Home theatre connections


New member
Username: Norfed2

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-06
ijust purchased a Panasonic SC-HT740 home theatre system. I also have a Motorola DCT6400 digital video recorder set top from Cox Cable, and a Sony Wega KV-36HS500 high definition ready TV. What cables and connection diagram would provide the best audio and video with the least number of cables?

Silver Member
Username: Mccambley


Post Number: 219
Registered: Jun-05
You have HDMI out on the Panasonic and DVI in on the Sony, you need a HDMI cable with a DVI adapter. The panasonic only has one AUX input for sound so use that with the cable box, RED and WHITE RCA CABLE from cable box to AUX in on Panasonic. Your cable box should be hooked up with Component video cables and anolog RCA cables to the TV.

New member
Username: Norfed2

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jun-06
Casey, thanks for your reply. I purchased the HDMI with the DVI adapter, and I already had Component video cables, and those are both hooked up. Video looks fine, but I don't have any audio. I connected the red and white RCA cable from the cable box audio out to the Aux in on the Panasonic. I also ran another cable( black and grey)from the cable box audio in to the TV audio out.I would like to have the audio for the TV to run through the Home Theatre speakers. Any additional help would be greatly appreciated.

Silver Member
Username: Mccambley


Post Number: 222
Registered: Jun-05
Ok that last cable (black and grey) is not doing anything. When you send audio from the cable box to the panasonic that is the sound for your TV programs. If you have two audio outs on the cable box send one to the receiver and one with the component video to the TV so you don't have to put on the stereo to hear the nightly news.Check your cable connection from the cable box to the panasonic make sure red to red white to white and AUX is selected on the receiver and check the volume.

New member
Username: Norfed2

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jun-06
Thanks Casey. I actually do have audio on the home theatre, but not on the TV. I did not know to select AUX on the receiver. I will try that. My cable box only has one RCA audio out. Both the cable box and the receiver have an Optical SPDF port. Is that needed for anything? Also, should I purchase new RCA audio cables. The red and white ones I am using are old and inexpensive. Again, thanks for all your help!

Silver Member
Username: Mccambley


Post Number: 224
Registered: Jun-05
John are you sure about that optical input on the Panasonic SC-HT740, the web site says no Digital input.If it indeed does have it use to send audio from the cable box to the recever and use the red & white to go to the TV.

New member
Username: Norfed2

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jun-06
Casey, I was wrong about the digital inputs on the Panasonic.There are none. Everything appears to be working now. I didn't have the sound loud enough on the reciever to hear the TV. Should I purchase newer and better RCA cables, or use the older, cheaper ones I have now? Also, any reason to upgrade the speaker wires. I think they come with 16 gauge wires.Thanks again for all your help.
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