I have about a five to six (5-6) second delay between the video coming up on the screen and the sound coming from the speakers.
The TV is hooked up to the STB via HDMI cable. The STB and Sound System are hooked up via optical cable.
I disconnected the HDMI cable and left just the optical, to eliminate any other devices. I change the channel on the STB I can see the channel number on the STB change but there is onece again a delay in the sound.
I also tried my other STB which is a Motorola 7100 and the same issue exists.
Any one have any such issues? I'd like to get a 5.1 HTIB and not deal with separate components. Although the delay in sound is something that i'm not willing to settle for
The TV is an LG 55LH85 (but I have eliminated it as the source of the issue.)
I've read that the delay is due to the usage of the optical cable. I tested two channel RCA and the sound comes up instantly. I'm leaning towards the Motorola STB as the cause of the delay and will try to use a digital coaxial cable if i can get my hands on one to test.
Unsynchronized Audio And Video With Home Theater Systems or Stereos
If the audio on your TV - and this can be any kind of TV - is out of sync with your picture and you are using a home theater system (HTS) or stereo, finding a solution can be difficult.
In many setups, the television signal first comes into a set top box. The set top box audio output is connected directly to the HTS or stereo and the set top box video output is connected directly to the TV.
Consequently, the audio portion of the signal is sent directly to the HTS or stereo without passing through the TV, and the video portion of the signal is sent directly to the TV without passing through the HTS or stereo. The two signals are separated, processed at different rates, and cannot be synced by adjusting the audio synchronization function in the TV.
* If your system is set up as described above, you still may be able to resolve the audio sync problem. Check your HTS or stereo user's manual to see if your HTS or stereo has a Audio Delay function. If it does, you may be able to adjust the Audio Delay so that the audio and picture are in sync. * If the HTS or stereo does not have an Audio Delay function, you may be able to purchase an audio delay device, which you can place into your system between the set top box and the HTS or stereo. You should be able to adjust the audio delay device so that the sound and picture are in sync.
As a FiOS tech I can tell you that is a common problem with the HD boxes. (not that verizon admits it) Numerous trouble calls on the same issue.... a switch to spidf can sometimes rectify it (any tech will have one on their truck) What I generally tell folks is unplug the coax from your box, call cust service (hit 0 to get thru voice menu) and tell them gee whiz everything is hooked up and i have no picture - they won't be able to ping the box remotely so will need to send a new one INSIST on a field tech don't let them ship one. Hook everything back up and when field tech gets there tell them the REAL problem. Personally I generally try a new optical cable, then try a spidf to see what happens if no joy then replace box with a new one which usually fixes the problem. Your tech should do the same. Its certainly worth a shot as a free solution especially if you don't have the audio delay function that Jim mentions above.