I own the HT-S650 and am quite pleased with it, considering the relatively low cost. I liked the receiver because it had all of the features I was looking for, and the s-video switching is nice. In the future, I would like to upgrade the speakers. I was thinking about moving the fronts that came with the system to the rear, and purchasing a new center and new fronts. Any suggestions for good replacements for this system? How big can I actually go for a receiver like this? Thanks in advance.
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Try Athena or Energy.
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Still waiting for a good reply =/
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Hey Cannon, I recently asked that same question to a friend of mine who is fairly knowledgeable in this area. He told me that I would have to spend a lot of money to do any better than what I already have (the speakers that came with the HTS650). If your looking for suggestions, Infinity is a good brand, but I don't know a lot about it so get a second oppinion or talk to a sales rep at a store.