I just realized that when you're backing up your DVD collection using software like DVD Shrink that when you Back it up the software automatically unchecks the DTS option! I've been backing up DVDs without realizing the DTS audio wasn't being transferred. How disappointing. Anyways I thought I'd warn people. DTS is higher quality therefore takes up more disc space so it degrades the video quality a little, but DTS is worth the compromise.
I'm sure you are well aware but you can help improve video quality by removing all the menu's etc and removing the credits etc at the end of the movie. That is, unless you like reading the credits.
also, its been rumoured the guy who made dvd shrink was hired by Ahead to create the dvd shrink type program in Nero 7 (is it recode 2?). I've used it once or twice. Works the same as dvd shrink with slicker menus and better recode time. Does need slysoft's anydvd or similar to remove copy protection though.
You can always use 2 discs, then there's no need to compress. I never could understand having a backup that's inferior in quality to the original. Why bother?
what is the point of backing up your DVD's to another DVD i could understand putting them on your hard drive or something like that. but like David said "a backup that's inferior in quality to the original" DTS is a aswome sound format and would suck to lose.
I have some DVDs in my collection that are special editions, platinum editions etc. that I don't necessarily want to expose to dust and scratches so I've backed them up so I don't risk damaging the expensive DVD
I back up all of my movies and watch them on a 110 inch screen and there is no way you can complain about the quality of the picture. Keeping the best sound and making the movie file maximum as possible by removing menu's, special features and end of credits keeps the picture quality of a high enough standard that people wouldn't even know it was a copy unless you told them.
Some movies can be copied without noticable loss, some can't. Once it goes past 90s% compression, the loss is easily noticable to me. There are many movies that go into the 70s% compression, even without anything but the movie itself.