Alright I'm sure this question has come up many times but I'd appreciate if someone could help me out with my problem.
I have a Sony Bravia DAVHDX576WF I hooked it up to my Samsung HDTV and it played DVD's in surround sound just fine. However I am trying to hook up my Comcast HD box and Xbox 360 with the system and am having some trouble. The comcast technician actually hooked me up with some RCA cables that run from the Sony reciever to the TV, but it sound is only emitted from the two left and right tower speakers, not the center channel or rear speakers. What cables to I need to hook up this system so my Xbox 360 and Comcast play from all speakers.
I have a million questions regarding the Comcast "technician" and how he hooked up your system but that basically only satisfies my curiosity (and perpetuates the rumors)! On the other hand I have wasted enough time on the Sony site to make Comcast look like people of genius intellect! The recommended hook up guide on their site does not take into account their own equipment and the limited amount of inputs provided. Unbelievable!
So, this is how I would hook this system up:
remove the RCA cables that run from the TV to the Sony. Use the digital coax connection between the cable box and the Sony Use the optical between the XBox and the Sony.
At this point I believe you will be able to use both the TV and the Sony for sound depending on the input selected. Of course turning the TV sound all the way down is highly recommended.