Hi Has any on setup the Denon receiver with a Rear Center channel. If so could you please let me know how. I found some info here and there about the rear L and R channels that could be used for the Center as they are mono channels. Also that it could be either two channels as that in a 7.1 setup or just one. But my question is if I just want to connect one Center channel do I just hook it up to either Left or Right Surround back and use it as Center or how do I go about it. Please let me know.
There should be a setting for either (2) rear speakers, or (1) rear speaker in the setup menu. Im not real familiar w/that Denon reciever (you didnt mention model number) but once you have your setting for how many rear speakers, you should be able to use either one of the rear channel outputs, unless your manual says different. DONT use the rear as another center channel, use it as a REAR channel. In other words, dont hook it up to a second center channel output(if there is one)