Hooking up logitech subwoofer with samsung home theater


New member
Username: Nickhaddad18

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-10
I recently bought a samsung 5.1 home theater. The speakers sound great but the bass is extremely weak. I have a logitech z-5300 surround sound for my computer and the sub on that sounds great. The sub has the amp mounted to it and I was wondering if it was possible to replace the samsung sub with the logitech one. The samsung sub uses speaker wire and the logitech sub uses the black green and orange round cables. Is this possible?

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 14773
Registered: Jan-08
Welcome to eCoustics Nick!

The problem is that your Logitech sub has a amplifier built-in for all speakers then the Samsung sub can't powered your satellite speaker.

But if you don't need of your Logitech satellite on your PC, Yes you can use this sub on your Samsung, look on the back panel of the Samsung, you will see a composite(RCA) output for the sub, hook it there with a adapter Jack 1/8'' to RCA that you can found at RadioShack.

Put the selector on 2 channels on your Logitech Sub
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