I have a Sony LCD TV and DVD player with HDMI In\out. I know the DVD video and audio go out the HDMI into the TV. The TV audio connects to the Reciever through an optical cable. My question is , Is it best to listen to the DVD audio with this current setup or should I connect the DVD directly into the receiver?
No expert words here, but I was planning on hooking up my DVD Player into my receiver via HDMI, and my LCD TV into my receiver via HDMI. Otherwise, I couldn't have both my DVD player and TV hooked up, via HDMI, to the receiver/DVD/TV, etc. My TV has only one HDMI out, same as my DVD player, so this is the only solution. Haven't got my new stuff yet, so hoping it works. Hope this helps.
What I've done is use the HDMI from DVD to Sony TV but route the audio from the DVD to the receiver. Since I would never watch DVD's without my sound system, this seems to work best.