I'm having an issue with my multi channel av receiver. When the receiver is turned on it pops as though it's a tic-toc clock. The popping was in complete sequence with a clock that I had in my living room so I took the batteries out of that clock just to see if it made a difference and it didn't. The popping is on all inputs of the receiver and even with the volume turned down and it's on all speakers even when the surround is turned off. The receiver is a Sony Multi Channel AV Receiver STR-DG600. I have had this problem every since I bought and hooked the system up a little over a year ago. I have Comcast with the HD receiver and it is hooked into my AV receiver with the 5 plug component cables and then from the receiver to the tv with the same 5 plug component cables. Then I have my Playstation 3 hooked into the AV receiver with a digital optical cable and the video is hooked into the tv with a HDMI cable. All of my cables are nice high quality cables and the AV receiver has an auto setup mode that checks all the speaker connections, distance and location and everything is coming back ok. I need help fixing the tic-toc in my surround sound. Thank everyone for any help.
Yes, there are. It's kind of funny that you asked. My house isn't very large, it's a three bedroom but not very large. There are 3 people in here that have cell phones that stay on pretty constant and usually when I have the surround sound on there are at least three if not more in the same room at the same time. I had checked and double checked and read and looked at just about anything that I could find on this and the same night that I posted this thread I was talking with the other two that are usually hear and I said I have tried everything I could think the only thing left would be our cell phones and I said it as a joke and we all swept that idea under the rug. So, now that you asked that I will try shutting the cell phones off. Thank you for that. I will try it and keep you informed.
Well, I had everyone in the house shut off their phones as well as myself. We sat there for about 5 minutes and the speakers were still making the popping noise.
You need to isolate the equipment that might be causing the problem. Unplug everything from the receiver and see if the noise is still there. If not, start plugging in the equipment one a t a time.
Alright, I will try that. I have unhooked and re-done everything at least twice. I was thinking the other day that I have a home alarm system with sensors all doors and windows. The sensors are all wireless and there are two windows and the front door in my front room. So, I wonder if that could affect the system or cause interferance.
I'm not sure as to exactly how they are linked to the head unit for the alarm. I am going to call the alarm company and see if they can shed some light on this problem.
Nah, about the only thing that I can do is call the alarm company to disable my alarm and then take all of the remote sensors down and take the batteries out of them. Not really in a big hurry to do that plus time has been at a minimum lately.