PCM OR RAW what the different??


New member
Username: Ackl

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-06
sorry if the question sound stupit..
I just got my first home theater system
not very sure what to do with the connection
(or did i do it correctly)
I have
-A samsung 32" LCD TV (LA32N7)
-Pioneer VSX-515 Reciever
-Toshiba SD 770SR DVD Player(with HDMI Output)

I connect it up the following way
LCD TV audio out to reciever TV audio in.
DVD HDMI out to TV HDMI in
DVD coaxial digital out to reciever coaxial in
(currently digital output set to "RAW")

the biggest problem i face now will be the setting of the DVD player Digital audio output
on the manual it said the following
-when connect to a Amplifier with DTS decoder set the digital output to "RAW"
In the HDMI section it said
-When DVD video player is connected to TV using HDMI ,make sure the digital output set to "PCM"

the question i have here will be if i set the digital output to PCM can i still get DTS sound?
or if i leave it as "Raw" will if affect the sound output? or it make no different to set to RAW or PCM??

like i said it may sound like a easy question but i total have no ideals at all..

I believe i have more question on setting up the speaker system as time come.
But hope to get the 3 system(Reciever,TV & DVD) hook up correctly first.
thank for any help.
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