Axiom/Ascend/HSU Setup


New member
Username: Frank_gore

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jan-07
Here is the potential setup for a room 19x13x9 open to a dining room with 10x8 dimensions.

Fronts: Ascend CBM 170s.
Center: Ascend CMT 340.
Surround: Axiom QS4.
Sub: HSU STF 1
A/V Receiver: Either NAD T743/744 or a H/K AVR 144/145.

While this setup is over my budget of $1,500, I was wondering what people thought I might be able to sacrifice in order to get it under $1,500. (I'm willing to to substitute other Axiom, Ascend, or Aperion speakers) If this setup is going to be especially awesome the way it is, I'll find ways to save cash elsewhere :-)

Thoughts, comments, concerns?

Bronze Member
Username: Usernamex


Post Number: 79
Registered: Oct-05
"I'll find ways to save cash elsewhere"

on your system, or by selling a kidney or something?

You might save some on a NAD T743 by finding clearance stock? I think the main difference to the NAD T744 is the move to lead free solder required by the EU. There is supposed to be upgraded DAC's in the new models too...

New member
Username: Frank_gore

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jan-07
By starving myself for a month.

Just kidding, but I mean saving cash in places outside of home theater.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12962
Registered: Dec-03
Do you really want the QS4? If not you could go with the Ascend 170s all around with the 340 as center.

New member
Username: Frank_gore

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jan-07
Now Berny, that is what I was really concerned about. The QS4 and QS8 posts/reviews I've seen rave about them. While I haven't seen any posts dissing them, I've seen a lot posts suggests that monopole(?) setups are fine and in some instances preferable. What made me think the QS4s would be good for me is that:
A) I listen to music about 20% of the time. The other 80% is split between games and movies. My impression was that you should listen to music in 2.1 (out of the 170s) and then for the games and movies, the QS4s would be awesome. Am I incorrect in assuming that?

I was also thinking that I could save cash but replacing the QS4s with Ascend 200s.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12966
Registered: Dec-03
" "My impression was that you should listen to music in 2.1 (out of the 170s) and then for the games and movies, the QS4s would be awesome. Am I incorrect in assuming that?

That is what it is, an impression. Your listening preferences can only be determined by none other than yourself. Although they are great set-ups, my preferences did not lie anywhere near the dipole speakers. If you have had the chance to experience them yourself then you would be able to tell if you indeed prefer them over regular surrounds.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12969
Registered: Dec-03
And with listening to music, there are no hard and fast rules on how YOU should listen to them. Make your own rules by using your ears. :-)

New member
Username: Frank_gore

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jan-07
As always, you are correct sir. I guess my concern is,however, why did you originally question my interest in the QS4s?

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12971
Registered: Dec-03
Because you were concerned about budget. You really are not going to sacrifice anything per se, if you do decide to go with the Ascends as your rears. The QS4s will be different and different does not mean better.

New member
Username: Frank_gore

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jan-07
Very true. So what you're saying, basically, is that I need to listen to some dipole speakers before I decide to drop a few extra hundred dollars on them.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12975
Registered: Dec-03
If it is at all possible, yes. But what you may want to do is compare a dipole or (bipole, whatever they call it)vis a vis regular bookshelf speaker. I am not against Axiom, I actually own the M80s and they are excellent speakers, I just didn't think the QS4s were my cup of tea. It is no more encompassing nor enveloping in their audio qualities as opposed to the M22s when listening to multi-channel sources.
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