New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | Hi ! Looking for a 5.1 sub-sat arrangement, for a small living room. Finalized : 1. JBL SCS 260.5 2. Paradigm Cinema 70 ( 3. Acoustic Energy AEGO T 5.1 ( and/sc/1) these will be coupled with a Pioneer VSX416 or VSX516, or Yamaha RSX 450, or Onkyo 304E. as the JBLs are well known, did not add any link. they have double drivers compared with the others. will that matter? Looking for suggestions please. |
New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-07 | Budget and room constraints have played a part in the above list.Wife is not keen, so the system must sound decent, else I may get thrown out! |
New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-07 | by the way, I live in an apartment. |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 13911 Registered: Dec-03 | I will take the JBL out of the equation even if it has double drivers. I can vouch for the Paradigm Cinema series, as I have heard them with Pioneers. They are much more detailed than what the JBL can deliver. |
New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 4 Registered: Apr-07 | What about the Paradigms with Yamaha - the guy is bundling them (and pushing them). If it is Pioneer (great reviews everywhere), I will have to buy them separately. Will either do? (this will be my first buy in home theater, have some fundamental doubts. I have been poring over the forum threads) Are cables supplied in the package, or I am supposed to buy them separately. Any views on Acoustic Research Cables? Also, I will be buying on-line with warranty (shipping cost to me) covering free repairs/replacement. This OK? |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 13922 Registered: Dec-03 | I personally think that Paradigms work well with Yamaha, but the true determining factor would be you. If you like what you hear, then we are not in the position to tell you that you are wrong. Cables are not usually supplied with the package and if they are, they are usually cheaply manufactured. Acoustic Research cables work well. |
New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 5 Registered: Apr-07 | Speakers - I have finalized the Paradigms, for my budget they seem the best fit, from your feedback and the rave reviews they got. for the AVR: for me there are two options: Pioneer 516 or Denon 1507. Specs comparison is at :,114,71 The Yamaha model I am looking at is not in the list, I am trying to get detailed specs for the same. I have read comments like Paradigm is "laid back" so get a "bright" receiver etc - could not understand them fully. But basic doubt is: From this thread - Paradigm with Pioneer has got good feedback. From another thread (not mine), Paradigm with Denon also has been suggested. So, can I conclude that Paradigm with either Pioneer or Denon is decent? Assuming there is no cost difference, which would be better - denon or pioneer?? Assuming that the Denon costs 25% MORE, which would be better??? Looking forward for advice. |
New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 6 Registered: Apr-07 | Speakers - I have finalized the Paradigms, for my budget they seem the best fit, from your feedback and the rave reviews they got. for the AVR: for me there are two options: Pioneer 516 or Denon 1507. Specs comparison is at :,114,71 The Yamaha model I am looking at is not in the list, I am trying to get detailed specs for the same. I have read comments like Paradigm is "laid back" so get a "bright" receiver etc - could not understand them fully. But basic doubt is: From this thread - Paradigm with Pioneer has got good feedback. From another thread (not mine), Paradigm with Denon also has been suggested. So, can I conclude that Paradigm with either Pioneer or Denon is decent? Assuming there is no cost difference, which would be better - denon or pioneer?? Assuming that the Denon costs 25% MORE, which would be better??? Looking forward for advice. |
New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 7 Registered: Apr-07 | Speakers - I have finlaized tha Paradigms, for my budeget they seem the best fit, from your feedback and the rave reviews they got. for the AVR: for me there are two options: Pioneer 516 or Denon 1507. Specs comparison is at :,114,71 The Yamaha model I am looking at is not in the list, I am trying to get detailed specs for the same. I have read comments like Pradigm is "laid back" so get a "bright" receiver etc - could not understand them fully. But basic doubt is: From this thread - Paradigm with Pioneer has got good feedback. From another thread (not mine), Paradigm with Denon also has been suggested. So, can I conclude that Paradigm with either Pioneer or Denon is decent? Assuming there is no cost difference, which would be better - denon or pioneer?? Assuming that the Denon costs 25% MORE, which would be better??? Looking forward for advice. |
New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 8 Registered: Apr-07 | sorry about that multiple posts - the display was not coming up, assumed it did not get posed, sorry for the inconvenience. |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 13943 Registered: Dec-03 | This is a decision that can be debated with no conclusive winner and will be subjected to the final user's perception. They both have their own following and neither camps can claim absolute autnority on which is better. You will have Denon users that will say Denon is better and Pioneer users will do the same. Then you have those that will do the opposite to give more bite to what they claim and make it seem they have the experience from which you can benefit. You will be happy with either choice. The thing that will further confuse you and make your decision harder is to ask this question. |
New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 9 Registered: Apr-07 | Point taken. Thank you. I will go for Pioneer. The dealer is 3.5 hours drive away and the service center is also available. One doubt on wiring (or cabling): I was surprised to note that after following a few threads, and websites like audioholics etc, that the "big brand" cables do not make any (perceptible)difference diff in the sound, at least on budget systems to "normal" people. So based on that feedback/tests/research/reports of many people I am going for normal (good quality) copper wiring for the speaker cables. Pl. tell me one thing: My DVD player has the following outputs: 1. Digital - optical 2. Digital - coaxial 3. 5.1 out 4. composite - video 5. regular (red-white-yellow) - video 6. VGA - video How should I connect this player to the receiver? Audio: player - AVR - speakers Video: player - TV or, player - AVR - TV? Also, there is option to choose dolby etc in the player, also I see that in the movie menus. So where do I actually choose the mode (dolby, dts etc) once I have the AVR: 1. in the player, 2. movie menu or, 3. in the AVR menu? Pl. help. |
New member Username: RaavanPost Number: 10 Registered: Apr-07 | final query - for a room size 15' x 15' - living room of an apartment: will Paradigm Cinema70 be sufficient or will Cinema90 make a substantial difference. Cinema90 will really push my budget (30% costlier than Cinema70), but thought as I will not be buying this everyday, so whether the stretching of budget will be worthwhile effort? |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 13960 Registered: Dec-03 | As far as connections go, my own set-up on video connection is direct from the DVD player to the TV. It by-passes the receiver altogether. My audio connection is connected via 5.1 analog directly to the 5.1 analog input of the receiver and backed up by digital audio connection. You choose the mode through the AVR, but it is best to leave it at auto detect and let the receiver make the choice for you. You will know what his means once you get the AVR and read through the manual. There is also a set-up involved with the DVD player when it comes to the digital outputs, again read your manual. And for your environment, the Cinema 70 will provide adequate sound, but the Cinema 90 should provide a more enveloping experience. I believe it is a more worthwhile undertaking. |
Bronze Member Username: RaavanPost Number: 11 Registered: Apr-07 | Berny, thanks a ton. I understand that you (& other guys) do this help/guide people like me in your free time - which you could have spent very easily doing something else, and in doing so, you have no tangible benefit other than satisfaction. I dont know how many people understand - it is the low budget guys who need more handholding, as they cannot afford to make many mistakes (esp in countries like India, where vendors do not have this free trial period). I have spent considerable time on search & research on this subject and thanks to you, slowly coming to understand some of it. I am ordering them - Cinema90 & Pioneer 516, this week. Thank you, very much - I really appreciate your guidance, on my & my family's) first home theater. |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 13962 Registered: Dec-03 | No problem, Raavan![]() I understand how it is like to be on a budget and how hard it is to find the system that will fit the bill. I have lived in the Philippines and South Korea and I remember what it was like to look around for places that can provide you with good equipment at a reasonable price. Have fun and good luck with your purchase. |
Bronze Member Username: RaavanPost Number: 12 Registered: Apr-07 | Problem: The dealer is NOT selling Pioneer separately. It is compulsorily bundles with JBL. I havt to go for Denon or Marantz SR3001 or Onkyo-304E. Which would be better? The Marantz will stretch my budget again, could not find a single review of the unit/model. This is the cheapest marantz. comes with a 3 yr warranty. Denon 1507 or the the next step up model, comes with 1 yr warranty. Will that make any difference? Speakers, I understand chances of failure are low, but not sure of the AVRs with all their heat. Pl. help. |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 14002 Registered: Dec-03 | You cannot go wrong with Marantz or Denon. Skip the Onkyo. |
Bronze Member Username: RaavanPost Number: 13 Registered: Apr-07 | Thank you, let me try with the dealers. |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 14007 Registered: Dec-03 | Let us know which receiver combo you buy. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: RaavanPost Number: 14 Registered: Apr-07 | Asking the same question twice: (pl. dont get irritated) Can you tell me how Paradigm speakers (Cinema 90) will do with Marantz? The reason for asking is that Marantz is supposed to be "warm/laid back" and so are Paradigms. Will the match be OK? Would you suggest Yamaha or Denon over Marantz? Can you pl. suggest which would be the "best fit" for Cinema 90 package: Marantz SR3001, or Denon AVR1507, or Denon AVR 1507 or, Yamaha RX-457, or Yamaha RX-557? Pl. note I mean only the budget models for all the three companies. I have no chance of auditioning any of the same. Marantz is giving 3 yr warranty. Denon almost none (grey market) only personal guarantee of the dealer. Should this be a factor considering heat & dust in India? The AVR will not be in airconditioned room, but average room temp will be ~35C. |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 14011 Registered: Dec-03 | The Cinema 90 also works well with the Marantz, and I do not think that the Cinema series are warm sounding at all. I believe they are on the neutral side of things. |
Bronze Member Username: RaavanPost Number: 15 Registered: Apr-07 | Thank you, I will be back after a chat with the dealer on what best he can offer. |
Bronze Member Username: RaavanPost Number: 16 Registered: Apr-07 | Finally ordered today - Marantz SR3001 and Paradigm-90-CT. Expecting delivery by this weekend. Wish me luck ! |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 14016 Registered: Dec-03 | You don't need luck ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: RaavanPost Number: 17 Registered: Apr-07 | Blown away, Unbelievable etc etc. :-)))) Commissioned the system the day before - had a fright as no sound was coming - found that the volume was too low!!! Music thru' mp3 player was good. Did basic speaker sound settings using a SPL meter. Kept the crossover at 120Hz as suggested in many reviews of the Paradigms. Later there was the second fright - was no sound from the DVD player. After trying a few things, changed the optical for the coaxial cable and everything was OK, yesterday night Sampled few scenes from few DVDs (podrace in Starwars 1, depth charges in U-571, LoTR 1-3). The result was that I could never imagined that my modest collection of dvds held so much audio! The sub does not "seem" to make any sound by "itself", unlike the other speakers, where in some scenes you can feel the sound from the rear etc. The bass seems to be coming - spread around - I had to check physically by feel that it is indeed being made by the sub! Thank you , once again, Berny! You were right, the system is excellent!! |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 14058 Registered: Dec-03 | ![]() Enjoy your new toys! |
Silver Member Username: DirtfarmerAlberta Canada Post Number: 695 Registered: May-04 | Berny i see you are still at it lol |