Hello, I have a Sony Bravia Engine III 46" LCD, Sony DVD Player, Yamaha receiver (RX-V...), Bose AM10 Series IV speakers. All are connected with HDMI cables only. I have one 15meter HDMI mesh cable running to my pc which is i7 2.6 quadcore, 8gb ram ddriii, ATI Radeon 5850 vga (with a HDMI port). The cables for the entire unit are under carpet. Here is my problem: every now and then while I am watching a movie from my pc, I start to get a buzzing sound. I normally stop the movie on the pc and restart it from where I left off. The buzzing sound usually stops but does sometimes start again. Sometimes I remove the HDMI cable from the pc and reconnect it. What is the problem. Do I need to insulate the cables or something? Please help me out. Thanks all. Moeen (pyramids99@hotmail.com)
You can also try this cable between your TV and DVD to see if the cable is the trouble but sometime the cable work fine on a hardware then not on the other.
Hook those HDMI cable carefully because the female connector can broke easily on the electronic board.
HDMI transferrable exclusive doesn't reek because of the TV, it's attainable to channel the HDMI oftenest communication to the AV acquirer via HDMI, while the impression comes via YUV. But this move oft fails because most players cannot make two full-resolution recording signals at formerly; and, since HDMI requires the digital frequency to be attended by a video communicate, you cannot use this connectedness purely for audio signals.
The problem may not be your cables but the source of the movie. Where are you getting these movies from, that may be the problem. Put a DVD in your computer and play it if the movie plays fine it may not be your equipment but movie itself. If the problem remains with a DVD it could be the cable. 15 meters (50ft) is a long run and calls for a high speed capable HDMI cable not a mesh covered cable. Nency what are you talking about? Did you have stroke while writing that comment?