for anyone who owns a H/K avr525 or similar model or really any receiver that spports tripple crossover could you please explain to me what the heck the H/K "Important Note" instert is really talking about....
it says: 1. Check the Specifications section of the Owner's Manual for your speakers to find the lowest frequency the speakers are capable of reproducing.
2. Enter the setting for the highest setting for any speaker in each of the three groups (front/center/surround) in the Speaker Setup menu, as shown in the Owner's Manual.
3. Enter the setting for the highest frequency your subwoofer is capable of reproducing on the SUBWOOFER line of the menu. It is important that this setting not be lower then the HIGHEST setting for any of the main speakers.
ok, what the hell do they really mean?!? if say my speakers frequencies are as follows: front (right/left) - 45HZ center - 52Hz surround - 64Hz Subwoofer - 21Hz - 120Hz ---------------------------------------- do i set the settings to the lowest speaker setting and then for the subwoofer i put 120Hz???
as an example the insert states: For example, if the setting for the front speakers is 80Hz, but the setting for the center or surround speakers is 120Hz, you must set the subwoofer to 120Hz, even if the front speakers have a better frequency range. A lower frequency setting for the subwoofer would create a bass "hole" because some frequencies would go to neither the subwoofer nor the main channel speaker, and thus be lost.
can someone please explain this better.....
SpeakerWire Crazy
Posted on
I also own a HK525 and so allow me to attempt this. Instead of talking about the speaker, lets focus on the channel, each channel to be exact. If we have a left/right channel and the cutoff point for the left channel is at 60hz while the right cutoff is at 100hz, then the subwoofer should be set at 100hz. The reason is because if you set it any lower(say 60hz), then where is the 60-100hz for the right channel is gone to go, HK call this a "bass hole"???? Hence, when we set the subwoofer level to the highest setting, all the frequency is taken care off. Hope this helps ......