Have my new Onkyo hts-760 hooked up and have a question about the subwoofer. It sounds like a strange question, but how can I tell if the subwoofer is functioning properly? When I do the test mode, where it sends the pink noise to each speaker so you can set the volume, I get the noise from each of my speakers, but not the subwoofer- is this normal? I have tried one dolby DVD, and to my ears it sounded like there was plenty of base, but I am concerned about the lack of any sound during the test mode. What is the best way I can make sure my subwoofer is not defective?? As best as I can tell, I have all the settings set correctly....
Steve Klenner
Posted on
I have same system...I do get a test sound (white noise) from each of my 7 speakers including the woofer. When a DVD is playing put your hand in front of woofer speaker port. If its working you'll definitely feel air movement. I'd almost bet your woofer is not working...you'd know it if it was.
Ticked Onkyo user
Posted on
Exact same problem for me, hooked up my sub Sunday 7/27 and get NO sound from test pattern or from the dvd-ANY DVD I play. I have tried checking all the settings and doing everything I can. Looks like a very difficult trip to circuit city for a return/exchange for a new setup as I doubt they will just take back the sub
Posted on
Hurry up and take it back to Circuit City... At least see what they say.. If they won't take just the sub, then give them all the speakers back from an exchange.peace
Posted on
I don't mean to insult anybody here, but could it be that you are connecting it to the wrong connector? The subwoofer that comes with the 760 needs to go into the pre out connector. It will not work when connected to the subwoofer one.
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Just an update to my original post. For my subwoofer, it wound up being that mine worked ONLY when the output volume on the back of the sub was turned all the way up. If I turned it down even just one notch, then I got no sound from the sub. I too, thought my only alternative would be to box the whole system up and take it back and exchange it, but lo and behold, Circuit City swapped out just the subwoofer- I was surprised they were willing to do it, but they did, with no hassels- they had to have opened up a new HTS 760 and pulled out a sub from it. Never been a fan of Circuit City, but they just went up a notch after this. Brought home the new sub and everything works like it should......
Clint Cumonme
Posted on
I just bought the 760 and think it is great. definitely make sure you're plugged in to the subwoofer pre-out. You should feel the air coming out of the port also. ROCK AND ROLL!!!!
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I have an Onkyo SR 501, bose acoustimass 10 and a velodyne cht-8. how do i connect the cth-8 into the system thanks
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Anything I need to know about installing the onkyo 760? I need help. I have just ordered the Onkyo 760. After reading some of the comments I hope to God that it comes with a good instructions. I am redoing the living room and putting in new carpet. Should I run the wires on the side boards or straight accross the floor? Thanks
Evvy Pedder
Posted on
Id run those wires along the walls.. Even with good pad under the carpet you may still feel those wires underneath it. As an alternative, you could always drill some small holes into the floor and run wire to speaker hook up plates on the back wall or floor.
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For those of you with a Bose AM10 system, let me pass along a bit of info. I got the onkyo home theatre system with the 501/601 reciever, cant remember which, and hooked it up to my Bose sub, and it was wimpy to say the least (no bass to speak of - from the Bose sub, not the onkyo sub). Well what I didn't know at the time was that my Bose sub is not powered and that I had my reciever set to put the sub tones out to my onkyo sub (this is correct) - by the way I have both the onkyo sub and 6 onkyo surrounds plugged in AND the Bose AM10 sub and associated 5 double cubes all hooked into the same system. Most impressive sound if I do say so myself. Saving Private Ryan on the big screen with this sound system is nothing short of being there - grrrrrr.
In any event, I used to have my Bose system independent (sub and cubes) with a pioneer receiver and remember it being enought to blow you out, put the Bose sub on the onkyo and was wimpy (no huge bass like I was expecting).
Now I know why. I had the onkyo reciever set to shoot the lows to the sub (the onkyo sub / setting on receiver - sub on/off, yes/no, somthing like that)- well that meant the Bose sub wasn't getting the lows because it doesnt work like that. So it is neither the Bose nor the onkyo's fault - just someone like me who didn't know that in my setup they no worky together (like I thought they would/should anyway). You can change this of course with the settings on the onkyo receiver and tell it that you dont have a sub, of course then the onkyo sub would not kick and the Bose would.
In any event, I am planning on getting another onkyo sub so I can balance my system (onkyo sub in one corner - Bose sub in the other - problem is Bose sub is really only being a relay for clean sound to the cubes and not bumping like I need it to because of the setting to keep the onkyo sub jumping) whew - too much info.
Can I add a phono to one of the video inputs if I put a preamp between the receiver and the turntable. if not how can I hookup a turntable to this unit?
Parasound and others I'm sure make a moderately priced phono preamp that will equalize and boost the signal to line level. Then u can plug it into any line level input thats free.
With the higher accuracy of the digital reciver, I would not settle for one of those cheapos from Radio Shack. My vinyl is rare, probably never to be reissued in digital, so I spent the bucks for the Parasound, and am slowly burning them to cd.
Posted on
Thanks for your input. Unfortunately when I bought my system at Best Buy the salesperson pointed me to a memorex preamp. Thats all they had and he gave me the impression thats all that was avail. Better then a RS brand so I bought it and tried it. Not bad, not good/great. After reading your post I checked out Pasasound website and wished I waited. O'well, i'm going to save (main system busted me for a while) and look at buying the 850. Thanks again for the the insite.