I just got my Onkyo 650. This is my first serious home theater system and I want to set it up properly. I want everything hooked up, I have my televison, Comcast Digital Cable, Panasonic DVD, VCR, and PS2. I know I will use RCA cables to hook up the VCR and the PS2. My question is how best to connect the Digital Cable and the DVD player. Should i get a coaxial cable for the DVD? And should i use RCA cables or an optical cable for the digital cable? Thanks for any insight and help. I'm sure there is info I have left out, i just dont know what it is so please respond with any questions. Thanks in advance
Relative Newbie
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Here is my setup. Onkyo HTS650 system. Onkyo DVCP500 (DVD) hooked up to my Toshiba 50 inch via Component Silver Serpent BetterCables for video and Digital COAX Silver Serpent BetterCables for audio. Silver Serpent subwoofer cable for the subwoofer. Have Hughes DirecTV satellite connected via Silver Serpent BetterCables S video to TV and Silver Serpent BetterCables rca connections for audio. BetterCables are somewhat expensive but worth every penny. Tried the Monster 3 cables and was not impressed. Monster cables are not worth the money. For more info on BetterCables check out www.bettercables.com