I am looking to demo speakers for an HT system.I obviously can't take my whole DVD collection with me, so I wanted suggestions for DVD's that have really pushed the envelope for 5.1 sound quality and dynamics. If I don't own it, I'll go buy the most highly recommended.
CC Kid
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Star Wars: Episode I: the pod race scene's. Also on the second disk is additional pod race footage that will test bass.
Fifth Element: The scene during the concert, for femal vocals and how well the speakers will handle format changes. This would be from vocals to the fight scene's.
The best dvd to take would be one that you are very familiar with. One that you know what is on the screen, and what is in the sound. Theory being that if you know what it should sound/look on screen like, you will know when you have found the speakers that comes closest to what you know. Some players do better with sound, some with picture. If possible try to find a place that has a setup similar to what you currently own for a tv, receiver, etc. Remember that the speakers will only be as good as the system is that they are connected to. The above mentioned dvds are good choices, perhaps add Saving Private Ryan to that. Not knowing your tastes, it is a disc that has a very crisp and distinct soundrack with great sound effects. Short of bringing your whole collection, perhaps bring a few that you know well, that have enough different sounds, music styles. A good salesperson will allow this and since it will be your money spent, take your time and be sure of what you get.
It was the first dvd that I bought when I bought my dvd player. I used it to show my family and friends my system. The action in that movie makes you feel like you are on the battlefield with them. The bullets flying around the room and the cannons going off are so cool.
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Gone in sixty seconds. Slap it in and press play. the first 60 secsonds sounds awesome.
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when your're checking out htibs make sure to get them to set 'it up' that means positioning the speakers the same way you would position them at home this just means same distance (and hey if you have to set up your livin'room go for it).take you time as recomended above too many times we hear things nice in the store and take them home and they sound like crap(happen to me with the bose)take a familiar music cd with you, this is true,and in addition if you could get a hold of a jazz or a classical cd this would be a good measuring stick,because these forms of music are usually detail and distinct.now video,three good movies be fast and the furious,saving private ryan and the unbreakables.
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when your're checking out htibs make sure to get them to set 'it up' that means positioning the speakers the same way you would position them at home this just means same distance (and hey if you have to set up your livin'room go for it).take you time as recomended above too many times we hear things nice in the store and take them home and they sound like crap(happen to me with the bose)take a familiar music cd with you, this is true,and in addition if you could get a hold of a jazz or a classical cd this would be a good measuring stick,because these forms of music are usually detail and distinct.now video,three good movies be fast and the furious,saving private ryan and the unbreakables.