Hi everyone...sorry if this has been covered in another thread but I am extremely uneducated about the whole surround sound/home theater phenomenon (I don't even know proper verbiage or terms) and I truly apologize in advance if this belongs elsewhere.
I need some help setting up my surround sounds but have no idea how to do it basically.
I recently moved into a new place permanently where I have decided to set up my old system but the last time this was set up, I had an old 27" RCA TV, well before the flat panels were coming out.
As a present to myself for becoming a new dad in October 2005 I bought a 27" Westinghouse flat panel. I plan on upgrading this soon as 27" looked great in my tiny room where I shared a house but not so much in the living room of my new home with the better half.
I have an older Sony stereo system with individual components, which I believe I bought in/around late 1997 or 1998.
It has a receiver (? Is this where all my options are? CD, phono, tape, etc. where I pick what I want to use?), 5-disc CD changer, tape deck, VCR (2000 or 2001) and a DVD player (2002).
I was able to set this up around 2002 connecting everything to the back of the receiver and then for the VCR I had to use an RF modulator to connect that to the back of the old TV.
With the new ports and plugs in the back of the flat panel, I have no idea if I can do this or if it is even possible.
Can anyone help me with a step by step or perhaps point me in the right direction?
I just can't afford to get a new system at the moment but would like to use this one if I could until I can get an newer updated home theater system.