brntwood Unregistered guest | HUMM--Where at CC. I just went on their page--499 w $50 MIR. (Where's the $350 deals??? :-) |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 16 Registered: Jul-04 | Yesterday it was 599 minus a 50 rebate to make it 549. Today they took off another 100 to make it 449. Don't think you will see it for less then that from them. Here is todays link.... 1&b=g&u=c |
PM Unregistered guest | I've noticed that the 760 had a "subwoofer mode". From looking in the 770 manual you have to select "Large" speakers, double bass and crossover frequency; does it get the same kick out of the subwoofer as the 760 did ???? Or should I ask those of you that have the 770 how did you set up your system and are you happy with the subwoofer output (movies and music)??? Does it have the same kick as the 760 ???? |
franco Unregistered guest | Im in California right now and returning to NYC tommorrow. I have $500 gift card for PC Richards, does P.C. carry ht-s770? does any one know, or should I look for something else> |
New member Username: Mp906Post Number: 10 Registered: Jul-04 | PM, the subwoofer is bigger and better in the 770. 10" sub and 220 watts. I have mine half way up and it is too much... |
Bronze Member Username: Mp906Post Number: 11 Registered: Jul-04 | My 770 came set on "small" speakers, which is appropriate for dual 5.25" drivers on the front speakers. But, my crossover was set at 80 instead of the recommended 100 for the 5.25's. Sounds great with the small/100 settings. |
DrumDude Unregistered guest | I am having the same problem as 'the new guy'. I have my audigy 2 hooked up to the reciever (770)using the mono mini to coax from digital out on soundcard to coax digital in on reciever. When watching DVD's from my PC i get VERY low vocals from the center channel. Anyone know whats wrong and how to fix this? Thanks |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 17 Registered: Jul-04 | Before I actually put all the connections for my tv and cable box, does any one know that when you put these connections to the Onkyo that you can still hear sound from tv without putting on the Onkyo? I really don't want to keep the Onkyo on for everything, especially baseball or football games. So far I am only enjoying dvds and cds from the Onkyo. I temporarily connected my tv audio out to video 2(don't know if thats wise). I don't have a digital tv but do have digital cable box. Any input from any one? Should I just connect EVERYTHING to Onkyo? A bit confused on this. |
PM Unregistered guest | Thanks kenH, I was wondering why Onkyo got rid of the subwoofer mode ???? Or was the subwoofer modes nothing more than the crossover settings ?? Do you have the "double bass" mode engaged or is that over-kill???? I'm looking to see if I can find the download manual for the 760 system so I can compare. |
Bronze Member Username: DaddyrabbitPost Number: 29 Registered: May-04 | Manual here ( I think this is the 760 rcvr)... |
Bronze Member Username: DaddyrabbitPost Number: 30 Registered: May-04 | Tom, I wouldn't think that outputting TV audio to the Onkyo would be too much of a problem as long as it's line level. That said, why not use the Onkyo for everything and reduce the chance of the TVs circuitry adding noise to the signal? I was connected as follows: - Comcast digital box audio L/R to Onkyo, composite video directly to analog CRT. - DVD audio to DVD in on the Onkyo, SVid to TV. I used the Onkyo for all audio... Connected now: - Comcast HD-DVR (Moto 6208) DVI out to DVI in on Samsung HTN617W 61" DLP, Fibre to Onkyo. - DVD Component out (progressive) to HLN, Fibre to Onkyo. - Sony PS2 Component out to HLN (progressive), Fibre to Onkyo (note: I got my wife REALLY drunk one day ![]() The point of the above is that the one common ground in both configurations is that I use the Onkyo for ALL audio since the sound, even on normal stereo sources, blows away TV speakers. Luck |
Unregistered guest | Now on sale at CC for $499 after rebate. They said the 5hr $405 price before rebate was a big mistake and will not happen again. I'm still looking for a sub $499 price anywhere shipped. |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 18 Registered: Jul-04 | Thanks Gene. I will start messing with it this week for I was on vacation and just came back. I just saw at J and R for all those interested in silver they have it in stock now. Tom |
Unregistered guest | Hi All, I am very new to HTIB, I bought Onkyo 770 on 5 hr sale, I connected all speakers and its playing only Front LEft and Front right speakers in Stereo mode, When i change to surround its using center, and rear left speakers. At any combination all the speakers are not playing at a time, I am using DV-CP802 DVD CD PLAYER AND CHANGER and bought DVD-A CD to check this out. When and try to test individual speakers in surrond mode no sound from Front L&R speakers. BTW I am using V2 channel with optical cable. Is there any special setting I am missing, please help me i could not figure out. Thanks, Mustang |
edster922 Unregistered guest | swylen, very easy to do: excellent dealer, very reputable. For $50 more you can separately buy the Onkyo tx-sr502b receiver coupled with the JBL SCS160SI speaker system from the same site, this should give you a notch or two of even better sound quality, with the same Dolby IIx capability. |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 19 Registered: Jul-04 | Edster, JBL speakers suck. Dbs really low rating on them. I had tested some of them out and they sound lower then most other speakers. Thats why even a store like Costco sells them cheap. The 502 is a great receiver but not the watts that the 770 puts out. Tom |
Todd1512351351 Unregistered guest | I just bought the S770 from I got it for $499 w/ free shipping, and no tax. Also, I got free speaker stands for it ($50 dollar value). That is the best deal I have found. Most companies say its 499 but then have $50 shipping, so yeah do the math |
rac2878 Unregistered guest | 6th Ave Electronics has them in silver for $499 and .06 cents shipping. |
TTHHEEMMAANN Unregistered guest | I just got a notice from They are back in stock for 499.00 with FREE shipping and FREE speaker stands. Can't beat that. |
Unregistered guest | I just purchased a new Onkyo 770 from Circuit City on Friday night. Got it home Friday night and set it up, and it has a horrible crackling sound, like you're playing a REALLY badly scratched vinyl record album (remember that?). I'm so disappointed. It sounded great in the store, but it sounds horrible at my house. Does anybody have any ideas about what could be causing this? Thanks. |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 20 Registered: Jul-04 | Lee, Do you think that maybe one or two of the speakers might be blown? Check every connection to the exteme as well. Use better connections too! If these don't work you might have to exchange it. Might have gotten a lemon. It happens. Maybe write to Onkyo on there web site. Tom |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 21 Registered: Jul-04 | I have a question for someone. I sometimes get a high pitch noise when I first turn my reciever on for the day. I shut it off and turn it back on and its gone. Any reason for this? Tom |
TTHHEEMMAANN Unregistered guest | Tom, or anybody who can help, I just picked up my new ht-s770 yesterday and after the setup started messing with the sound. I noticed that when it is in Tuner mode, I can choose from all the 6 or 7 modes of listening, but when its on the DVD mode to watch a movie, I can only get it to the Stereo, Pllx Music, and Dolby D modes, all the other modes wont come up for some reason. Do I not have it set up right or what? Please help. |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 22 Registered: Jul-04 | TheMan, I believe thats the way it goes. It depends on how it it is connected the dvd to the amp and it know which modes it can or should be played in. Tom |
Bronze Member Username: DaddyrabbitPost Number: 45 Registered: May-04 | TTHHEEMMAANN, Is the DVD connected to the optical or coax digital? If so then as Tom said the receiver will limit your selections to what is playable through that input (e.g. audio cd = stereo or PIIx, DVD = DD modes). You can test this by changing the DVD input to non-digital (even if it is not connected via stero cables) and it should allow you to select all modes, switch it back to digital and it will reduce your options again. |
Mr. Sky Unregistered guest | I would just like to confirm earlier reports by someone else in these boards that the subwoofer in this system is bizzare. It puts out only one bass note well, being silence to low in other bass notes. So it cant play a deep bass melody because its not capable of playing more than one note in that melody. Pity! I have posted an enthusiastic endorsement of the system on these board before, so feel that I should take it back. I liked this system so much on paper! But I went back to Circuit City and listened to it for a few minutes - radio! It booms the base one moment and the next plays as if there is no woofer at all. Its very annoying and definitely not good. As the 1000W feature of this system was the key feature for me, I have axed this system from my list. Once again, if its too good to be true, it is. |
TTHHEEMMAANN Unregistered guest | Tom and Gene, thanks for the input. I figured that was the case. I am using Optical input for the sound and have found that it only gives me those three modes. I also found that using the co-ax cables for my TV gives me all the options. My guess is that the movies made until now were meant to be played on what the reciever sees as a best fit for it. I watched Behind Enemy Lines and The Patriot and all I can say is wow, I love it. I think one of my buddy is still nursing a bullet wound from the war in The Patriot. |
Bronze Member Username: DaddyrabbitPost Number: 47 Registered: May-04 | Please don't let that buddy watch "Sum Of All Fears" ! ![]() |
TTHHEE MMAANN Unregistered guest | Mr.Sky. I wanted to clarify what you had said about the bass box only hitting one note. I listened to my system last night and paid extra attention to the bass box. I could distinctly hear different ranges in the bass it self. I think that it may sound like a harder hit on one note is because of the depth of the note. But like I said I heard all types of ranges for the bass box itself. Can anyone agree with what I said or what Mr. Sky said? Thanks |
TTHHEE MMAANN Unregistered guest | Todd15123, When I ordered my system, the speaker stands were not included and when I called them about it they said that they were shipped separetly (this is from btw). Do you remember how long it took for your stands to arrive? Thanks. |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 23 Registered: Jul-04 | My subwoofer works fine. I have a very good ear for any mistakes and it sounds great to me. Like I said in an earlier post when it comes to music you do need better front speakers though. I tried it with all the speakers that came with it and in my opinion the fronts were a bit "tinny" for me. I kept my big Cerwin Vegas for the fronts. All in all what a great sounding piece of equipment. Tom |
andy nj Unregistered guest | I just got my system for $450.00 from 6th ave. What should happen when you're watching a dvd mastered in 5.1? Where should the sound come from the rears? Mine processes 5.1 through the rear (back) and rear left...the rear right is silent. Also, when I tested Gladiator , which is mastered in 6.1, I didn't get simultaneus sound output from the 3 rears? Your thoughts.... |
JamesJ Unregistered guest | andy only certain sound effects will come out of the rears. If you put it on all ch. (on my reciever) which is one of the dsp's it will come out in the same volume, but it won't be dd or dts. |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 24 Registered: Jul-04 | Found this interesting for any one that likes opinions and pictures of other peoples home theatre systems setups and advice.Its from CNET |
cha Unregistered guest | hi,i just got ht770.Is anybody know remote control code for my cable-brand name;Scientific Atlanta.There is no code number in the manual. |
DanHi Unregistered guest | I think the reason some are saying the amps are rated higher in the 770 HTiB vs. the stand alone TX-SR502 receiver (even though they are basically the same receiver) is that they are confusing the amp specs. The TX-SR502 receiver is listed at about 75 watts/channel at 20 Hz - 20 kHz all channels driven whereas the specs on the 770's receiver is weighted at 130 watts/channel at 1 kHz on one channel. This is typical manufacturer spec. mumbo jumbo. The TX-SR502's amp ratings are far more accurate at 75 watts/channel under real world conditions. They change the measuring system to fool those not "into" home theater who tend to look towards HTiB setups for their first taste into thinking that it puts out 130 real world watts with all channels driven when it does not. Watch your specs. closely. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 1548 Registered: Dec-03 | *snicker* we used to call people, that base their purchases on big numbers, "measurebators"! The bigger the number the more impressed they are and the more likely they are to buy, no matter how crappy it is![]() |
Bronze Member Username: DaddyrabbitPost Number: 53 Registered: May-04 | " think the reason some are saying the amps are rated higher in the 770 HTiB vs. the stand alone TX-SR502 receiver (even though they are basically the same receiver) is that they are confusing the amp specs. The TX-SR502 receiver is listed at about 75 watts/channel at 20 Hz - 20 kHz all channels driven whereas the specs on the 770's receiver is weighted at 130 watts/channel at 1 kHz on one channel." So is there a measurement somewhere on the 520 @ 20hz-20khz, all channels driven? I wonder if it is close to the 502 (if they are the same basic receiver) e.g. with equal measurement specs the 520 = the 502? Not being snide but curious, the same question with PC hard drives is ages old (the megabyte question). While not the epitamy of a "measurebator" I am guilty of quoting the above "power related" statement. I bought a 770 based on brand name, discrete channels, digital i/o, owner recommendations, and lastly listening to it, NOT the really pretty, shiny 1000watt sticker on the front. I could have bought the "3 Gigawatt Sampo Monster Madness" HTIB but to be honest most of the sub-$1k HTIBs I listened to sounded like crapola to me. I live in a rural area so finding an audio store that would set up a system with a 502 (or any other component) with the speakers I want (don't have them in stock? order them and I might spend $500 on a system) is as likely as my dog NOT licking his nether regions just when I have company over. Most users who purchase HTIBs I am guessing (no expert here) get a headache trying to figure out what a 10th of a percent of THD, combined with SNR, noise floor, crossover freqs (ok that's important) etc mean to US who listen to a system, like the sound by comparison, spend our money buying it, hook it up and are very happy (or at least are very satisfied) with the purchase. While I am not an audiophile (know a few) or a HTphile (got a decent rig though) I sincerely think that the majority of HTIB purchasers aren't either, by comparison HTIB users are the Mac buyers on the forums, (you know, the KISS principle). ![]() My 2 pennies |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 25 Registered: Jul-04 | Way to go Gene. For my two dimes worth, I also bought this system based on sound and recommendations. Price wise you can't go wrong at all. Who can afford a sytem in the thousands and who said that they are any better. I looked over and beyond reviews from other people on all sort of web sites where this system was being sold. It was very very highly recommended from just about every one. Loudness is a big factor but sound and total harmonic distortion comes first. I do still believe that better front speakers are the way to go especially for music though. Which I all ready had. I am definitely happy with this system for my ears are very sensitive for anything that is not right and believe me this system is more then just all right. Tom |
Bronze Member Username: DaddyrabbitPost Number: 54 Registered: May-04 | Tom, I agree, the speakers are not by any means the best (but they also are not the worst). I am by NO MEANS an audio expert and have gleaned a great deal of info from the likes of Matthew T. and Berney. In my view sound is such a subjective thing (not like PCs where performance can be quantively measured)that recommendations are half fact and half perception. That said, the reason people come to the HTIB forum is because they usually want a "Home Theater in A Box", not to be told what they bought is inferior, or to be told how they can go to a home audio/home theater specialist or five and piece a system together after 6 months of research (which kinda' rules out the "in a box" thing). IMHO while the Onkyo 770 is far from a killer audiophile rig it obviously, from the responses on the web, has been "cream of the crop" for sub-$1000 HTIB systems. I'm very happy with mine. If a year or two down the road I decide I want speakers that are better I'll buy them then (which I could not do had I bought the $2000 dollar Bose lifestyle system that some other experts said would "rock my world"). Not a bash on anyone or a rant, just my opinion and you know how opinions are ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 1577 Registered: Dec-03 | uh oh, I hope you guys don't think I'm criticizing your choices![]() |
New member Username: HaddadskiPost Number: 4 Registered: Oct-04 | How do you guys mount these speakers to the wall/ceiling with the crappy "picture frame" brackets that are on each speaker? |
nikhil Unregistered guest | With small headed screws in the wall. |
Anonymous | Has anyone experienced distortion or bad "highs" in the center channel with the 770 when you turn it up above say volume > 40? I'm trying to figure out what to do to resolve it. I replaced the factory wire with 16 gauge speaker wire which took down the problem a little but you know, once you hear it the first time, you're always looking for it. Using coaxial cord between DVD player and receiver. Primarily noticable during movies when the dialogue has yelling. Heard it for the first time with Star Wars ANH and the original Godfather. I'm starting to wonder if it's the DVD player, or the speaker itself? |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 26 Registered: Jul-04 | I haven't heard that one before. The only thing that happens to mine is that when you initially turn the system on I sometimes get a high pitch noise. I turn it off and on again and its gone. Don't know why this happens. Tom |
Bronze Member Username: 1st61Post Number: 58 Registered: Oct-04 | I am not aware of this and will pay attention. |
Peter Barber Unregistered guest | Have just setup my new Onkyo S770 with the Onkyo HT520 (8 ohm) speaker system. It sounds great. However, instead of the Onkyo front speakers, I would like to use an older great pair of AR SRT 330's (6 ohms impedance). Alot of posters said they mixed other speakers with their S770, but didn't mention if they were 8 ohm speakers or different. Can mixing 6 and 8 ohm speakers overheat the receiver or void the warranty. Anyone have any experience doing this? |
Unregistered guest | I actually shopped quite a bit and was leary of buying this system due to the things I've heard about it from Matthew T and others. I took some CDs to Circuit City to listen to it and there were a few that just sounded like the range was very limited. It was hard to tell though because they had a ventilation system fan right above the unit. CDs: Dave Matthews Mozart Mindy Smith Guster Van Morrison James Gershwin and a couple other classical CDs I went to Ultimate Electronics (AudioKing) and listened to a Denon (possibly the Denon AVR-1604 receiver and Infinity Primus 150 Bookshelf speakers) system with Infinity surround speakers. A system that he said was Denon's lower system and had a combined cost of about $750. I had the guy play a scene from Matrix (where Neo and Trinity are gunning down security in the lobby trying to save Morpheus). It sounded good but I couldn't hear much from the rear channels. It was in a sound room and the guy had it CRANKED. Almost too loud for my preference....and I like it loud most of the time. Anyway, then he took it to a system with just front floor stand speakers, a center channel and sub. It sounded better because of the floor stand speakers. The seperation was better but again, not much rear sound (obviously no rear speakers) He used a Denon receiver. Again, sounded good. I didn't get a chance to listen to music but I'm willing to bet a lot of money that the floor stand speakers would have sounded way better than the Onkyo 770 fronts. I also didn't have a chance to listen to music with the Infinity surround speakers. I may go back and listen to them later though. So, after this I went and bought the Onkyo 770 system knowing I had 30 days to return it to CC if I didn't like it. I brought it home and lugged the 114lbs box up 2 flights of stairs by myself. I set it up with the cables that came with it and played the same scene from Matrix that I heard on the Denon systems. The sound coming out of the fronts weren't as full as the floor stand speakers (obviously) but was pretty good. Now, the thing that really amazed me was the rear channels. I could hear empty bullet shells clinking on the floor in the rears. I didn't hear that at all on the Denon. It was obvious here and was AWESOME! That alone got me excited. I feel that if you can't hear anything in the rear channels then why even get a surround system? To say the least, I was happy with the system after that. I watched the 3rd movie of Lord of the Rings and was not impressed however because the center channel was hard to hear but that was my fault because I had it set under the TV and I have a coffee table. As a comparison for each of those two systems with the scene from the Matrix I thought the Onkyo 770 sounded better because of the rear channels. The sound was a little fuller with the 770s but I also have a smaller apartment living room than the sound room they had at Ultimate Electronics. I'm also guessing they didn't tweak the Denon system and it's probably all set to defaults for all I know. I know I tweaked my Onkyo 770 quite a bit and turned the rears up +2-+4 db but still, it was cool. I was happy with the Matrix scene comparison Next I tested the CDs on my new 770 system that I did in the stores. About the same quality. The front's seemed very limited in stereo mode. I had my girlfriend over and had her listen with me. I got some 16 guage cable and we did a comparison. First the .22 guage or whatever it is that it ships with. The sound was okay. Then, turned off the system swapped cables and then listened. What a difference it made. I have just some GE cable, not Monster. I couldn't believe the difference it made. The music that seemed to be limited to a small range had been expanded. Namely a song by Dave Matthews called Mother Father off the Everyday CD. I could hear parts in the music that I couldn't hear with the original cables. Amazing. So, when I look back at what I read from Matthew T. and some others about this system not doing a good job at music I have to semi-agree. The fronts aren't floor stand speakers but they sound good to me with the new cables. If you just listen at the store you won't beable to make a good judgement in my opinion. Well, unless the system is set up in a quiet/sound room and you know they put larger cables on it. Some may say, "what does he know about audio." Well, I don't have much to say to that. I all have for experience is that I lived with my brother for a couple years and during that time he's had Magnum Dynalab, ADCOM and other high end audio equipment (pre-amps, amps, tuners, etc) and he spent more than $5k on his multiple set-ups. Not to mention that he spent over $200 on speaker cable alone. I was able to tell the difference between two different speaker cables that cost a considerable amount of money difference. I have a spool of 100 feet GE cable that cost $20 at target and happy with that though. ;-) I'm going to be taking the Onkyo receiver over to his place sometime next week to hook up to his speakers and let him make a judgement on how the receiver is. I seriously believe it's a great system for someone who wants to spend less than $600 on a system that does it all. As for your question Peter Barber, I want to know too, my brother has some older floor stand speakers he had used for quite some time that I may beable to get my hands on. They are 6 ohm as well. Anyone? |
Bronze Member Username: 1st61Post Number: 60 Registered: Oct-04 | Azeiku, Good job. Thank you for making those comparison and posting them out. I am happy with this system though I did not make any comparison with others. I watched Omega Code movie and at one point during the gun battle the right surround was so impressive and as loud as the front speakers. I set volume to 40. The left and back were working too but I did not feel much impression, maybe there was no sound at those scene. I need try more movies. I put the two fronts on 24 inch stand and they sound better than on the ground. I have to put the center under the TV too, even below the coffe table. That may suck a little bit. I bought some speaker wires from Home Depot. 14 gauge 100% oxygen free copper for the front and center. 16 gauge for the surround. The HD employee told me that's good enough and said he had helped dozens to choose wires. Maybe he is right. |
Anonymous | I am fixing to buy this system. I am ordering it from Vann's. Has anyone had any experience with them? I am very, very excited to be finally getting this system, one I have had my eye on since August. Do they sell the speaker stands by themselves instead of in pairs? I need to get an extra one for the 6.1. I also thought of getting the 670 at HH Gregg but I think I will stick with this one. Is changing the speaker wire out a big necessity? Would the Phillips wire be good? 14 or 16 gauge. I heard that you shouldn't change the wire unless your speakers were going to be over 15 feet or so away from the speakers. Thanks... <>< |
Peter Barber Unregistered guest | Azeiko, I finally got Onkyo on the phone about the 6 ohm speaker question. The rep told me that the receiver could handle down to 4 ohm speakers; that mixing my 6 ohm front surrounds with the Onkyo 8 ohm speakers would NOT cause any overheating problem. Still, I have emailed Onkyo twice on this question with no response-I really would like to get this in writing. |
Bronze Member Username: 1st61Post Number: 61 Registered: Oct-04 | Vanns is fine indeed. They did not process my order for two days. I called them and was told they could not verify my credit card address and sent me email about that. Actually I got order confirmation immediately after I placed order and I did not receve any email asking to verify address. Called twice more and the second representative solved the problem quickly. The package was not well wrapped. The bottom was already open when the truck came to door. The driver asked me if I want him to take the package back. I judged that the real thing inside the box had not been damaged yet and accepted that. They no longer give free speaker stands. |
matth Unregistered guest | So nobody has experienced the fuzziness/distortion in the center channel? Dang, it must be my DVD player then? Would anyone recommend trying the optical cable instead of the coaxial? Any other ideas to try? Sorry, obscessed at this point to get it resolved. You know how it is ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: 1st61Post Number: 62 Registered: Oct-04 | I tried two optical and two coaxial including one Monster ultimate 1000 coaxial cable. I was unable to tell differences. SO I kept the optical along with the Component video cable. |
Unregistered guest | Anonymous poster: I have done some research about speaker cable with gauge and length. To answer the anonymous poster's question. "Is changing the speaker wire out a big necessity?" It depends on your preference. If you want better sound and further distance then yes. I would change it. The stuff you asked about, Phillips 14-16 gauge, would work better than what is supplied, in my opinion. You have to remember though that I'm not an expert. I'm an average Joe consumer just like you trying to figure this stuff out...but my experience shows that it does make a difference. Again, from my post earlier I did a comparison between the cable that came with the 770 and with some 16 AWG (AWG = gauge = size). When I put Mozart's Requiem in and started playing it with the new cables my girlfriend was in the kitchen and said, "That sounds better honey." From the KITCHEN. I couldn't believe it.. she could hear a difference from the kitchen. I mean, don't get super excited about how much it improves but it does help fill the ranges that didn't seem to be there before. It's a noticable difference. As for your statement, "I heard that you shouldn't change the wire unless your speakers were going to be over 15 feet or so away from the speakers." I'm assuming you mean the speaker is 15 feet from the receiver not the other speaker. Which speaker? Front left and right? Well, 15 feet is the length of the cable they supply in the 770 package for the fronts. They say nothing about the gauge or if it's copper or not. People are saying it's about 22 AWG which looked right to me but I'm not great with determining that by sight. Anyway, according to a site I was reading ( They state that if you use 8 ohm speakers (this is the impedance that the front speakers are that ship with the Onkyo 770 system) and have 22 AWG cables that your max length should be 12 feet if you don't want the speaker cable to exceed 5% of the rated impedance of the system. If it's longer then the cable will not beable to give the full power to the speaker. It causes extra resistance that will degraded the sound quality. So, according to that site... The cables that come shipped with the 770 are inadequate. The minimum they should have shipped to not have any extra resistance for 15 feet would be 20 AWG. Which might very well be what they shipped, but if they did ship 20 AWG then the rear channels need different cable because those are 35 feet in length. According to that site, the rear channels using speaker cable length of 35 feet should be 16 AWG minimum if you don't want some of your power lost in cable during transmit. So, the only cable that is sufficent that came shipped with the 770 is actually the 10 foot cable to the center channel. That would be the only one you don't need to swap out IF you want to hear the full capabilities from the other speakers of the equipment that you just spent approximately $500 on. ;-) I don't know about you but $20 from 100 feet of cable is worth it so I can have a better sounding system. Again, your choice but I'm willing to bet that you will be happier with at least 16 AWG cable. Also, don't forget that if you have 15 feet of cable but your speakers are only 5 feet away from your receiver, the current still has to flow the full 15 feet of the the cable to get to the speaker regardless of where it is physically located ;-) I know it's obvious but I just want to make it SUPER obvious. ;-) hehe. 1st61: The Home Depot cable that you got is sufficient according to the site I cited above. As long as you don't go past the 50 feet using the 16 AWG cable. Funny thing is, you should be using the 14 AWG cable for the rear and 16 for the front... assuming you aren't using more than 50 feet. ;-) They also state that the oxygen free cable doesn't make that much of a difference with the oxygen portion of it but it's the process of removing the oxygen that actually removes lead. Lead free is the idea I think is what they are achieving there. Peter Barber: Cool, thanks for calling them. If you get that in writing I'd love to have it too. I'm really worried about damaging my receiver. I don't want to do small amounts of damage over the warranty period and then after the warranty is gone have the damage noticeable, you know? If you and I DO use our 6 ohm speakers we probably should be using 16 AWG or greater with a max length of 37 feet. ;-) matth: No sorry, I haven't had my system long enough to notice that. I'm using optical though so maybe that's the difference? *shrugs* I also am just using my PS2 for my DVD player until I get a better one or marry my girlfriend, who has a decent one already. ;-) They say that optical is the best though for audio and that component is the best for video. I don't have component right now... but my girlfriend does. hehe. ;-) Everyone: Anyway, again, don't listen to me though I just read this stuff online and am a Joe Consumer like the next guy. Plus, who knows if they are right. I think it makes sense, especially since I noticed a difference with just switching my front cables. I'm planning on going out and buying more 16 AWG cable from target for my rear 3 channels. I'll be cutting them at either 40 or 45 feet for all 3 channels. That way when less or more power is going through the cable, it is large enough and not too long to handle the load. A speaker doesn't pull the same amount of impedance all the time. It dips and rises over the rated value given. So, I'm going to be safe and stay under those max values given in the table on the site I gave above. That's just me. Another thing I want to mention on here and bring up is the lengths of matching speaker cable. So, for example, if you have 2 front speakers you probably want to use the same length of cable going to each regardless of their physical location. Same for the rear left and right. Keep the lengths the same regardless of where they are. That way the signal hits the speakers with the same strength. The impedance will be the same because the resistance the current got running through the cable is the same when it hits the speaker's voice coil. Now, my question is, do you suppose that if you used different lengths of cable for the rear left and rear right that the phase or frequency would be off slightly giving you an echo effect or some other strange effect? This is something I would like to know if anyone knows the answer. |
Peter Barber Unregistered guest | Anonymous poster: Yeah, I used 16 gauge monster cable to connect all speakers. I also replaced the subwoofer coax with monster cable coax. on your last question, it seems to me that the receiver setup function for distance & db level would avoid that problem. Everyone: FYI I just bought all my new cables, various connectors (all monster cable) from Highly recommended-fast delivery, everything in stock, low shipping. My entire order was net $112; would have cost $170 at bb or cc. check'm out. |
Unregistered guest | Oops, my post above is incorrect. It's not lead that is removed in oxygen free wire it's iron. My bad. Sorry. realized I was wrong after I re-read it. That site is the site of Roger Russell who was the founder of McIntosh Loudspeakers. For those of you that don't know the company, they are a really high quality audiophile equipment company. So that's why I feel it's credible information.. but any info you find on the web may not be credible. |
Bronze Member Username: 1st61Post Number: 63 Registered: Oct-04 | Azeiku, Thank you for the detailed post. I once called Onkyo and was told the wire from the box was 22 gauge and we could use wire between 220-14 gauge. 12 gauge would be too thick to plug in speakers. The Home Depot guy told me 14 gauge is sufficient for the fronts and center (same length) and 16 gauge is sufficient for the three surrounds (same length). Considering what you said that 14 gauge should be used for the surround I do want to mention one thing. I really did not hear much from the three surrounds. (one time it impressed me when I watched Omega Code movie at one gun battle scene: the right surround was as lound as front). I don't know if there is no much input from the original sound to the surround. e.g. even in real theater I did not hear a lot very strong sound coming from surround speakers. The total length of surround wire is 50 feet each. Since I need at leat 42 feet for the rear so I did not cut them just in case I need to move some thing like furnitures. So the 50 feet 16 gauge for the three surrounds and 17 feet 14 gauge oxyfen free copper wire for the fronts and center were hooking up my speakers. I wonder if it's this did not make my surround impressive enough or it's simply because there was no original sound input into the surround speakers. I did not make comparisopn and there was no way for me to tell. Please suggest a few good DVD titles so I can try them to experience more on the surround. |
Unregistered guest | 1st61: My favorite movie for testing the surround is The Matrix. I use it whenever I make an adjustment to speaker position or anything else. Like swap cables, mount the rears or change spots for the fronts or center. My favorite scene is the Lobby scene where Neo and Trinity are dominating the security guards. At the beginning of the scene listen for empty bullet cartridges hitting the floor. They will come from both rear channels but seem more pronounced in the right rear channel. Later in the scene Trinity is shooting one of the security guys with a shotgun. Listen at that point for the sound of other shotgun/gun firing noises in the rear channels. I'm using my Playstation 2 as my DVD player and I went in to the settings for my PS2 and enabled surround sound. I turned on both DTS and DD. Then in the receiver settings I change the dolby digital setting to "On" instead of auto or off to force the 6.1 (see page 42 of receiver manual "Dolby Digital/DTS setting (5.1 or 6.1-channel playback)" on how to do that if you are unsure) As for other movies, well that's the only one I use so far. I've only had the system for about a week or so. ;-) |
Unregistered guest | Peter Barber: Did you notice a difference with the subwoofer coax cable? I'm thinking about swapping mine as well but I don't know if it'll make a big enough of a difference. Speaker cable is understandable but is it the same with the coax? Is the monster cable thicker? What's noticeably different between that cable and the one it shipped with? Thanks! |
matth Unregistered guest | Thanks everyone for your help so far! So I went out yesterday and got a new DVD player and an optical cable. Don't worry, I wanted the new DVD player. Same results with the center channel. Couldn't really tell any significant difference between the optical and coaxial cable. I set the distances for the front at 4ft and the rear at 3ft. Currently my db settings are at neutral. Should I try setting it to negative settings? Guess I'm worried about getting a hollow point in the sound field but if it eliminates the prob I guess I'll have to. What are your settings for crossover, speaker size, speaker dbs, and any other relevant settings? |
Bronze Member Username: 1st61Post Number: 64 Registered: Oct-04 | I set speakers as large. |
Unregistered guest | matth: I too set all my speakers to Large. I use the 100 crossover as well. I believe I have seperate speaker settings in the +2db range for the center. My rears are +4 to +6db because I like to hear those a little more. As for problems with your center channel. I think that you should possibly try to swap speaker locations with another speaker. Example, swap the center speaker with a right front speaker. Not just their locations but their cable feed. Connect the center channel outputs from the receiver to the right front speaker. Vice versa for the right front outputs and center speaker. If you get the same results from the right front speaker as you did from the center speaker then you have a bad center channel in your receiver. If your center speaker still makes the same noises with the right channel cable plugged into it. Then it's a bad center speaker. It's possible that you have a faulty receiver or faulty center speaker. Does this make sense? If not ask and I'll try to explain more. Keep in mind that all the speakers are suppose to be the same impedance and handle the same power so you shouldn't really beable to damage the other speakers but I'd try a front because they are the closest. ;-) Let us know what happens. Whatever happens I'd probably contact Onkyo and see what they say. Sometimes products ship that are faulty or get damaged in shipping. |
Peter Barber Unregistered guest | Azeiko: The monster subwoofer coax cable is thicker, heavier guage wire, more shielding-I got it mainly because I had to move the subwoofer to the rear of the room (no space in the front), so I needed a 25 ft coax; but it does sound clean and full - sounds just as good in the rear as the front of the room. By the way, I went ahead and connected my AR floorstanding 6 ohm speakers (on a model closeout 10 years ago they still cost me $800, so you know they're good) as the front surround speakers. I just had to readjust the db levels of all speakers, but what a sound! Oh yeah, Onkyo never has replied to my email on the 6 ohm question. I sure hope their product quality is better than their support. |
Unregistered guest | newbie question- what's the easiest way to get the TV sound through the system? Do I have to coonect it through a VCR (which I never use)? thanks |
Bronze Member Username: DaddyrabbitPost Number: 64 Registered: May-04 | That depends on your TV and how you receive programming. If you get TV OTA and your TV has audio outputs they could run to the receiver. If not you will need a VCR. If you have Satellite or Cable with a set top box (STB) then you should have audio outs on the STB (maybe even SPDIF coax or fiber) but at least stereo which would connect to the receiver. |
magicray Unregistered guest | I just bought a ONKYO HT-R520 I think it might be the HT-S770. Anyhow would there be anyway of getting a remote for this rcvr? Meaning does anyones have an extra one lying around or something or can direct me to a location .. thanks |
airbuspete Unregistered guest | Magicray. You can buy a remote for the HT-R520 on They have a section for "remotes" where you can enter the model number. It costs about $30. Someone else had asked about speaker stands. They also have those for around $80/pair. Also, for anyone interested in buying the HT-S770 you can get a factory reconditioned one at for $350. That's total shipped to your door. I bought one a couple of weeks ago and I can't tell it from new. At least cosmetically. They offer the full factory warranty (you're buying FROM Onkyo) plus for $50 more you can extend it 2 years. I'm really happy with mine. I ordered it on a Sunday and Fedex delivered it on that Tuesday. No signature required. They ship from NJ (I live in PA). |
Blue97FXSTC Unregistered guest | Fry's online has the HT-S770S (silver) for $449.00 (shipping NOT included). Best price right now seems to be Crutchfield for $469.00 delivered, although I think this is the HT-S770B (black). g=135100 I'm fairly certain to buy this system, but I'm going to wait a while to see if Fry's (or Circuit City, or anyone else) runs a special. I'd like to pick it up locally for less than $400 (before tax). C'mon Fry's - Put it on sale! |
Unregistered guest | Blue97FXSTC: I waited for Circuit City do that with their 5 hour sale.. This week they are doing the 5 hour sale again but I haven't seen the HT-S770 go below $449.99 during the 5 hour sale. Right now they are doing the 5 hour sale and it appears that if you buy it online you get it for $499.99 plus a $100 gift card or something like that for use in their store. If you did that it could bring it under the $400 (before tax) that you seek. You could use the $100 gift card for CDs, DVDs or games. *shrugs* Or use the money to buy new cables.. although I suggest just going to walmart or home depot/lowes for cable. I'm thinking about returning mine to CC and buy it from shoponkyo. I also found that I can buy the DX-C390 6 disc CD player and the HT-S770 from for cheaper than if keep my current system (just the HT-S770). I bought it at CC for $499.99 before tax. I calculated that if I bought both units at shoponkyo and got the extra warranty I'd be paying about $50 more but then I'll have both the HT-S770 and DX-C390. Only difference is that they are reconditioned units. *shrugs* Your choice. I'm into saving money. My brother has bought a ton of demo'd equipment from various companies and has never had a problem. f something goes wrong with it and you buy it from CC you probably would have to ship it back to Onkyo anyway. I don't know this but it's probably the case. Anyone know the answer to that? |
Anonymous | I got my HT-S770 from for $430(inclusive of shipping). I called them and they matched the price with HT-S760 for $430(shipping included). I am kinda happy with this system. However I have some problem when I am trying to view a movie(DVD) in DTS-ES 6.1, there is no sound coming out at all. My DVD player is set to DTS mode as well... Any ideas??? |
Anonymous | Outpost has for $399 at the moment. |
Beryllium Unregistered guest | Tom L. 11.1.04 - 07:52 pm wrote: -------------------------------------------------- The only thing that happens to mine is that when you initially turn the system on I sometimes get a high pitch noise. I turn it off and on again and its gone. Don't know why this happens. Tom ---- Has anyone else had this problem? I hooked up my 770 a month ago and this has already happened 3 or 4 times. It is like a digital high pitched noise, but the bass is sometimes also distorted and LOUD. If you turn it off and on again or switch inputs and come back it is fine. It has happened with both TV input and tuner when I first turn the system on. Is this a problem? Am I ruining anything? |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 27 Registered: Jul-04 | Beryllium: I posted that problem a couple of times and no one but you and I seem to have this problem. So far no solutions either. I wish someone could help us here. Tom |
Dan Iowa City Unregistered guest | Just received my 770 reconditioned from with the reconditioned DVD. The price with free shipping was $443. Remember this was WITH the DV-CP701S 6-Disc DVD/CD/MP3/WMA Carousel Changer (Silver). I have hunted for anybody that has had a bad experience with 'reconditioned'. If it is from the factory -- go for it. I cannot find anything different than brand new. The sound is absolutely incredible. I listened to a $4,000 system today--and it sounded the same as far as I am concerned. I replaced the speaker cable with 16 gauge Magnavox (100 feet for $12 online). Question: are the AS-510 speaker stands the pair that fit the mains for the 770? Dan in Iowa City |
Anonymous | In the box systems SUCK!! |
Anonymous | Why the heck would anyone waste their money on an "in the box system?" |
monkey Unregistered guest | Yo, my friend bought one of these 770 things and wants another 2nd identicle subwoofer that came with the system. Does anyone here know where he can get one? Thanks. |
Anonymous | Can anyone help me with the hook up. I just bought the HT-R520 surround sound system with the DV-CP702 6 disc dvd player. I also have a set-top cable box. I am not very good at the hooking up part and would appreciate if someone could help me here. Thanks |
Bronze Member Username: DaddyrabbitPost Number: 76 Registered: May-04 | Connect the video out (preferably component) to your set. Connect a TOSLink fiber to Optical 1 on the receiver,(you can also use the included coax to the coax input but I prefer optical). Connect the blue RI remote control cable from the DVD to the Receiver (makes it easy to control the DVD from the 520s remote). Set the DVD input on the receiver to OPT1 (or coax if you used that) and you should be golden. If your cable box supports digital out then use that to one of the digital inputs and set Vid1 to whatever that input is. If not connect the stereo lines from the cable box to the video 1 stereo input. Please note that the above is just one way to connect. Depending on the model of TV, the model of STB. You can connect the Onkyo to do video switching as well if you wish but all the inputs and outputs must be the same(e.g. SVideo, Component). |
New member Username: ExcaliburPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-04 | I just bought the Onkyo HT-S770 in silver from Frys for only $300 on friday during their After Thanksgiving Sale. I woke up at 5am to get there. There were thousands of people there and they only has 12 HTIBs there. I rushed to the dislays and grabbed myself one. Even though it came with speakers I also bought 4 Polk R50s' for only $69.99 each. You can't beat that price. I love my system but I need a good DVD player to go with it. I currently have a Sony DVP NC665. I also hate that all the buttons on the remote do not light up. I will buy better speaker wire because the wire that came with the system is so thin. Once I have had it for a few weeks I will write review of the system. |
New member Username: StalalyPost Number: 3 Registered: Nov-04 | Beryllium and Tom, I am also getting the high pitched tone when I power up. Exact same problem as you guys have. Have you had any luck resolving that? Are you 770's new or refurb? I love the system but that tone is enough to make me return it if its not fixable. Has anyone spoken with Onkyo Tech support? |
Joe Mama Unregistered guest | "I just bought the Onkyo HT-S770 in silver from Frys for only $300 on friday during their After Thanksgiving Sale." Damn $300? I bought it off their site for $400 the other day thinking I'm getting the best deal..oh well. For some reason the silver one on the web site is $450. I wanted black anyway though. You can get the silver one for $400 from ecost with free shipping I believe if you want that one. |
New member Username: ExcaliburPost Number: 4 Registered: Nov-04 | I was surprised also. I saw the ad in thursday's paper. I couldn't wait until friday morning. Brand new in the box for $300. The R50's were a steal also. |
no 1 u know Unregistered guest | Hey owners of the Onkyo 770, I have a seriouse question and I'm dissn it or anything, but what is so great about a in the box system? |
no 1 u know Unregistered guest | I meant to say "NOT" dissn in previouse message. |
Blue97FXSTC Unregistered guest | Not as good as the $300 after Thanksgiving sale, but in case you missed that, Fry's online now has both the silver and black on sale for $399, with free shipping. HT-S770B (black) HT-S770S (silver) They say to call for availability, though. Most likely on back order. |
Blue97FXSTC Unregistered guest | I just checked stock at Fry's. 22 HT-S770B sold and awaiting delivery, 38 ordered to arrive maybe the 20th of December. 30 HT-S770S sold and awaiting delivery, only 12 ordered to arrive on the 20th. Fry's ships out of Ohio, so take that into account if you're trying to get one before Christmas. |
Beryllium Unregistered guest | Steve L.: No solution yet - I'm still having the high-pitched problem, but not as frequently. Mine is new, not refurb. I emailed tech support but like many others I never got a reply. I love the system, too, but I'm outside my 30 day window to return. Tom, have you gotten anything else about this? If anyone figures this out please post the solution. |
Bronze Member Username: TomltoonsBrooklyn, NY Post Number: 28 Registered: Jul-04 | About high pitch noise.....The last 3 or 4 times I turned it on it hasn't happened, but I know it will happen again. I haven't pushed the issue with Onkyo yet. If any one contacts them and finds out if it is some kind of a problem let me know. I am hoping it's no big deal performance wise when you shut it back off and then put it back on. I also noticed that when the high pitch went aaway the volume seemed to be under par and had to turn it off again and put it back on again. That problem happened just a few times. Tom |
New member Username: StalalyPost Number: 5 Registered: Nov-04 | High pitch noise problem- I spoke with Onkyo and they first had me determine if it happened with any input when I powered up and I told them that it didn't matter if it was DVD or Cable set top box, there it was. They said that they hadn't heard of the problem and I mentioned several complaints in this forum. Then they said that I would have to talk to Onkyo sales and Order dept to see about exchanging the receiver (as opposed to the whole system.) Or I could take it to an auth service center with no guarantee of prompt service. I am still contemplating what to do. BTW, I haven't noticed that the audio is sub-par after the high pitched sound. I am still tweaking my audio settings (including drastically reduced volume from premium cable channels) and haven't really found the perfect settings yet. |
ReadyToRumble Unregistered guest | Hello, for anyone interested in the Onkyo HTS770S ( silver version ) it is available through a web site for $399.00 + $6.95 handling fee, SHIIPING IS FREE. I ordered mine today and gave myself a big pat on the back and said " Merry Christmas " ooooooh my wife is gonna love me !!!! |
ReadyToRumble Unregistered guest | Oh .. and by the way, i know 2 friends that currently have this home theatre and also have done extensive research and i can honestly say that nobody will find a home theatre package of this quality and with this kind of sound for the price you can get one for at about $406 ( ) ... i've read all the posts on here and yes there may be some minor points being made such as better and bigger front speakers being needed etc. but i know people with home theatre set-ups that cost 3 times this or more and they have complaints about there's to, one complaint i heard from one was " wow, that $450 Onkyo system sounds better than my $1300 Bose " I just want to say this, if you want the best home theatre that you can buy for under $500 then this is the one, bar none !!! PS. my wife's gonna crap when this big box shows up in a few day's ( LOL ) |
New member Username: ExcaliburPost Number: 6 Registered: Nov-04 | I wish that I could go back in time and get another system for $300. |
Joe Mama Unregistered guest | Hey Blue, Where or how did you check the stock at Frye's? Did you call them? I just got a email saying they "hope" to have it within 30 days or sooner. I'm thinking of canceling the order and buying it from ecost. It's $7 dollars more but I'd get it much sooner (as of now). Only problem is they only have the silver one for $399. |
Joe Mama Unregistered guest | BTW Excalibur, that after Thanksgiving sale was only at the store locations right? If so, I have no control over that considering I'm in NY. But if it was online too I could kick myself. Circuit City's after Thanksgiving sale was $399, and that's right around the block. But I figured if I got it online from fry's or ecost I'd save the $30 something in tax. |
New member Username: ExcaliburPost Number: 7 Registered: Nov-04 | The sale was in the store. There must have been 2000 people in the store at the time. I woke up at 5am thinking that It would just be me and maybe twenty other people. I was severely wrong. |
JPPS Unregistered guest | Frys in southern California had it for 379.99 $. I picked one up on the morning after Thanks Giving. Hi Excalibur, can you let us know which store was the one that offered for $300. ? Thanks. |
jason brown Unregistered guest | I had a $75 CC gift card and was waiting for the 770 to go on sale. Day after turkey day it was $399... so I used da card and placed my order on I am still in the process of optimizing speaker placement and everything but I watched the first 20 mins of my Empire Strikes Back DVD and I was really impressed with the system. Worth every penny. This is especially satisfying for me as I am sorta "downgrading" my system. Before the 770 I ran a Sony 900ES receiver, Marantz MA500 monoblocks and an Acoustic Research AR303/AR205VC/AR218 speaker suite. I have the big pink monster cable speaker cables... forget what guage they are but they BARELY fit in the 770s speakers... 12ga? I added an AR sub cable and the rear-center and I'm diggin it. I plan on selling all that $pendy gear and pocketing the extra $. For rockin music, the ARs were some of the best speakers I have ever heard, the more power you gave them, the better they sounded. Truly a great speaker. I rarely listen to music anymore tho... 99% of my audio is DVD or videogame spawned... and the 770 does those VERY well, especially for the price. j |
Night Raven Unregistered guest | What type of DVD player are you using |