I have a Samsung 50" Slim Depth DLP TV and a Samsung Single Disk Home Theater Surround Sound System - HT-TWZ412. Also, I use an HD DirecTV box. I have the Surround system plugged into the DirecTV box via an optical cable and the DirecTV box hooked to the TV using a HDMI cable. The whole system works most of the time. However at times, both when watching TV and when watching DVD's, the sound will blip. It just goes off and back on usually just a quick blip but there has been a downtime as long as 2 seconds or so. Sometimes it might blip 6 or 7 times a minute then be fine for 30 minutes or more. I'm very new to this so any help is very appreciated! I'm thnking maybe a bad cable?? Thanks, Barbie
It is very unlikely to be a cable unless you are physically moving something when this problem occurs. The first thing I think of is a heat problem where perhaps your receiver is in a space too tight to vent properly. Do you notice this problem more at higher volume levels?
Hum... we usually keep the sound pretty even unless the tv program is low to begin with. Our living room is fairly small so no need for it to be up too loud. I have the whole set-up on a runner table that would typically be used for decoration behind a sofa. The TV sits on top with the surround and direcTV boxes sitting on top of one another on the bottom shelf. The runner table is completely open on all sides and the bottom shelf is slats so air can move around. Perhaps having the DirecTV box sitting on top of the surround system box? I think I need to pay attention to how long the unit has been operating too and see if it blips more the longer it's on. That would certainly lend itself to overheating.
It's not over heating as far as I can feel and time running hasn't made any difference tonight. I did unplug and re-plug all the audio cables and it's only blipped once all night. Guess I'll keep tinkering with it over the next few days and see what kind of results I get. Thanks for the help!! Barbie
Is it too late to take it back, and find another HT system?
I just read a review on Amazon where Samsung told the customer that this system is a little ahead of the time for the Comcast box he's using. However, something's not right if you're also experiencing audio problems while playing dvds directly on the system.