New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-06 | A few years ago we bought a 42 inch JVC plasma, a JVC rx-6042 receiver, go video DVD/VCR and out comcast HD box. It was all installed by a pro and worked great, till I screwed with it. ![]() Well the go video went to hell so I got a new JVC DVD/VCR. The sales guy said I should be able to hook up the DVD strait to the receiver wit hjust the 3 component cable.. Y, Pb and Pr So I do and nothing. My receiver is hooked up to the TV with the Y,Pb,Pr and a cable from the recicver that says Monitor out. I'm no braniac but from what I do know shouldn't just the Y,Pb,Pr from the reciver go into the TV.. Then the HD box and DVD can hook up to the receiver with their Y,Pb,Pr hook ups. help... |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 2983 Registered: Jul-04 | If your TV has 2 component inputs, just connect straight to the TV from the DVD and cable box. The less equipment you run the signal through the better. |
New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-06 | Well the TV is mounted on the wall already and the cables all run through the wall. All the AV equipment is in another room so to try and snake more cables through the wall might be a PITA. |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 2984 Registered: Jul-04 | You'll have to tell exactly how everything is connected. Are you sure you've got the receiver on the right input? Are you sure the TV is on the right input? Look at the back of the combo and see if there's a switch for component/s-video output |
New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-06 | Right now the cable from the wall comes into the HD tuner box. The Y,Pb and Pr cables go from the HD box into the receiver component VCR in. ( to see TV we set the receiver to VCR) Plus a few others I will look at when I get home from work. Sorry.... Then I have the Y,Pb,Pr coming from the DVD Component/progressive scan out into the Component DVD in on the receiver. Then from the receiver we have the 3 Y,Pb,Pr lines going from the component video monitor out to the TV. PLUS, there is a line coming from the Monitor out line on the receiver to the TV. So 4 lines total to the TV.. Then all the speaker lines... I have all the JVC manuals open on the JVC site but hell if I know how to post them. I'll trace everything when I get home better. Thanks.. |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 2988 Registered: Jul-04 | There is no such a thing as a VCR component in. If it's on a VCR input, it's composite. Look at the back of the combo for a component/s-video switch, I've seen them on DVDs before. |
New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 4 Registered: Aug-06 | David,, Here is how the wires are as of this minute.... From the wall to the cable in on the HD box.... The HD box is hooked to the receiver as follows.... 1)Y,Pb,Pr out...-to- Y,Pb,Pr VCR in (it's colored blue green red)... 2)Then audio out (red/white cables) -to- VCR in (play) 3)then, video out (yellow) -to- VCR video in (play) thats it from the hd box to the receiver..... Then from the receiver, there are 4 lines to the TV and they are.... 1) component video monitor out...Y,Pb,Pr -to- ...Input-1 Pb,Pr Input-2 Y (video) 2) Monitor out -to- Input 3 Video now I Might not be a bright boy but tell me this.. There are 4 lines going into my TV... the Y,Pb,Pr all came out of the receiver right next to each why when they go into the TV does the Pb and Pr hook up to the INPUT 1 , then the Y goes to the INPUT 2 video then the Monitor out cable goes to the INPUT 3 video. |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 2990 Registered: Jul-04 | The Pb/Pr/Y should all be on the same input. If they've got the Y on another input, it's wrong. The monitor out will need to be on a seperate input for the VCR, which doesn't output through the components. |
New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 5 Registered: Aug-06 | So I need to get my Y,Pb,Pr on on the same INPUT on the monitor. So why does it also have another Monitor out cable going to a seperate video in. Souldn't the 3 Y,Pb,Pr cables be enough? |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 2992 Registered: Jul-04 | Yes, the Pb/Pr/Y should be on the same input. If the TV is HDTV or EDTV, the DVD should be set on progressive scan. The second input is for the VCR, which doesn't output through the components. |
New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 6 Registered: Aug-06 | The TV is a Plasma EDTV. And it has 3 inputs on the back. Now we dont run a VCR, it is a DVD/VCR combo. And the TV is on a wall and all the A/V equipment is in another room and the cables run through a wall. So to run seperate/more cables to the TV might be a problem. now I learned this last night... The Y,Pb,Pr are only for video, right... So even if I have those from my DVD/VCR running to my receiver I still need the red/white cables for sound from my DVD/VCR t othe receiver.... right. |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 2994 Registered: Jul-04 | If the receiver has digital inputs, digital coax, TOSLink, you connect the DVD with one of those. It's the only way to get 5.1 and DTS audio. If you do use a digital connection, set the audio in the player menus to bitstream. If there isn't a digital input on the receiver, then you'll have to use the red/white analogs. You'll want the DVD on progressive scan with an EDTV. VCRs don't output through the components, you'll need to use a seperate composite to watch the VCR. |
New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 7 Registered: Aug-06 | Now for more weirdness. Like I had mentioned.. The 4 cables going to the TV looked to be screwed up. The pb and Pr cables went to one Input, the Y went to another Input and the cable from the Monitor out on the receiver went to another Input. so with the TV turned on I moved the Y cable so it was on the same input as the Pb and Pr cables. But with the Y cable removed the TV stayed on. Same to when I pulled the Pb and Pr cables. Huh..... But when I pulled the 4 cable that goes to the video jack on Input 3 there goes the picture. So obviously I need this 4 cable ,but if the RGB is the video source then wha tthe hell is this other cable for. Man on man. |
New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 8 Registered: Aug-06 | This is the receiver I have.. |
New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 9 Registered: Aug-06 | And my DVD/VCR |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 2996 Registered: Jul-04 | The components should be your video for the cable box and the DVD. You need the other cable for the VHS. It doesn't matter if the VHS is in a combo or not, VHS doesn't output through component out. The receiver audio in should be either TOSLink (optical) or digital coax, whichever the DVD, cable box, and receiver support. You need to have both the receiver and TV on the right input for what you want to watch. Look at what input the cable box and DVD are on, and set the receiver on the proper input for whichever you want. Do the same with the TV. You'll get better picture quality with the components, especially with the DVD on progressive, so the only time you should use the composite, input 3 from what you've said, is to watch the VCR. |
New member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 10 Registered: Aug-06 | Ok, bear with me just a little more.. I think I am catching on... finally. Ok, my DVD palyer has both coax and Optical (digital audio) outs. And my receiver has 3 Digital In jacks. 1 Coax in 2 Optical It has the coax as DVD and one optical for CD and the other for TV. So if I am understanding you right. I would hook up my Y,Pb,Pr for the video and the Coax for the sound. Since both Coax and Optical offer digital audio.. Right? |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 2997 Registered: Jul-04 | Yes, coax or optical is basically the same thing. Your cable box should have a digital output too. So use the components (RGB) for video on the DVD and cable box both and the digital audio for both too. The VCR will need seperate audio/video connections. The DVD player will need set to stream or bitstream, whatever JVC calls it, in the audio menus. You'll definitely want the DVD on progressive scan with an EDTV. |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 11 Registered: Aug-06 | The RGB plugs on the output of the DVD says progressive scan on it so I will look through the manual to see how to turn it on. Ipicked up 2 coax audio cables on the way home from work and tonight we will try it out.. Thanks for all the help David |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 12 Registered: Aug-06 | Well crap. We went to watch a DVD tonight and no love.... We got the sound but no picture. I know that much was hooked up right.. I tried another set or RGB cables and they didn't work either but we got a picture when we hooked up the S video, So I would imagine my new DVD player doesn't work properly. Man, it's always something... |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 3000 Registered: Jul-04 | There's probably a switch in the back, or something in the on screen menus to select component. I used a JVC DVD recorder for a few months, it had to be set for s-video or RCA input in the menus. Make sure you've got the connections on the receiver right. You might be able to take the combo to where you bought it and see if it outputs through the components there. Then you'd know if it was your wiring or something with the combo. |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 13 Registered: Aug-06 | I also hooked up our old DVD/VCR to see if it worked. Same deal, the DVD player had sound but no picture. I hooked up the S video and then it worked. When we had the old one hooked up before I bought the new one I had the S video hooked up so it was probably playing through that the whole time. Not knowing I just needed the RGB and digital coax for the DVD player before imust of just thought it was working. Now with my new found knowledge ![]() I hope I just have something not set right in the menu. One more thing. For some reason my Sub isn't working either. ![]() It has a single cable going ot it and I pulled it out of the receiver to make sure it was all the way in and got some feedback out of the sub. The sub is turned on and plugged in on both ends. so who knows what happened to that. Man o man... I will go through the DVD manual tosee if my setting are right, then maybe try to take it in to see if it works at the store. |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 3001 Registered: Jul-04 | Are you sure you've got the TV on the right input? The component and s-video are probably 2 different inputs. You may need to go into the receiver menus to set up the sub. Mine has a sub yes/no and bass out front/sub/both in the receiver menus. |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 14 Registered: Aug-06 | If my HD box and DVD all go into my receiver shouldn't it just be the receiver input I need to change for TV/DVD/stereo? My TV has about 4 Inputs I can go through and when it's on Input 3 is when everything works. Yet the RGB cables go to input 1 on the back of the TV and the "monitor out" cable from the receiver out goes into input 3 on the TV. |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 3002 Registered: Jul-04 | You want to be using input 1 on the TV for everything except VHS. If you don't get anything on input 1 on the TV, then either the receiver isn't on the right input, or the component connections on the receiver are wrong. |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 15 Registered: Aug-06 | Remember what I said about the receiver out puts. There are the RGB cables plugged into the "Component video monitor out" and go into my Input 1 on my TV. Then a single cable plugged into the "video monitor out" going into the Video in in the Input 3 on my TV. So it seems like the TV is getting the signal from the receiver through the single cable. Because I can remove the RGB from the Input 1 and the TV stays on. Maybe I will just pull the single cable all together and see what I get. I should be able to use just the RGB right? |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 16 Registered: Aug-06 | Ok, I think I have it... After looking at the online service manual... it looks like I have mine wired for the RGB for my component... and the single line is my composite. So.. if I am running my DVD, i need to be on the TV input that my RGB cables are wired to. If I am watching a VCR, I need to be on the TV inpit that the composite cable runs to ,Input 3 in my case. Damn ,I'm starting to learn a few things here Are you pulling your hair out David.. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 3003 Registered: Jul-04 | You should be on input 1 on the TV for watching the cable box too, you'll just switch inputs on the receiver. |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 17 Registered: Aug-06 | But when I watch TV I have to put it on input 3 to see the TV feed. So if my RGB from the receiver is on input 1 and my s video from t he receiver is on input 3 then it's safe to say when the TV is on it is coming through the s video? Just for a test.. I should be able to remove all the S video cables since it is only for the VCR, And then just try and get the cable box and DVD working correctly through the RGB cables...Right? |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 3005 Registered: Jul-04 | The VCR shouldn't even output through the s-video. I've never used a combo, but most or all of them don't output the VCR through s-video, only composite. If you're only getting a signal on video 3, then you don't have the receiver on the right input. The receiver needs to be set on whatever input the components are connected to, video 1 video 2, etc. You will need to change the receiver input for DVD, cable box, VCR. If you don't know what input everything is connected to, set the TV on video 1 and switch through the inputs on the receiver until you see the box and DVD on the TV. |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 18 Registered: Aug-06 | Your right.. It's the red/white/yellow cables.. And here is another question... Can I just run my RGB from my DVD to one of my TV inputs and skip the receiver. Just running the coax digital audio into the receiver. It would mean trying to fish cables through the wall but that will skip the whole mess right. One of these days I will have all of this mess straitened out. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 3006 Registered: Jul-04 | Yes, you can connect it straight to the TV, but then you won't be able to watch the cable box through the components. If you've got the cable box and DVD connected to the in on the receiver and the TV connected to the out, then it should be as simple as setting the TV on input 1, turning the cable box on and going through the receiver inputs until you see a picture on the TV, then do the same with the DVD. |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 19 Registered: Aug-06 | It sounds very simple, yet for some reason I am really having a terrible time. ![]() ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 20 Registered: Aug-06 | Well this is all screwed up. Ok... so I hooked up my RGB cables from my component out on the receiver to my TV on Input 1. Then set my receiver output to VCR as that is the input that my HD box is in. I set my TV input to 1.. And get nothing... I had sound.... I treid Input 1.2.3 and video4/PC and digital in. None of them worked. I then changed my receiver input. I tried DVD, DVD multi, VCR, tape/CDR and so on. I only got sound when the receiver was on VCR. so I screwed with the cables on the TV... I put them back to where there were before I had the problems.. On my TV input 1 I have a R/L audio, video,s-video and the PbPrY.. So to get a picture i put my Red to the Pr and the blue to the Pb on input 1. then put blue on the video on input2. The the cable coming from the receiver that is on the video out goes into the video in on input 3. So it is obvious tha tmy TV is set to the video 3 input and is running of the single cable from my receiver. So in essence my component cables are doing nothing. I have no idea why it is like this, or why it was installed like this. But the guy who installed it all will be here next Tuesday. damn,, Thanks for all your time John. But this is all screwed up. As you can see. |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 21 Registered: Aug-06 | Well I have no idea why I called you John. Sorry about that David. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: SamijubalPost Number: 3008 Registered: Jul-04 | The only other thing I can think of is,I've seen JVC TVs that have to be set to component input in the menus, the default is s-video or composite. |
Bronze Member Username: Bad1971oldsBonney Lake, Wa USA Post Number: 22 Registered: Aug-06 | I'll check that out. All I know is this is some frustrating stuff. I think I have a pretty good idea on how it all works now and it seems pretty strait forward but for some reason this thing is hooked up so friggin backwards and I can't get it to work any other way. I spent over an hour last night moving cables and changing inputs only to get more pissed. You have explained everyting very well and I understand how it should work, I just don't know why it doesn't. I guess I will add TV/stereos to my list of unexplainable things. Right under cars and women. |