I am new to this forum, and a rookie in terms of audio and speakers, is this a good choice for my sound system in my games room, to go with a dlp projector. i have a 900sq ft room that I am turning into a pub etc. I have a bunch of other questions but i will start with this one
An informed decision will have to come after going to stores and listening to as many systems as you can. The best place to start shopping (not buying) is a place like Best Buy and/or Circuit City. Let your ears do most of the work but look for things like remote controls and front panl controls that make sense to you.
Sean for the money you can do better than Bose. Go online and check out Paradigm, PSB, Definitive Technology, B&W,Atlantic Technology,Aperion,NHT,M&K and many others. Look for a dealer locater and find a shop near you that carries any of these brand and go for a listen. Check out home theater magazines on line for more choices.