Center Hookup


New member
Username: Lokeyq7

Buffalo, NY

Post Number: 8
Registered: Mar-09
Gentlemen (and ladies),
I know this should be simple enough. However, I am running into a problem with the hookup of my B&W HTM61 Center Channel hookup.
I have it biwired to my Yahmaha v663 A/V and Bryston Amp. However, I am not getting any isolated sound from the center channel. Can anyone advise on what I am doing or not doing right?

Bronze Member
Username: Mike19

Tallahassee, Fla USA

Post Number: 14
Registered: Jan-09
Hi Sherman.

I recommend:

First, on your receiver, make sure you have the center channel to "on" and with sufficient volume level.

If that doesn't do it, try undoing the bi-wire connection and use a sinlre wire connection instead.


New member
Username: Lokeyq7

Buffalo, NY

Post Number: 9
Registered: Mar-09
However, I know that the center channel is on because it works fine when I switch over to Satellite T.V. The only time I really do not hear much of anything from my center is when I am playing DVD/CD's through my Escient system. I am wondering if I need to run a A/V cable from my Escient to the receiver. I already have audio coming through my fronts when playing movies or CD's through the Escient. Those are connected through component cables and audio. This really has me stumped. I have even noticed that even though sound comes out fine on the center when watching satellite T.V. it almost seems at though my fronts start working like rears. However, I know that is not the case. I guess I just have to keep playing around with it.

Bronze Member
Username: Lokeyq7

Buffalo, NY

Post Number: 11
Registered: Mar-09
I resolved my center channel issue by using coaxial cable. Now hear isolated audio from the center channel. But I have lost audio from the internet radio. When I remove the coax the internet radio audio comes back.
I have contacted Escient to inquire about hookups.
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