Hi all- I'd like to be able to connect my laptop to my plasma. Can someone tell me what cables I need? I'd like to be able to use the tv as my monitor in order to play games, surf the net, work on my pictures etc. I only know enough to be dangerous so I need some guidance. Alternatively, I dont know if there is any way to just connect the system wirelessly since I have a home network. I.E. plug in a wireless key board etc. Thanks for your help- Vince
Thanks Berny- I'm sort of new at all this. My compaq has an s-video and the plasma has one as well on the front flip-up. Does s-video take care of sound as well?
Honestly, no- I thought that I'd pick up an s-video cable and a sound cable (with an adapter to put into the headset) and that it would work from there. I imagine I will need to change settings on the presario?
Click on the settings tab. You should see 2 monitor icons representing your present monitors numbered 1 and 2. The second one should represent your TV. Check the "use this device as primary monitor" or "extend my desktop to this monitor".
Berny-(and any other viewers) I tried connecting the vga to the back of the tv as well as the sound (from the ear jack port to the back of the tv) and it couldnt figure out how to get it to work. Any thoughts? I tried googling the Laptop but cannot find any specific place to ask a question...same with the panasonic. I find it hard to believe that this couldnt work. any assistance would be greatly appreciated. For the recored, I did set the second monitor for the tv and tried the toggling.) Vince