I have all my components plugged into the back of the receiver and I have the RCA monitor out connected to my television. I have noticed with this connection that sometimes the video signal flickers, particularly during scenes contain strobe-light effects (such as in the movies Aliens and Pitch Black from the DVD); this is also noticable from the Digital Cable box and the Nintendo Gamecube. It seems to only happen during scenes of quick flashes of light. Incidently, when I bypass the RT-R500 and connect the video directly to the television, there is no flicker. This is my second receiver - I returned the first one and the problem persists. I like being able to switch to different components using the remote rather than changing connections every time. Has anyone else experienced this? What can be done?
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Stop hooking it through your recvr. If you have outputs on your television, why would you go through your recvr? That's more traveling for the signal. Most people hook them up to their tv, unless they don't have the outputs for them.
I only have one set of RCA hookups - that is why I am running everything through the receiver. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this with Onkyo products or with products from other companies. Also, is there a way to boost the signal?
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Try hooking the DVD player to the TV via RCA cables. If your tv doesn't have component inputs, you're not going to see the benefits of component cables. Does your tv have s-video? Try hooking that up from your dvd player directly to the tv.
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Mike you have the exact same problem I had. I order a refurbished HTS-650 directly from Onkyo a couple of months ago. I hooked everything up (DVD, VCR, Gamecube, Satellite receiver) to my receiver through the RCA connections and noticed the flicking and distortion at the top of my screen. It seems to do it the worst when there is alot of bright whites and bright yellows on the screen.
I replace all my cables for all my connections and that didn't help. I tried hooking up only one component at a time and that didn't help. I tried moving my connections around on the back of the receiver and that didn't help. I then tried hooking my components directly to the TV and then that's when it became obvious that the problem was in the receiver. All my devices cause the distortion no matter how they are connected to the receivers RCA inputs.
I am like you in that I only have one input on my TV and that is a RCA input. I thought my receiver was defective so I called Onkyo and they sent me another one. It to had the exact same problem as the first one. I have since upgraded to the SR-600 because of this problem and the LFE problem and now everything works great.
I would suggest upgrading if you can afford it because it is clear that the HT-R500 receiver has problems with the RCA connections and some TV's.
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I had this problem with my Sony TAE-1000ES Pre-amp. It turned out that the unity gain setting of all super-VHS inputs were a little high. This was done so that signales that passed through wouldn't look dim (verified on an oscilliscope). This was fine for Super-VHS VCR because, although it had wider bandwidth the upper response droops at the very top end. The picture would bounce and tear at the top when I passed the satelite through directy of through the VCR (I ended up buying the service manual for the JVC VCR and using an osilliscope to set unity in the VCR to no avail). I later bought an AverKey VGA to S-VHS adapter and the tearing reappeared. I bought a Dennon 1803 - problem solved.
The Net, Net? It's a design flaw in the video switching of your receiver.
Jamie and Derek - Thanks for the info - too bad I can't return my HTS650 - I'm 10 days past the return period. And H.H. Gregg will not credit me for an exchange of the HT-R500 for for the SR-600. To bad I didn't wait for the St. Patty's day sell at onkyousa.com --> the SR-600 with speakers for $500.00 (free shipping). Hopefully I can get this repaired.