So a few days ago i picked up a pair of monitor audio radius r90's as front speakers and r45's as rears. i was gonna do a 5.1 system. i found a second set of r90's up for sale for dirt cheap in the color that i need them in.
would there be a way to have a pair of r90's up front, the r45's as side surrounds or something, and another pair of r90's as rear surrounds? or would it be a lot better to just do r90s up front and 2 sets of r45's for surrounds? becuase of my source for the second set of r90's....they would cost the same amount as r45's normally would.
i guess what im getting at is...would having unequal rear surround speakers throw off the balance or the sound of the system as a whole?
The ideal application is to place the second set of r90s as surrounds for music and the r45s for movies. If your receiver supports it, you can switch back and forth between the two sets of surrounds, based on what you are listening\watching.
Which set where depends on the mfgs suggestions for dipoles vs. bipole designs. I am lazy or I would look it up for you.
so are you saying it would be a 5.1 setup instead of a 7.1 setup? or are you saying that the r90s would be in back for music and r45's in back for movies?