I have the sony mhc-gx450 and i want to try and get more sound out of it. I want to know if i can add more speakers to it while keepin the ones i already have installed?
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Does your owner's manual suggest that you can do this with this reciever? Read and you will find the answer. If you cannot find anything that refers to additional speakers in the manual, that would imply Sony doesn't want you to try. You actually can add speakers but the way to do it is so complicated and if you want "more" sound not worth the effort. What aren't you getting that makes you want "more sound out of it"?
franky boi
Unregistered guest
Posted on
whats the output of your system and whats the output of the speakers you want to add.also if the ohms are the same on each pair of speakers then it might just work