I have narrowed it down to, cambridge 540r v2, or harmon kardon, or pioneer elite, or integra 6.6, or marantz, which one would be more, detailed, natural, and not so bright, and not have repair problems.
I gess Im going for the HK avr 645, I have read so many reveiw on the running hot and the shutting down problems, but even bad reviews say how good they sound, if someone can tell me Im making a huge mistake please tell me now
It makes no sense to choose a new receiver without taking into account what speakers the receiver will be driving. The H/K is a very fine receiver, but paired with the wrong speakers, it can sound like mud. H/Ks have an extremely warm and relaxed sound, but pairing it with Paradigm or PSB speakers which also sound warm and relaxed can make the overall sound much too relaxed to the point of being boring, IMO. Conversely, putting the H/K with a brighter speaker, such as Klipsch, Focal (jmLabs), Quad 11s, etc., then you have a great system.
The same may be said for almost any receiver--you really have to know what you are going to be driving. So the question I have for you is, what speakers will you be driving?
I have considered what you have said, Im using warfedales, I would say there not bright or warm, I have not read many reveiws using warfedales, The receiver is on its way, a 645 HK for 730.00$ no intrest for 12 month, I know they sound a little on the warm side, but extremely warm that cant be right, can it, all the reveiws say how detailed,clean, natural, and slightly warm they sound.
I got the receiver 3 days ago and its exactly what I was after, matching qaulity receiver to speakers for, detail, rich and natural sound, and a touch on the warm side, something great for music and movies. I called HK and talked to a tech before it arrived and asked every question I could think of, conclusion, HK has no speaker recommendations, I would be fine with 6ohm speakers, the HK 645 is very powerful and fast so there should not be a distortion problem, they do run hot so proper ventilation is a must, I did a lot of modifying to my cabinet because of that, and this unit weighs a ton!!, so far it has not broke on me, that`s my only concern now.
I gess so, OK Im putting it out of my mind, this unit is going to last for years. But the fan has yet to come on and it gets very hot, Im calling HK to get more info, I hope its because of all the work I did on venting, its only the center top that gets hot thou.
I called HK the tech told me, its going to get hot its a high current amp and the fan will only come on under extreme loads, then he told me to take a valium and drink a few beers, just kidding, Im calm now, Im going to pop in some steely dan and crank it.