I hooked up my home theater system after a move and careful labeling (i am no elec guru)- now speakers blair while volume is turned down and almost to mute--what did i do - where am i crossed? speakers (tall ones in front have to places to connect..top + & -(black/red) and bottom + & - ??? does it matter which set i use?
It would help to know what the brand, model number, and what else besides speakers might be connected to your Home Theater (HT) system. No volume control isn't exactly what you might call common.
thanks for response - I am afraid to turn on for fear I blow a speaker yamaha rx v1600, pioneer media receiver pro ro6u, denon dvd 2910, directv, & monster i have reviewed diagrams and cannot find error
There should be a metal pieces (called jumpers) connecting the two terminals on the back of your front (tower) speakers. If they were lost in the move somehow...
Yes, ok if they are in place it does not matter which of the upper or lower red/black terminals you use.
I am afraid there are no obvious other options (even the terminal issue was a long shot, the speakers would have sounded different not necessarily blaring loud). The next step would be to take it in for repair. Unless anyone else has an idea.
That is actually a good question, if all the other devices are disconnected from it and the problem still occurs then the answer is yes. I was simply assuming that this occurred using any of the inputs including the radio tuner..
I can't imagine it. Even if you are right in front of any speaker, and I mean like headphone close, you ought to be able to dial the volume down low enough to listen comfortably. By your description (or perhaps simply my evaluation of your description) it sounds as though the receiver is in an "open loop" which does not allow volume control
you are truely a genius ...you are 100% correct in your assesment - i will try to isolate why the receiver is an open loop you exlpain so clearly - i appreciate your expertise .. mb