Hey there people. I have a question regarding the quality of cables supplied with all in one kits.
I bought an all in one kit thru ebay. An unknown chinese manufacturer. Its not that bad to be honest. I understand that A/V and digital cables supplied with these all in ones are crap and should be updated.
My question is about the actual speaker cables. Theyre flimsy and pretty crap. If i upgrade the speaker cables with high quality cut to length ones will this improve the sound output for the speakers and woofer??
Im finding that some movies are pretty low and i have to crank it up (80's movies) and some movies are too loud and have to be turned down (blade 2, underworld and DTS enabled DVDs.
Do not waste waste your time and money trying to improve this unknown chinese manufacturer. Why spend the money on improving cables when you should have spent the money on the source unit? Better quality cables will not help a low or mediocre quality equipment.
The recorded sound on movies are recorded at different levels and has nothing to do with your equipment, so it is not the fault of your cables.
It is recommended that you spend about 10% of your systems value on good quality inter-connect cables (...as a general rule!), so although upgrading can and will improve performance it depends more-so on having a good source to begin with. In fact upgrading could only reveal more of your systems limitations!!
Its not a set rule as such.... more of a general guideline. For example if your system is worth 3000 then 300 is not too much to spend on good quality cables to get the best out of your components( speaker cables, hdmi cable, power cable and such...). Likewise its no use spending hundreds if your system will not benifit that much from upgrading your cables... although even cheaper cables will out-perform those crappy freebies that sometimes come in the box! Its about economies of scale... As for who " made up that" , most good av mags make that recommendation especially if you have serious kit. There is no doubt that some cables can be really expensive so its a matter of shopping around for the best deals!