a champaign colored Jeep Grand Cherokee. Same pitch, overstocked on the truck, yadda, yadda. I started at $300 for the TR8010's (4 satellites, center channel and 10" self powered 200 watt sub), they asked for $500, we settled on $400. I hope I see them again, I will get them for $200. Haven't hooked them up yet, hope they sound as good as you all say. I will laugh all the way to the bank to get more cash to buy more speakers!! Anyone else out there have the TR8010's? How do they sound? On the box they list for $2499.00.........rrrrrrright!! Anxious in KC |
| I've just been had in Boca Raton, Florida. Two younger guys in an SUV, said there was an error at the loading docks. They even flashed me some type of order form to "prove" that these weren't stolen off some truck. He said he wanted to unload them before he got back to the office. He said he was looking for a guy in a Porsche to maybe get $1 per watt for them, I told him the best I could do was to get $300 from the ATM (We were in the parking lot of Washington Mutual). He accepted the deal and told me I seemed like an honest guy and he better not see me auctioning the set of TR-8010s on eBay. I immediately searched the internet to see what kind of a "deal" I pulled off - only to find this bbs and realized I'm a stupid sucker. |
Anonymous | has anybody actually used the proper testing equipment on these speakers to see what they actually do? |
| Honestly, i wanna get a review on these speakers from someone who knows what they are talking about...These things could be pretty nice for what you pay... |
| i bought 2 tr1500 speakers for $250 from a guy yesterday . he was driving a van with chicago license plates and he gave me the same bullshit story of wrong order and meeting the boss stuff . the speakers are quite good but i still feel scammed |
| The streets of cali are only safe for 1 more week! As the greatest speaker man that ever lived will be returning just in time for the x-mas rush! ne1 that is not an indepentent is prolly gonna buy my speakers when i pitch them because they are'nt any smarter then the ducks i sell! Watch out son theres a new sherrif in town & he ain't Never scared!!! Bone Crusher let these niggah's know!! |
| hello all. I don't know what you heard about me! but a bi'otch cannot get a blundt up otta me! I drive a minivan, where a DARE shirt & used to work for B. Cause I'm a mutha funking speaker slinging M.J.C. |
| WOW!!! I just purchased a set of TR theater Research Speakers from the Listening Room In Saginaw MI. I got the 2800 series digital speakers. I got 4 of the Towers to accompany my 3000 watt Wilson Audio Pre-Powered Kevlar Sub-Woofer. I must say I now own the most Incredible system this side of the missippi. If price is an issue then you cannot afford TR Speakers. I heard the mob knocked off a couple semi-trailers loaded with TR equipment, so my guess is thats where all these white van guys are getting there product! DO NOT LET THIS BOARD DISCOURAGE YOU!!! TR Speakers are simply the best that money can buy!!! Thank God for Theater Research :-) |
| Oh! take this as a threat, a promise, or a lil tid bit that may interest you! Fritz. first off what kind of stupid focking idiot names there offspring fritz. Your going down boy! who's gonna help wipe yo azz off the hood of you 04 expedition. maybe you have a grain of salt to take this with. oh & how did that boat sink? oh wait i did'nt do that yet either |
Sodomized Son | I thought i had just got raped up the azz by two guys in a white van. i live in Cleveland ohio and they waved me down and asked me if i wanted to buy some speakers. I told them that i wasnt interested because it seemed as if they were stolen. The guy told me to just take a look, so i did. There were two speakers in the van and there were two guys selling them. The skinny one did most of the talking. They kept handing me there BS until i told them i would only pay $150 for them. They seemed like they thought about it and then took it. I went home and hooked them up and they work great. So if you see the guys in "the white van", buy there speakers, good product, good salesmen, and very smart too. Peace |
Brand x | Why's every1 picking on me! Cops Suck & there is not a law on the books that i have not broken! Also I WILL NOT GO DOWN IN HISTORY! BUT I WILL GO DOWN ON YOUR LITTLE SISTER. PUNK! I got a chard of glass in my nose, i mean my foot. loser. Now wait here while i go knock the bottom out of my ugly (& stupid) girlfriend. btw ugly girls fuk better because they know they ugly & try harder to please you! merry christmas all ![]() |
countOFmontechristo | brand x too funny! TR's rock! I heard that somtimes when you try to fuk som1 they like to fuk back! huh! |
| Very funny read here. I just came home from Thanksgiving at my Mother-in-law's and my StepFather in Law had just come home with a pair of the TR towers (not sure of the model #) He made me listen to them before he told me anything about the "circumstances" of the purchase. Bottom line is this, They sounded ok, not great, but then again, he is not an audiophile, and has nothing but an old Pioneer reciever, just a Prologic, not even digital. The speakers look OK, and sound OK, he then told me he paid $200 for the pair, I told him that didn't sound bad, and asked him where he bought them. He then told me the story about the White Van Guys... I tried not to laugh out loud as he told me that the guys used this line...... "my boss was supposed to give me a raise, he didn't so I stole a whole van load of speakers from his warehouse"......... I told him with a smile that that was a new line, and he asked what I meant, I told him about the years old ploy of guys selling speakers out of the back of the van. I am not sure he believed me, but it really doesn't matter, he was offered $500 for them that night (from my brother in law) and didn't take the offer, so........... he is happy with them, and I would say that $200 was an ok price, but the scam is just funny, really. If you really think you can buy a $4000 set of speakers for $200 off the back of a truck, then you deserve to be scammmed.... its funny really, people are so greedy that this scam will ALWAYS work, and people will always fall for it, and the guys in the white vans will always make a profit. But remember, its the guys who sell the speakers to the guys in the white vans that are making the REAL money here. It is those guys that are actually the crooks here, the ones that print the cartons, and the catalogs.... Funny funny stuff here people... |
| Hey people, I have a T-R 6000 home theater anyone wants to purchase from me never been used or opened. My house is to small for this speaker system I Paid $300.00 if you want them I will pay the shipping |
Anonymous | tr-5210 can somebody tell me a good receiver to buy for these speakers. Thanks. By the way I payed $200 for mine. Weatherford, OK Please email me at, addington9@hotmail.com |
chadnjo | We just purchased a pair of the TR-1500's today for $240. Tell you what, before we posted anything, we read alot of these messages, first one that caught our eye was the open it up and look inside message. We did!! And we have never seen a tower built so good. These things reflect the sound so well. These towers sounds better than our sony prosystem with 2 15's per tower and the bass is has twice the power. Thank god for the "guys in the multi colored vans" Merry Xmas. I hope everyone gets the pleasure of being scammed. You sure do cut a good deal. |
Quad | LOL, well for $150 or so, they are OK, but I am guessing that none of you that rave about them know much at all about good sounding speakers. Some people can hear, and the rest think MP3's sound great... :-) |
Philadelphia Fool | I just got hit up this morning (Saturday) by this scam in the Bensalem (Philadelphia) PA area. Two young guys in a white van. The one guy did all the talking and said that he had an extra set and wanted to unload them. I asked if they were hot and he said no, but don't call his boss. I should have gone with my gut feeling that this wasn't right. I got stuck for $300.00 for a TR-501 Channel subwoofer & satellite speaker system. Based on what I have read posted, shame on me. If it seems too good to be true, it's not. I did get a receipt and address of the supposed business: American Sound Systems, Inc. 8342-8354 State Road - Unit 7 Philadelphia, PA 19136 Phone: 215-335-1860 Fax: 215-335-1862 Beware, these guys talk so fast that you do not realize that you have been taken. What goes around will come around............ |
Quad | These days, if it sounds too good to be true, then you better go look it up on the internet.... Do a search on "Guys in white van" There is a LOT of this going around. Theater Research, Dogg Digital, AudioFile, these speakers have a LOT of differnt names... and the scam is international...... |
tdub25 | Just got the same shaft here in Laramie, Wyoming. I havn't hooked up the speakers yet so I don't know how they really sound. After reading these messages for the last half hour I am pissed that I fell for the white van scam. We'll see if the $250 I paid is worth it, if not, I have more gullible friends to take them off my hands. |
Bin Taken | I bought a pair of the TR1100's from two guys in an SUV in front of a Publix on Hypoluxo and Congress (Boynton Beach Fl). Same MO as everyone else has stated in their messages. I read most of the responses before I even hooked them up. Well, I connected them and they sound pretty good, not great by any strech of the imagination but what do you expect for the 200.00 I spent. It sounds like the same 2 guys from the Boca Raton scam. (Gold Mercury Mountaineer SVU? - Tag: W60EPL). His name is "Mike Murphy" (754 214-7743). If it sounds too good to be true then it always is. I now have a pair of mediocre towers that sound ok for what I spent. Lesson learned? Probably not because most people are greedy in certain ways and always trying to get over on others. They're guilty as hell and so are we. |
bruzzer wonders | I just got the TR-601 6 speaker set. Can anyone tell me about them? I paid $240. The box said $2999. I new it was a scam but thought I would try anyway. It was the SUV same story. I am in the Nashville area. Wish me luck when I hook them up. |
Unsure | I got a pair of these speakers as well. I guess the jury is still out on whether or not these speakers are good or not. I will make my own decision. I have not bought a reciever for the speakers yet. Can someone please reccomend a good reciever? |
Anonymous | I've just purchased the TR-8010 home theater system for $270. from a guy in a white van in West Palm Beach, Florida. I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet but if they don't sound like it's worth the money, it's gonna be hell to pay because I too work hard for my money. Although I had second thoughts about buying off the streets, (like most people) I decided to take a chance. On the other hand, if they do sound good, I will chalk it up to "experience" and in the future shop from reputable sources / stores --at least for the sake of peace of mind. |
Quad | Unsure, don't bother picking a good amp for those speakers, unless you plan to buy good speakers later... just about anything will push those speakers. |
shaq | with a receiver these cheap azz speakers sound pretty good but still look phony as phuck. ill admit that i got took but phuk it i was gonna try to make money off of them but you live and you learn. |
Jerry | After reading all these messages about the TR speakers I must say I am intrigued to know who actually makes the drivers inside the boxes, and what the make up of the drivers are (woofers, mids, tweeters, sub). I do love a good speaker and have listened to countless speakers at Sears, KMart, WalMart, etc. and am well aware that with all the advancements in speaker technology, every speaker on the market at any price sounds "Pretty good," you define pretty good. If you look at MCM Electronics or Parts Express online or order the catalog you'll find you can purchase tweeters for 25 cents and woofers for $2. And businesses get them for half that. They work, they will play, and they will sound "Pretty good." I was approached by a young man a few years ago in a parking lot telling me he had a $2,000 set of speakers he needed to get rid of immediately or his boss would be mad and would sell me them for $200. It was all I could do to resist the temptation because I am the king of finding good deals on audio equipment from reputable businesses, estate sales, Goodwill, etc. It is the one reputation I have among friends and family. Earlier this year I bought 2 JVC DVD players for $20 each from Video Only, a local chain of audio/video stores. They were clearances, and even still I was given 2 Sony universal remotes to go with them. When one didn't work, I took it back and they simply exchanged it for another one-twice. Again this Friday after Thanksgiving, I bought 5 Toshiba DVD changers from the same place for $39 each to give as Christmas presents. If you look, there are incredible deals to be had even in the reputable not fly-by-night consumer world. My logic in the van instance told me that no dealer gets to buy any product at 10% retail, and it sounded way too good to be true. I also know that I am not going to trust that a company I have never heard of could really be worth that much. Tell me you have a pair of Martin Logans or Monitor Audios in your van and I might be more receptive. I probably also would've been more receptive had he said they retailed for $4-500, and made it more realistic. I told the guy I just didn't have access to that much money at the time, and he left. That being said, if they work, and sound okay, then I wouldn't beat myself up over buying it. I am curious to hear exactly what the drivers entail. A $2000 set of speakers should have tweeters with mylar, titanium, aluminum, or other material than paper. They should be no larger 1 1/4". The mid and woofer should be woven carbon fiber, or a stern polymer. If they are paper, they should be treated or at least so stiff that you can not alter the shape of the cone by pressing on it. The magnets on the drivers should look oversized, with a vented pole. The cabinets should have alot of internal bracing, above and beyond the MDF shell. The cabinet should be MDF, and not particle board. There should be damping material; cotton or fiberglass insulation. Last year I bought a pair of Infinity 4-way speakers with powered subs built in for my dad's friend for less than half price from Circuit City. They were floor models that retailed for $1600. One of them had a problem that could be easily fixed and since Circuit City said that since they were floor models all they could do was give me my money back, but the quy wanted the speakers, so I decided to open it up and fix it. I can assure you that Infinity goes to great lengths to put everything I've described above and more into the construction of those speakers to make them really worth the $1600 asking price. |
| hey -whoever offered to initiate a class action lawsuit against these con artists- please respond |
Dave | ganked in K.C. I ate me a nice meal at rosedale BBQ and I'm out in the parking lot when along comes "Hey,you wanna buy some speakers!" Stupid,Stupid,STUPID!!,me. They all work,but I took one apart and the speaker said 10watts at 8ohms ,a bunch of chinese junk! And a K.C. punk Oh well I plan on taking them to the pawn shop tomorrow and hopefully getting 250.00 back of the 300.00 I spent,wish me luck ,you white van guys suck;and If I get the opportunity I'll beat your foking askes |
| Jerry, these are kraap speakers for anything more than 100.00 as I stated the speakers are rated 10watts at 8ohms they are the equivilant of cheap alarm clock speakers. |
tdub25 | To all those people who say this isn't a scam. Get back in your white vans, pull someone over, tell them the truth. Tell them these are cheaply made products. Tell them they aren't oak enclosures, rather 3/8 inch particle board. show them the dented tweeter domes, take out a speaker, and show them the small 10 oz. magnent on the 8" drivers where it would take a larger magnent and stiffer speaker to handle the 400 w max power. Show them the cheap circuit board for the cross-overs. Then see if you even get $150 for the pair of speakers. if you can't sell them with the truth, then you are selling a scam!!! |
| As I posted somewhere else, from what I can see, the majority of their products are manufactured by Koda (http://www.koda.comm-cat.com/), and imported into the states by Gold Sky (http://www.goldsky.com/). Some of their products are branded as Fluance, and sold by a Canadian company (http://www.fluance.com/). They were at one time branded as Goky in Europe, and may still be, I don't know. If you check the user reviews on the Fluance systems they are fairly decent (And run $200 or so). They're cheap midrange systems. If you were expecting a high end system, yes, you got scammed (And you're an idiot to think a system that runs $1000+ would be sold out of a van) but if you assumed it was really a $100 system and paid accordingly you did pretty well. Anyway, I'm interested in the TR1500s because I like the styling (Yeah, I like the little horn on top, it's cool), so if anyone has any to sell, email me. I'm interested in getting 2-4 or them, looking to pay around $100 for a pair. |
Bryant | I broke my rule about never, ever buying stuff on the spot. I know most of the good electronic consumer goods firms, and I never heard of Theater Research. I also knew, but sublimated my knowledge that NO REPUTABLE electronics company puts the retail price on the damn box! I regretted the transaction a scant hour after it happened. I'm sure they're cheaply made (no, I haven't hooked them up), and the owner's manual doesn't look promising. I bought the TR-6000 powered subwoofer set. The other rule I forgot - if a product is so good, they wouldn't need to sell it out of a van. By the way, the con story was this - "hey, I just bought these over at this store, and they gave me an extra one!" The van wasn't white, but a ratty old customized van. This occurred in Indianapolis IN. They had no integrity, and I forgot mine. |
codeman | I just ran into the guys in the white van as you guys say but they must of upgraded into a brand new white SUV. they probably bought it with the money they scammed off all of us. they had the same old line to. something about got extras in a shipment and could get rid of some and needed to hurry because their supposed to deliver in 20 minutes. but to make a long story short they got me to. I haven't tried them but their seems like mixed expressions. some say for the price their ok. and some are pissed that got something they thought was worth alot more. I dont know wether to sell them or keep them because I need some surround sound speakers but then again if their not worth it I'll just pass them on to the next person and get my money back. oh yeah if anybody's looking for them I talked to them in orlando FL. they seem to be hitting up college campuses with great deals haha. try UCF (university of central florida) or FULLSAIL. |
Mr Nottelling | TO everyone out there that is making this sound like this is the same guys in a white van... This Has been going on for years in every major city...Every city i have ever traveled to i seem to get asked by 2 guys in a suv or van with the same story.. I remember faces and they have never been the same 2 guys...I have been hit up here in my hometown of orlando at least 5 times and actually purchased once since i knew someone that wanted some good speakers at a low cost... Hooked them up to my car amp and tested them...sounded good so i bought them... The only difference is the names on the front speaker screens get changed... |
Anonymous | Hey all. Almost bid on a set of tr-8000's on ebay, but came to this site first. After hearing what they're made etc. I realized that I can buy a cheap set of the same type of speakers for 50 bucks a set. I don't want to, but I could. Try something like Pyramid or Jensen, which have at least been around a long time, have an address, a customer service office, etc., for cheap speaks. Merry chrismas all. |
WOW! | WOW! I was reading all of this and the same thing happened to me, BUT I LOVE THEM!! I did not get their phone numbers but I hope they ask me again! I have the TR 0212's and I put them beside my Cerwin Vegas and they kill them! Any speaker van person want to sell them to me out there, I would like another pair please. I will pay $400 like I did before. My friend heard them and he loves them. Please add me to MSN with the name JJ@hotmail.com THANKS! YOU GUYS ROCK! |
Darcy | After I bought the speakers I came on the internet and saw this stuff. I thought I got scammed from what everyone was saying on here, but I hooked up the speakers and they are AMAZING! I dont really care if they came from a van, they sound better than my friends DJ ones. I was looking at another pair of JBL speakers at Best Buy before, but these ones I bought are way bigger and sound just the same, I saved big money! thanks guys! Im really happy with them and it was fun buying them too! thanks guys! |
wondering person | I got the tr 5210's from these guys and I haven't tried them yet. I was wondering if anybody else has them and how they were. I was also what do I need to push them as in watts wise because my surround sound reciever is a $100 cheapy from wally world. I was also wondering if they come with a reciever. I don't think they do because it doesn't say so on the box but we all know how deceiving the box is. I don't want to open them because if they ain't worth the money then I going to get rid of them plus I don't know if my receiver can push them. Plus if they are any good I have a bunch of people wanting some. can anybody help me out here. |
T S | Same deal. HB California - Gas Station - Approached by one guy in white truck. His boss had six to install in Newport and ordered 6 they gave him eight, his boss sucks so he will sell them. Catalog, price on box 1999.99 (TR-6000)Told me $400, said only could get $300 and he said ok. Changed my mind etc etc. and was driving away toward the freeway entrance and he was driving along side. He says 250 and I told him 100. Settled on 100 and he followed to ATM gave him cash. Found this site today. Still in box. This happened 12/4 at 4:30PST. For a hundred bucks I will take the chance. Did I know he was full of sh*t with the story - Yes. I know people who used to do the same thing years ago - HomeBoy Shopping Network but they took orders and "stole" the merchandise with CCs. Speakers and other merchadise is frequently sold this way, stolen or overseas made and cash is king. Without the Inernet the news of this would never be so public so if you feel you got ripped off - you did. |
Anonymous | I just bought tr 6000 my wife is going to kick my a??. Tell every one They are in Paducah Ky now. Going out to to find and hurt this guys, just bought them 2 hours ago maybe they are still there. |
| well, after buying my "system" i got on line and did some research.The fuckres are good. I didint see it coming.well i bought the TR-501 model i pluged them in and they seem to work find. i'm some what maid but what can you do. p.s. this happened in pawtucket, Rhode Island |
lee roy | This same thing happens with Bose speakers, Sony, B&W speakers, etc. The REAL TR Theater Research speakers are actualy great speakers. I bought mine at a store. |
S T F O | TO ALL THAT TALK BAD ABOUT TR SPEAKERS---> Show me a speaker you can find in a store thats the same quality as these speakers and compair prices. Bring it fools. I had my friend bring over a pair of his Cerwin Vega speakers. We opened both up and guess what? TR speakers have a bigger crossover and their woofers are not made of paper or polypropaline like the Cerwins. Yes ok, if you paid like $800 or something than you paid too much, but if you get a pair of these for what some of you are 'claiming', then its a great buy. Your just mad you got sold in a different way. I have the whole system in my house and I love them. I rather pay little for a great set of speakers than pay the stores who mark them up %400 percent. Sarcasm? nooooooooo its a fact that stores mark up home theater %400. ok to all of you thinking your some sort of 'inpectors' LOL Did you guys know how much it cost to make a Bose 911 surround sound system? did you guys research that? noooooo ...it costs $92 to make a Bose 911 surround sound. Go pay retail then you cry babies. I am a very happy owner of these speakers and so it does not matter how they were presented. Would you be happier if we opened a store with all the 'glits' and 'glammers'? and have to pay for our rent and employees etc., etc.? We have no 'overhead' therfore we can offer them up cheap. The stores rip you off even worse, they just look good doing it. |
| If you buy all the components and assemble a pair of speakers yourself, I don't think you can even put them all together for less than $200. I've seen and listened to these speakers from a friend of mine. They sounded OK but looked really high quality and impressive. I think $200/pair is more than fair. If it looks like it's worth it to you and you agree to the price, then it's not a scam. That's how any businesses work. The seller sets a price, and the buyer agrees to pay. If Best Buy were to sell these speakers at $250, you wouldn't be calling it a scam. Yes, it a scam in a sense that the company doesn't honor its warranty. But whenever you buy something on the street, don't expect any warranty at all, just like those "life-time warranty" sunglasses. Haha, where do you find them if your sunglasses break? I'm looking for these white van guys but don't know where to find them to buy a TR-1611 series pair. So, white van guys, if you live in Houston and have these speakers brand new, please email me undercover20@hotmail.com |
Mark | Can I get a pair of 0212 DJ speakers out there? My friend bought a pair and they have amazing sound and they look amazing! I live in Chicago and my friend paid $450 but he does not want to sell me his. I am willing to pay the same as my friend. Please email me at MarcoT@hotmail.com |
shaun2545 | I bought the TR-8010 Home Theater System off of ebay for $460 I have had them for 2 weeks now and I love them! I am reading about these posts about them being sold out of vans so it worried me, but I dont think they are the same ones. The ones I have are real and they sound amazing. I have them hooked up to a Yamaha 5660 amp. I am looking to buy a pair of tower speakers to go with the home theater. If anyone has a set of towers from TR that they are happy with or want to recommend a certain kind, please let me know, thanks. |
| I have TR-8200 if anyone is interested, Brand new still in box. Realestate1231@aol.com |
| W'sup guys. Im from Teaneck, NJ. I bought a home theatre system ( tr 8010 ) from the same kinda van deal. I hooked it up it and they don't sound too bad i thought it was gonna be worse from all the stuff i read about them on this site, anyway if some one wants to sell a set of there tower speakers that are new e-mail me at Braveheartk1169@msn.com oh besides i only paid $100 for them if any of you guys are looking for these guys and they ripped you off just to help you out there floating around the clifton ,nj area dk blue van 1, " K " |
S T F O | LOL your a jackass chris, the speakers cost US more than $100 so why would someone loose money selling them to you? Your just embarresed to say the actual amount you paid LOL. Its impossible you got them for that much you lier. The OAK wood they are made out of probably costs more than that. |
Ryan S. | Im confused here. I bought a pair of TR-0212 DJ speakers off of ebay for $450 and they are amazing.... now I found these posts and people are saying on here that these speakers are a scam. I have had the speakers for a month and a half now and I could not be happier. After reading this stuff I was curious and I opened up the speaker and saw a nice 50 oz magnet and the crossover was bigger than expected. I use them mostly to listen to music, but we hooked them up to my friends DJ equipment when we threw a lil party by plugging them in with the DJ plugs on the back of the speakers, the things pounded like crazy, and so this is why im so confused at what is going on. I think mine are real and these guys that are selling them from vans are selling fake ones, or stole them from somewhere. If anyone knows where I can find another pair of these speakers (the real ones) please email me at Ryan420@hotmail.com |
Anonymous | monday 1 pm 12 8 03 eatontown n j pathmark parking lot dark blue van very slick, same story glad I only had $200 on me tr8000, home theater does any one want new in box |
Anonymous | I responded to an add for employment. The company is selling TR products. Should I report this to the authorities? |
Mark | Where can I find these 0212 speakers? I posted before but nobody got back to me. My friend has a pair and I love them, but he wont sell me his. I am willing to pay the same as he did $450. My email is marcot@hotmail.com I dont know about these other models everyone is talking about, but the 0212 DJ speakers pound like crazy! |
| I got scammed recently by two guys poing as a father and son in Chula Vista, CA. The story they tell is that they are delivering some speakers to a fancy home in La Jolla, but the company accidently loaded too many speakers. Long story short, the TR-1100 speakers are not on the invoice and they are willing to "sacrifice" and sell them to me for $400 each. They show me an advertisement for the speakers with a list price of $1499 each. I eventully agree to $250 each. One guy jumps in my car and the other follows me to the bank. I withdraw the $500 for the pair and they drive off with my hard earned cash. Meanwhile, I've got some cheap speakers in my garage and I'm feeling like a total idiot. |
AliasOU | Some really smart people responding here...I got some Huffy bikes and i slapped a BMX sticker on them...anyone interested, just dont ask me how i got them...selling way below the sticker price...idiots |
JJ | LOL I know, This thing happens with Bose speakers and B&W speakers. And some other top brand names. They use top name brands of speakers and put the symbol on cheaper ones. A piece of advise------> If they come with the authentic warranty, they are the real ones. Dont buy stolen stuff from a van you idiots! |
Anonymous | I guess its about thinking we/you have something more than what they its worth. (Consumer confidence) Some companies do a better marketing and advertising, which cost money. If we all pay the excat thing what something cost no one would make any money. And if no one makes money then we wouldnt have jobs. This is america. How much do you think it cost to make a burger or price of anything? How much does it cost for a bottle of beer in a tavern? 3 to 5 dollars, but how much in a store? maybe 1 dollar or less. The speaker are worth the amount you payed for them, if you are not happy with them give them away. And go and purshase more expensive ones only to know that they cost so much because they tell you that they are good. advertising and salemen) IF you are unhappy is because you were too greedy!!!!!! I am very happy with my speakers at a great price. P.S. Best Buy employees get 50% off everything in the store (imagine that) Including sales P.S.S ITS ONLY MONEY |
Big Jake | Well, they have made it to Columbus Ohio. Same white van. I just got hit for $200 for the TR-510 5.1 suround sound system. Does anyone know if these things actually work or are worth anything before I get them out of the box? |
| OK, I just bought the TR-5210 system from two guys in a new altima with maine plates. They gave the same story of how they can't take them back to their boss. It's all bullshit. The sub is garbage, how can you have a good sub that isn't powered? The satellite speakers are defenitely below par and are nowhere near worth $1999.00. My KLH speakers sounded better. I can't believe i fell for this scam. I only paid $160, and am trying to sell them to a friend. One of the terminals broke when i put the speaker cable in. These two guys are in they're early twenties and I met them in a watertown, ma. mall parking lot. If anyone out there knows how to contact these conartists, please let me know. Me and a couple of buddies wanna meet up with them!!! At least I'm glad to see I wasn't the only idiot who fell for this scam. By the way there is a real website for these conartists, if you wanna check it out here it is. www.trtheaterresearch.com |
| I bought the same 5210's in the same parking lot about 2 hours earily for 200. Just to let you know I am an musian who build's guitars and tube amps and build's speekers. I am an MCSE computer person. I think these speekers are about what you paid for them. 150 to 200 dollars worth. They sound avrage to below avarage. CAMBRIDGE SOUND WORKS sounds much better. But for 200 dollars I think you didn't get ripped off to bad. IT IS A SCAM DON'T GET ME WRONG! I think you guys should be mad at is that they are LYING to sell them for what they are really worth. THE WAY THEY SOULD OF BEEN MARKETED IS 200 DOLLAR SOURROUND SOUND. THESE ARE NOT MADE FOR AC3 5.1. JUST FOR REGULAR SOURROUND SOUND. THERE IS NO SUBWOFFER AMPS. OR ANY AMPS FOR THAT MATTER AT ALL. EVERTHING IS PASSIVE. YOU WILL HAVE TO BUY YOUR OWN RECEVER! THESE DON'T HOOK UP THE WAY REGULAR SOURROUD SOUND DOES. WE WILL NOT EXPLAIN ANYGHING IN THE DOCUMENTATION CLEARLY ON WHAT TO DO! AND NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT! Well anyways here is how these things work and how to hook them up! (HO BEFORE I GO ON THESE ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO HI END SPEEKERS SOUND WISE IF YOU WANT THE BEST SPEEKERS IN THE WORLD GO TO DIGITAL PHASE SPEEKERS OR DPHASE.COM. Agian I am a musian and and tech and have been in and out of the studio for 20 years now and DIGITAL PHASE SPEEKERS ARE THE CLOSEST THINGS YOU WILL FIND TO REAL LIVE MUSIC! I GARRENTEE IT! Trust me! Nothing compairs in tweeter, circut city, best buy etc..... These are HIGH END STUDIO SPEEKERS. SORRY) I just had to get that out. ANYWAYS. The subwoofer has LEFT AND RIGHT INS and LEFT AND RIGHT OUTS. You see there are two speekers in the SUB SO they gave you ONE LEFT FOR ONE SPEEKER AND ONE RIGHT FOR THE OTHER (all in one subwoofer. You hook up your amp or RECIVER SURROUND SOUND ONE Left and right OUT to the LEFT AND RIGHT in on SUB. FOLLOW THE POSITIVE AND NEGITIVE'S. Now up above is the two sets of OUTS these will go to 2 of the SATILITES. Now if you want to stop here you can use these as regular stero speekers. IF YOU HAVE THE SURROUND RECIVER. You now hook the RECIVERS REAR AND CENTER TO THE REST OF THE SPEEKERS. I really don't know what type of surround sound they are trying to sell but WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL WHAT I JUST DECRIBED ABOVE IS WHAT KIND OF SURROUND SOUND THEY ARE SELLING! A nother thing I don't under stand. Why are this scam company have a websight? Why do they seem to put a lot of time and effort into (if you look inside the speekers) THERE AR SIGNS? It seems is that this company is trying to start up somthing in there own way as an EXPEREMENT and just SEE WHAT HAPPENS? I know they are lying to YOU GUYS. But why are they trying to put so much effort in to LABELS AND SUCH THINGS AS THAT? OH JUST TO LET YOU GUYS KNOW YOU ARE NOT OFF THE HOOK IN THE ALTMIA. I KNOW ALOT OF PEOPLE AND I AM A BOXER. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN. THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A CAMRA ON YOU. AND WATCH OUT WHO IS FOLLOWING YOU. IT JUST MAY HAVE BEEN SET UP FOR SOMEONE TO FOLLOW YOU. IN THE DAYS TO COME! JOE |
Ray Ray | Wow! I never would have thought this is what I bought. I took down the guy's tag # in Tampa. I just bought them yesterday andI still havent opened the box. They got me with that we are about to go see our boss and they gave us too much merchandise line too. I got to admit these 2 guys in the white van are good liars. |
Anonymous | Theyre at Home Depot on North Ave. in Chicago. If you see them, kick their a$$ for me.. |
New member Username: One_wayPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | same story i just bought a tr-7000 form a white van in brockton mass in a mobil gas station i hooked them up and im more than happy i been bumping the system all night i want to meet you there again to buy some towers my brother inlaw would like some also ill be working in the same place for a few weeks hope you guys ""in the white van"" will wright me back so we can do bussiness again .. to all the people who feel the got scamed, dont buy any thing out of a van you suckered yourself by paying to much there is no sure chance theyll work so by you taking the chance you put yourself in the place to be mad at the wrong person this isint the first time iv boughten thing like this and i know im taking a chanch every time i do it just hoping ill be lucky again to bump into a "white van" i know im sure happy ill be there every day 1130-1200 i only work across the street wrght me back let me know vlme10@aol.com |
JJ Unregistered guest | Does anyone know where I can get the 0212 DJ speakers? My friend bought them for $450 but he wont sell me his.. im willing to pay the same. Please email me at jjnights@hotmail.com if anyone wants to sell them or knows where to find them, thanks! |
New member Username: UmbertoPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | i just bought a pair of loudspeaker(tr-0212) and a set of professional home system (tr-8200) .I wanna sell all of it.i even haven't opened the box yet.who wants the thing mail me. umberto_lucci@yahoo.com |
New member Username: Qa420Post Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Knoxvill, TN here some guys in a truck sold TR8200 to my brother in-law at a Home Depot parking lot. Anyways, a week later he deicided he needed his money back and was on his way to a pawn shop to sell them and I ended up buying them. I havent tried them yet ...But I would have felt better buying from a store because of the warramties and peace of mind.. QA420 |
New member Username: XinxuPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | i hate your damned speakers... bunch of morons thinking that people think they are God just for some damned jacked up speakers. dont f*cking buy crap out of a van, who does that? morons! |
New member Username: UmbertoPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | Xin Xu Kiss my huge ugly thing![]() ![]() piss on your lips:d |
New member Username: Ujohnc00Post Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Hello, I was recently duped by the white van selling speakers scam, and was wondering why there cannot be legal recourse for such actions. I have the cell phone number of one of the sketchy salesmen, so couldn't police subpoena the phone company to reveal his personal information, eventually prosecuting him for misrepresentation, fraud, and conducting tax-free business? There are plenty of angry consumers who would love to be a part of a class action lawsuit against these evil companies. Thank you for your time. Chris |
New member Username: BeersteakPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | here are a couple of phone numbers of TR speakermen in so. cal. if your looking for work or revenge it makes no difference to me! I'm done with the speaker business forever! However I also own 2 pairs of TR2810's & I love them!!! but these guys who's numbers i'm posting are serious azzholes so call & pretend you seen there ad in the paper then make an appointment to fill out an application & revenge is yours or call to harrass the conmen.. this is my christmas present to the human race ![]() california audio connection (310)926-3620 chatsworth ca. california audio connection (310)516-0369 carson ca. GF audio (949)228-8600 Irvine/O.C. (charlie) labba/james(925)895-5747 o.c. mike d (818)445-0745 s.f. valley Fritz(major Azzhole) (619)246-3705 san diego jeff (619)444-6746 san diego che (310)968-9863 carson doug (562)818-1854 chatsworth office (818) 885-6061 If you call about the ad it reads: Drivers Needed $900.00-$1500.00/wk must like Basketball,BBQ's and Babes call btween 9am & 420pm |
New member Username: BeersteakPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | california audio connection san diego office (fritz) (619)246-3705 |
New member Username: BeersteakPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | GF AUDIO Orange county/IRVINE --- CHARLIE (949)228-8600 Hey meet me @ the Yardhouse for beer & a couple of STEAKS you HOMESMO kiss the sticky end of my dick |
New member Username: BeersteakPost Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | charlie next time you stand some one up think about the revenge factor! sucker |
Quad Unregistered guest | Joe, you say you are a musician and a "tech" person, even MSCE? LOFL, with spelling and grammar like that, I would say you are a 12 year old wannabe.... jeez, can't America spell anymore? How pathetic... |
Unregistered guest | HELP!!!! HOW DO YOU HOOK UP THE TR-5210? I HAVE NO INSTUCTIONS. |
john white Unregistered guest | You all must be a bunch of canadians. Im sitting here pounding 4 theater research speakers and they sound great. I suppose no matter how cheap they gave them to you it still wouldn't be cheap enough you cheap knook french-lovers. Toranto sucks as a matter of fact all Canada sucks, go eat some brie and whine somewhere else, cheapskates. |
God's Son Unregistered guest | Just bought 2 TR-0212's from the back of a van in a mall parking lot. Same old story everyone said before. I'm pumping these speakers right now and for $100 I got a hell of a deal. Suckers should check the authenticity of $50 dollar bills before taking off.. haha (It was really supposed to be $250) John White - You must be an ignorant - brain washed by CNN American. Continue living in fear of terrorism you stupid mother focker, I'll be up here in the T-Dot smoking weed legallaly. |
rick venus Unregistered guest | In Tampa too, they got me too. Luckily, they took a check and when I got home immediately did a search found this site & stopped payment before they cashed it. If they want their speakers back they can write me. Same story, looked like a great deal, overstocked for today's shipment. I bought the whole story. They definitely make it look like a deal. |
God's Son Unregistered guest | If we ONLY had time to check the net before buying.. :/ |
JJ Unregistered guest | Does anyone have a pair of the TR-0212 Dj speakers for sale? My friend got a pair but wont sell them to me, he wants to keep them. I am willing to pay $450 like he did. My email is jjnights@hotmail.com Im in Ann Arbor Michigan and will be willing to pick them up. I really want more than one pair but I am hoping for at least one pair. I posted before but I got no replies. thanks! |