Somebody PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help me as I am going mad.?
I have Sony dvd home theatre system 5.1 surround sound (davtz230), has 1 hdmi port ,sky hd box / xbox 360 and ps3. I am trying to get all 3 through surround sound and so bought a 3 way optical switcher, found out sony system doesn't have optical out but has "antenna/coaxial?" port thing??..
I am the least technically person you can imagine and am trying hopelessly to put a square peg through a round hole and going very mad in the process.
if any body could please be of help it would be soooo appreciated. Please remember I am basically thick and it has taken me 20 mins to set up this acct so any suggestions etc need to be in VERY basic lamens terms, and then dummed down, then simplified some more.
I wait patiently in the corner covered in hdmi,optical,scart,power,speaker, red,yellow,blue,white,grey leads wondering if they could hold my weight from the stair bannister??!!!!...
many thanks.
many thanks,
have just found online something called a Optical-to-Coaxial Audio Converter, this 'sounds' like something I need??? . would I connect this to the back of sound sys into the coaxil thing the on the optical out bit of it I woulld connect my optical 3 way switcher thingy bob and into this my sky/xbox/360??..
Sorry my good man but That is the most stripped down receiver I have ever seen. There are NO inputs on that receiverat all. The only thing you can do play its internal DVD and radio.