I am looking into buying a home theater system (including receiver powered subwoofer and 5 speakers) for $600 max. I know this is a tall order and that I obviously won't be getting the best quality out there but I want to try to get the best bang for my buck. For receivers I am considering either the Onkyo 1802 or the Marantz 4200. For speakers I am looking at the KLH SS02, Acoustic Research HC1, and HTD Level 1 packages (all of which come with 5 speakers and a powered sub). I have also been considering the HTIBs Kenwood HTB 504/505 and Denon 682xp. Any ideas on which is the best or any other suggestions I haven't mentioned?
Also will a receiver rated at 70W per channel adequately power 5 speakers at a mod-high listening level?
I know it's a lot! Thanks in advance for any help you're able to give.
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Onkyo hts650. It's big, mean, loud, has lots of AV inputs/outputs, and the speakers are solid and large. $499 at Circuit City.